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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. 11 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

    Highly doubtful. Apparently they were trying to take the catalytic converter from his car and he confronted them. They shot him and ran. 🤬

    Maybe I misread the article as I thought it said he didn’t confront them

    • Like 3
  2. 44 minutes ago, tv-talk said:

    Well that would mean the Welsh magic had cursed her, that there was no logical reason for everyone to abandon her, they were compelled too via the fairy magic. Yes, RTD is leaving it up to viewers to think what they want- I'm not a huge fan of that unless it's very specific as opposed to virtually every aspect of the story.

    So where are people theorizing the Doctor was during all this? The fairy magic just eliminated him I suppose? Then when Ruby had done her penance, dropped her back in time to where he existed? Suppose I am not too comfortable with the notion that a Companion is the one who had a trippy time/dimension experience without the Doctor having any awareness of it at all- he's the transdimensional being afterall, though that has probably happened before in Eps that I've missed.  

    Given the Doctor broke the circle, possibly he had to do penance as well, so he got disappeared into the cornfield (Twilight Zone reference). Or having the Doctor unavailable was part of Ruby's penance so he couldn't be around to help her at all

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

    I really liked this episode a lot, but I have the exact same question as many of you have.

    Besides what did future Ruby say or if apGwilliam still became Prime Minister, I am confused about whether everything the people said in the pub was untrue. At the time, it seemed as if they were making things up to scare Ruby, but Mad Jack really did exist. I guess within all the other questions that this episode left us with that this is a minor question (maybe?).

    From what I've seen others theorize, the folks in the pub knew the stories including the Mad Jack stuff but didn't believe them though they were, apparently, true. But they recounted them so we the audience could learn about them

    • Useful 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, tv-talk said:

    I get that and would be fine with it but not from her Mom! Or Unit really, but for her Mom to totally disavow her and never see her again? I found that a bit flippant as far as how RTD was treating his characters, Ruby's Mom would have never done thought- or so we would have thought. 

    Maybe the Old Woman told her mom that Ruby was being haunted and the only way to save her soul was to stay away forever. The thing is, Ruby was being punished for reading the spirit messages and her punishment was being abandoned by everyone that came in contact with the Old Woman. Whatever was said to her mom was whatever needed to be said to get her to abandon Ruby. Whatever that was Davies is leaving it up to the viewers to imagine and different people will come up with different things

  5. 35 minutes ago, tv-talk said:

    And was "Mad Jack" really all that big a deal anyway? I mean in the pantheon of Who villains the guy was a nothingburger. Was the fairy circle supposed to somehow have been stopping him but the Doctor broke it so the magic put old Ruby 73 yards away from young Ruby for 40yrs?

    I liked so much of this episode but geez it was just so M.Night in the end, all the creepy and interesting lead-up ends with a fizzle rather than a bang. At the very least tell me why Old Ruby caused people to run away and make her Mother hate her.

    One, I've seen theories that "Mad Jack" Roger didn't matter in regards the fairies punishing Ruby for her transgression with the papers she read. She thought he was who she was supposed to stop in order to stop what what happening to her and did so, but it didn't matter to her penance, which is why she lived out her life after she took him down until she died of old age. Then the fairies apparently took pity on her (or saw that she did good by stopping Roger) and allowed her to go back to the beginning with a warning so she would not transgress again

    Two, Davies seems to suggest on BTS stuff that it didn't matter what the old lady said and he won't ever spell it out, you just need to use your imagination to think that the old lady is saying *something* bad enough or her whole existence is doing something bad enough to scare the person away and not want any contact with Ruby ever again

    • Like 1
  6. 45 minutes ago, Starchild said:

    Right? I kept thinking, well if Ruby came back in time and stopped the Doctor from breaking the fairy circle, then who was around to stop apGwilliam in 2046?

    Maybe the Doctor this time around since he won't disappear in this timeline?

    Update on overnights, the episode was 6th for the night and the #1 scripted show. The FA Cup final was #1 at 4.2 million


  7. 3 hours ago, SanDiegoInExile said:

    Now that the season has ended, have we heard any details about the "closing tag" that was filmed in case the show was canceled ?

    Maybe Dan selling the house?  


    I could be misremembering, but did they actually film it or just plan to?

  8. 11 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

    That was the finale? Very emotional. The Bert storyline broke my heart.   The actors have done a phenomenal job.  Touching scene with Maggie and Marcel.  Sean and archer on the outs again.  Please let ripley leaving be a red herring and he didn’t attack the brother.   Until next season. 

    Yep, the finale for all the Chicago shows and others as well. It's a very short season due to the strikes

    • Like 1
  9. On 5/24/2024 at 5:31 PM, dubbel zout said:

    I think the timespan is wiithin 30 days. Long enough that Mason and Julia Fergus and Alexis can bore us to tears with their sparring. In the hearing they both made the same three points about 12 times, zzzzz.

    I’d like to know why Fergus was even allowed to present at that hearing given his family connections to the case. It seemed like a huge conflict of interest

    • Like 6
  10. Premiering June 1 at midnight Saturday in the UK streaming on BBC iPlayer and Disney+ internationally (in the U.S. that would be 7pm EDT Friday evening) and then broadcast on BBC One at 18:50pm (6:50pm) UK time

    Synopsis: The world of Finetime seems happy and harmonious. But an awful terror is preying on the citizens. Can the Doctor and Ruby make them see the truth before it’s too late?

    Writer: Russel T. Davies

    Director: Dylan Holmes Williams

    Runtime: 43 minutes

    Full production listing https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001zxwj

  11. 12 minutes ago, PurpleTentacle said:

    Well I guess he also hates himself. It's a joke, it doesn't have to make perfect sense.

    btw. you can quote relevant parts of a post. Quoting the whole thing doesn't make much sense.

    I'm also on another board where I can't do that, so sometimes I forget I can do it here

    I think in the end after listening to what others say here and elsewhere and understanding things better, I'm giving this an 8 out of 10. Even if I didn't understand it that well on first watch, I wasn't bored


  12. 3 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

    I don't know. I assumed it was going to be old Ruby, but none of the resolution made much sense.

    Why does she stay away 73 yards? Why can't you zoom in on her face? What does she say to people that makes them hate and/or fear Ruby? Why would she do that? Why does she keep standing there, signing for 65 years? Why does she have so much longer hair than old Ruby when she was dying? What exactly was the fairy circle and what did it do? How did Ruby travel back in time? Was it her own power or was it the fairy circle? Why did the "don't step" only work the second time around? Why don't her signs look more like "no, no no, no, no", like putting out your arms and showing the palms of your hand, in a stop!-motion, instead of her mini macarena? What exactly happened to the doctor?

    You can always keep some things unanswered in a story, but not literally everything. The whole season so far, it kinda seems like RTD writes his scripts in an afternoon and then refuses to do a second pass, to make it make sense and be consistent.

    Also what I learned from this episode: Welsh people are dicks. Not only will they screw with you every chance they get (of course the phone thing was to trick us for a moment, to suggest Ruby was in the past), they will also plunge the world into nuclear war, the first chance they get. RTD must really hate his time in Cardiff, if that's the impression he has of Welsh people...

    On that last point... does RTD know that Britain already has nukes? That's pretty much the only reason why they are currently building new nuclear power plants, to keep their supply of weapons grade material going. Those will last them for like half a century, once they are finally finished, which I assume they will be before 2046. Why would the Brits need to buy nukes from Pakistan? RTD really seems to think that Britain only has access to nukes through NATO, which just isn't the case. Did he do no research at all?

    I'm always disappointed by how dumb Unit and Kate Stewart are, when the script demands it. You'd think she'd take her ear piece out as a precaution, when her team approaches the old lady. But no, we have to have her get disgusted and/or fearfull of Ruby.

    Also why did Unit never try to get somebody like a meter away, not talk to the old lady and then make a police sketch of her? Or do you also get downgraded to 73 Yard vision when you are only one meter away? Then why do people not notice when they talk to her? Perception filter?

    And Donna or Mel never learned of this other companion of the doctor's, who had fallen on supernaturally hard times? I mean they both work for Unit now. It doesn't seem like them that they'd drop her, just because Kate orderd it. Donna would probably even tell the 14th doctor about it. But let's disregard that for a second, Unit just leaves the Tardis on a cliff? Why? Just because they hate Ruby now? Makes no sense. In the past they always made it a priority to secure the Tardis. I think it would have been better if we'd never involved Unit and just pretended that them and Ruby just never learned about each other.

    I think the Hiker is the most interaction we've gotten out of the mysterious woman this season. She's been in every episode, but so far she got like a sentence max, not a whole conversation that she got here with Ruby.

    Btw. do we really still need to die at 85 with dementia in a hospital in 60 years? Medical science hasn't come further than that? Well that's depressing. We have promising treatments for that being developed right now. So the show is saying that none of them work?

    You do know that Davies is Welsh, right?

    • Like 5
  13. This was an odd episode and I’m not sure I understood what happened.  I’m going to have to sit on it for a bit and read what others think happened. Millie did great though

    No opening credits sequence, like Jodie’s first episode

    • Like 1
  14. I’m not quite clear what they are doing here. Will the contestants’ businesses be used in the team challenges or do the pitches just get Gordon and Lisa interested enough to put them on their teams? In the end, do they support the winner’s business and mentor them or just let them use the 250k they win?

  15. That is definitely an interesting and welcome step and probably a big easing of the mods’ workload. I think the only real issue I have at the moment is that you can only “follow” the categories and not individual shows, but then, I’ve been doing that for awhile with the HBO documentaries category

  16. Quote

    HBO 2-part documentary series that premieres on Tuesday June 25 at 9pm ET with Part 2 airing on Wednesday June 26 at the same time. Both parts will stream on Max starting on June 25

    Logline: ONE SOUTH is an inpatient psychiatric unit at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Queens, NY that specializes in treating young adults in acute crisis. It may look more like a college dorm than a psychiatric hospital, but patients arrive every day in acute crisis. They are dealing with a variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, personality disorders and psychosis, and many have contemplated or attempted suicide. A team of doctors, social workers, and nurses work together to stabilize the patients and prepare them to return to the outside world, but time is limited and there are many obstacles. The two-part film follows the trajectory of a hospital admission-from intake, through the ups and downs of treatment, to discharge-as a variety of patient and provider stories are blended to create a rich portrait of a unique place.


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  17. Quote

    HBO documentary that premieres Saturday, June 22 at 8pm ET on HBO and streams on Max

    Logline: Stevie Van Zandt, known as New Jersey's most famous consigliere to Bruce Springsteen and Tony Soprano, takes center stage in this feature documentary, which traces Van Zandt's career as a producer, musician, songwriter, activist, actor, and more, from the clubs of Asbury Park, N.J. to arena stadiums, to the Bada Bing Club and the Underground Garage.


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  18. Quote

    HBO documentary that premieres Thursday, June 20 at 9pm ET on HBO and streams on Max

    Logline: "Slave Play" was one of Broadway's most celebrated, genre-bending, and daring productions - breaking records and receiving critical acclaim for tackling race, sex, and interracial relationships in a way never before seen on stage. In this playful and provocative documentary, playwright Jeremy O. Harris takes viewers behind the scenes, from run-throughs to performance, as he strips down his own work and directs new actors through workshop rehearsals. As the acting students parse the text and bring meaning to the words on the page, Harris turns his critical eye to the thoughts, inspirations, and creative process that brought the play to life.


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