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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. 41 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    It’s not all on Marcia Clark. Most of the jury already made up their minds from the get-go, seeing OJ as the victim of the LAPD but also of Nicole, the white gold digger that “stole” him from his first wife. Never mind that he was a crappy husband to both women, or that he was older and had all the control. All the education in the world about domestic abuse wouldn’t have made the slightest bit difference.

    Fortunately, this case and of course the Brown sisters pushing the topic publicly made domestic violence more understandable to many people and made the police and officials take it more seriously. That is probably the biggest (and maybe one of the very few) positive thing to come out of this sad circus of a trial

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  2. 7 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    Isn't this co-produced with D+ and BBC though? 

    Technically it’s co-produced by BBC Studios and Bad Wolf and distributed by the BBC on BBC One and iPlayer in the UK and Disney+ internationally. The BBC owns the rights and Disney+ is allowed input but not control

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    I thought this was a travesty of justice back then and I still do. That poor family and children. I hope OJ is rotting in hell. 

    I thought the whole thing was an absolute circus and yes, I disagreed with the verdict. At least he lost the civil case and spent a few years in jail for the really dumb Vegas robbery. Death got him in the end

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  4. So sad the pain the Brown family and Nicole’s friends suffered with her murder and the ensuing circus. They at least helped advanced the understanding of domestic violence. Really sad for the kids having to deal with all that crap and living with their father in Florida when he was probably doing drugs

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  5. I watched the last part back again and it does seem Mitch and Ted’s apparent aim was to get people to buy the stock as a way to enrich the company or themselves really. I guess that may be why they made so much noise and did so many interviews claiming a lot of nonsense and seeming to use the company for their own little piggy bank while letting the losses run amuck. If they had just raised the customer fee to a reasonable amount, they probably could have gone in the black, at least if they were honestly aiming for that. So not only did they settle with the FTC for defrauding the customers, but they also got indicted by the DOJ for defrauding investors and are awaiting trial


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  6. I finished it and what a mess of a business, no matter who was in charge. The original founders tried but couldn’t make a go without more money and I’m not sure things would have gone smoothly if they had gone ahead. The new guys in charge spent money like crazy instead of getting the finances under control first and Mitch and Ted ended up settling with the FTC for stuff they did with the business. No wonder the business folded


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  7. 18 hours ago, Makai said:

    I watched and found it interesting but felt like it wasn’t entirely honest. Like they really wanted to push the good guy versus bad businessman angle and ignored glaring issues with the original concept. It was a great, and completely fair, takedown of Ted and Mitch but the ending painted a completely false picture of the current state of Moviepass. 

    If all I knew was what I saw in the documentary, I would have been interested in signing up, but I’ve been following the new Moviepass and it is full of issues and unhappy users. I really hope any who watches and thinks about signing up does research first. 

    I also expected them to at least mention that the real lasting impact from Moviepass was how it pushed theater chains to launch their own subscription programs. 

    I’ve watched the first 30 minutes so far and it seems to me that so far, no one is a good planner because they keep doing stuff without really having a plan first. Did they even talk to AMC Theaters first and get them on board before barreling ahead with using the app at AMC Theaters? It just seems like they keep getting in their own way, including not capping subscriptions so they could have a chance to scale up. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll see more nonsense as I watch more

    I have been aware of MoviePass for a few years and it seems like a generally good idea for those who love the movie theater experience. I had no desire to take part as I generally stopped going to the theaters in the last decade or two as I’ve gotten older and as DVDs and streaming have made it possible to just wait for a bit and watch movies in the comfort of your own home. I was kind of amazed that they had a few million subscribers but some really want a move-going experience. But I can’t really imagine patrons end up saving very much if they also get theater food and snacks, which is where the theaters really get you

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  8. 18 minutes ago, Affogato said:

    I am not sure I buy racism as the driving force. I realize that is the dark fairytale of the week but…  If we are to assume they have been sent to a perfect world by their white supremacist parents, should they not have given is a sign of this? If they are all white, did we see enough to determine this! It seems more xenophobia, which has different implications. Anyway it comes across as a bit of a stretch in the narrative. 

    If you watch again, you'll hopefully notice the various microaggressions against the Doctor by Lindy and the others. If you weren't paying enough attention or weren't already primed to see it (if you were a Black viewer for instance), you might think "that was a weird comment" or "oh, major anti-outsider view there". The ending only cemented it. Some examples: 1) Note that the Doctor had tried other people before but got blocked and Lindy ended up ultimately blocking him as well, but didn't immediately block Ruby and even listened to her for awhile; 2) when the Doctor removed his block, Lindy at one point indicated not recognizing him as the guy who contacted her before because "they all look alike"; 3) Lindy got upset when she realized the Doctor and Ruby were actually in the same room and told them they were criminals, etc. At the end, they made it pretty clear they weren't going to go with the Doctor because of the way he looks

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  9. 3 minutes ago, gail56 said:

    I probably will keep saying this, but I LOVE this Doctor! The way he handled the whole situation, Ncuti's performance is amazing.

    My only nitpicks is if the Dots could kill people by themselves, why bother with the bugs? Also, as someone said above, how did they kill the whole Homeworld first? No one noticed that they were all being eaten before it got to the point of no return? No survivors at all? I can buy that on the little city, but not on a whole planet full of people.

    Still, great episode!

    Notice Lindy's dot had to take multiple tries before it managed to kill someone (Ricky). I think the dots were likely quite a bit inefficient in directly killing anyone so they used the Hug Slugs, who also tidied up. The plan also allowed the Dots to keep the residents focused on their bubbles and not realize what was going on

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  10. 11 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    I finally watched the episode. I don’t think I can add anything that hasn’t already been said. Lots of spookiness with political intrigue mixed in. Also, snow. Always with the snow.

    Where did the Doctor go at the beginning? Did he encounter the old day and get spooked off from Ruby? There are probably a hole of story holes, but that’s the one I’m most interested in thinking about.

    My initial guess is he got disappeared by the spirits as punishment for breaking the circle. But I’ve seen a good theory that his disappearance was related to Ruby reading the scroll that read “I miss you”, so he went away and she missed him and was unable to get help from him as part of her punishment for reading the scrolls

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