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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. Favorite Battles tonight:

    Karen vs Ryan, “Save Me the Trouble”. Really good “performing” from the both of them that told a story rather than just singing at each other

    L. vs Tae, “We Don't Fight Anymore”. Same as above

    Alyssa vs Asher, “We Don’t Need Another Hero”. Powerhouse performance from Asher and Alyssa managed to (mostly) keep up with him

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  2. 4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    They wrapped up this story very quickly. Not that I'm complaining, but I find it a bit facile for Marshall to say we're all humans, and he's going to be a good Christian and forgive the poor shrink who misdiagnosed him.

    On one hand, it does seem they are wrapping it up; on the other hand, are they going to do anything with the important conversations the characters are having now with Kevin? If not, why are they spending time on them?

    • Like 5
  3. 18 minutes ago, possibilities said:

    I remember when I was a kid, every show had a predictable schedule and it never changed. Of course, people didn't have DVRs and streaming options back then, but it wasn't so much work to figure out when the hell anything was airing, either.

    They also were making more episodes and has less or zero repeats during the season and maybe would repeat some episodes in the Summer. It's the last minute schedule changes like this that's the problem (and after a promo indicated they were skipping this week)

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  4. On 2/22/2024 at 1:43 PM, DanaK said:

    Highlights for March:

    Frontline: "Lethal Restraints" (investigating deaths from "less lethal" force by cops), March 12

    "Dante: Inferno to Paradise" (abt the great 14th century poet; by Ric Burns), 2 episodes, Mar 18 and 19

    POV: "Unseen" (re-imagines the accessibility of cinema), Mar 18

    "Menus-Plaisirs Les Troisgros" (about a French family's restaurant with 3 Michelin stars for 50 years), Mar 22 (4 hours)

    Independent Lens: "Greener Pastures" (about the health care crisis in rural America), Mar 25

    American Experience: "The Cancer Detectives" (the history of the fight against cervical cancer), Mar 26

    "The Invisible Shield" (the efforts of public health to increase lifespans and battle disinformation), 4 episodes, premieres Mar 26 then continues in April


    "Call the Midwife", Series 13, 8 episodes, premieres Sunday Mar 17

    Masterpiece: "Nolly" (from Doctor Who's Russell Davies and starring Helen Bonham Carter), 3 episodes, premieres Sunday Mar 17

    Masterpiece: "Alice & Jack", 6 episodes, premieres Sunday Mar 17

    As usual, check your local listings

    It looks like Frontline: Lethal Restraints got pushed in favor of a repeat and update of Boeing’s Fatal Flaw

  5. I laughed when Nolly called the press to assemble and revealed she was sacked instead of the cover story that she resigned

    Pretty good, entertaining episode. Nolly sure lorded it over the show, at least according to this series

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  6. 10 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

    TitanTV also says it’s new, but the “description” is just a generic description of the show as a whole. Usually there’s an actual description this soon before the air date. 

    My DVR and Futon Critic are both showing the title “Worth the Cooties” but no description. tvguide.com/listings is showing a Price Is Right special for the hour, which is probably what’s on. Hopefully the DVR listing updates before tomorrow night

  7. 27 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    Sounds fun, but when did a new story, written by a screen writer, become a masterpiece?

    That’s just the label PBS uses for some of their British imports

    Speaking of the show, here’s the trailer from PBS


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  8. On 3/4/2024 at 11:29 AM, chessiegal said:

    I'm so sorry I missed this. Maybe they will air it again? I was working in a federal forensic lab at the time of the stock scandal and was aware of what was going on with the work the Secret Service lab was doing (it's a small world with the federal labs). Ink analysis for the win.

    And yes, what a piddly amount of money considering what she was worth.

    It's streaming on Max now, since March 12

    On 3/4/2024 at 12:07 AM, Bastet said:

    As famous as Martha Stewart is, I didn't know much of anything about her background, or even the trajectory of her career, prior to watching this, so found it interesting.  Someone who's going to spend four hours a day on a train to complete her college education after relocating for marriage is someone who's not going to let a string of clueless male executives determine her career.  I cracked up at the K-Mart guys thinking she'd just lease her name and likeness without exercising creative control.

    I cannot imagine working for her back in the catering days - or ever, probably - but that was some truly beautiful food they put out under her exacting standards; no wonder they moved into such high-profile gigs.  She had the right philosophy -- listen to what the client likes and wants, and then give them something that suits them but is better than they could have ever imagined.

    Of course as her business took off her husband left her for someone far less powerful, closer to their daughter's age.  Original, dude.  I like how she said (prior to the whole prison thing, of course) the divorce was the worst thing she ever went through, but after it she went on to do something more important than any one marriage.  It's no surprise, since she wound up with an empire, but this documentary effectively showed how smart and savvy she is.  She's a lot of things, some not all that appealing, but no one can ever deny her that.

    (And, dear lords, did I like the women in journalism pointing out you take most male CEOs and no one even knows whether they're married or divorced, but Martha constantly got asked if she was missing something by not having a mate, if she was intimidating to potential suitors, etc. -- questions men simply do not get asked.)

    I guess whether one idolized her or was infuriated by her came down to what you thought her message was:  All of this is how women should run a household, or Any of these projects you want to do, here's the very best way to do them.  (I fell into neither camp; I had mad respect for her being the first self-made female billionaire, but, yeah, it felt a little weird that it was from pushing a narrative of hyper-domesticity.  [The media didn't help with this, no surprise; she was referred to as a "homemaker" a lot, as if she wasn't a businesswoman, and it was a while before I learned she'd started as a stockbroker.]  Yet, while I thought the tedious nature of some of her projects was rather ridiculous, I liked that she did a variety of them, not just those stereotypically done by women, and that she didn't just do them for the magazine/show -- I get Alexis being annoyed by her half-assed birthday cake, but love that what Martha was busy doing was shingling a roof.)

    I didn't pay any attention at the time to the details of the insider trading thing; I'm in the market via a mutual fund, 401(k), etc. but I don't mess with individual stocks and discussion of that sort makes me tune out in a hurry.  I just knew someone associated with her engaged in insider trading, and in the investigation into that she got nabbed for lying to the feds.  I didn't even remember that she'd gone to trial rather than plea bargained.  I figured whatever the details of what she did, the punishment for it was to make an example of her and knock a powerful woman down in a way equally and even lesser powerful men usually escape. 

    So this time I paid attention.  The loss she avoided by selling when she did, on the advice of the shared broker, was $45k?!  THOUSAND?  I always thought a lot more money was at stake.  Given her personal connection - the gross old guy who's guilty as hell of insider trading was dating her daughter - she probably knew an FDA decision was impending, but even if she didn't, as a former stockbroker, she'd know something huge was up when the guy wants to dump all his own company's stock, and their shared broker is tracking her down on a plane to suggest she do the same.  Taking her actions in the best possible light shows the hubris of the rich and powerful.  Gross.  And then she lied when asked.

    What an arrogant, stupid set of decisions.  If she'd told the truth, she could have just paid a fine she'd have never even missed and avoided the whole thing.  I now see the little time she got she deserved -- if this case existed in vacuum, but that it doesn't is where the injustice still lies.  It's that far greater injustices against exponentially less powerful people are rampant that keeps me from getting fired up about this particular one.

    I also did not realize she'd accepted the sentence rather than appealing and just did her time to finally go ahead and get it over with.  (And I didn't know until seeing footage of that press conference how many pets she had, and I can never hate someone who loves and properly cares for animals.)

    I liked hearing from people in the prison and the town in which it's situated (I had no idea they'd shipped her off rather than letting her serve close to home, but, again, that happens to a lot of people, including people whose families do not have the means to visit them in those locations, unlike Alex going five times in the first two weeks).  There's something that tickles me about Martha being assigned to clean and, being tall enough, cleaning the top of the door jambs, which no one else had ever touched, as that's where I start - along with the tops of the doors, since they're almost always open - when it's time for my monthly dusting (yes, monthly, so I suppose Martha would be appalled; some things I do weekly and I clean the kitchen counters daily, but cleaning is largely a monthly thing) and I'd never thought about that being something most don't do.

    LOL at Martha sending a note to the the next highest profile inmate, by way of a microwave baked apple with smuggled ingredients, suggesting they meet, and at Martha's dorm not winning the Christmas decorating contest.  And at the prison food feast they managed to send her off with.  Nice tidbits, and appropriately counteracted with pointing out she did nothing to speak about the plight of the incarcerated.

    I also got a chuckle at the savvy of making her release footage all about the prison-made poncho she wore.  But, again, it drove home the discrepancies -- some of which she suffered from (gender), and some of which she benefited from (race and wealth).  There was a recent terrific documentary on the women of hip-hop, and part of it explored how being arrested/incarcerated was street cred for male artists, but hindered or even doomed the careers of female artists.  Martha's white privilege made her prison time a plus in her comeback, and she ran with that in a truly masterful way.  Props to her, but not without acknowledging most women, even white women if they're not rich and powerful, are significantly disenfranchised for life by imprisonment.

    I didn't know The Apprentice happened; I guess I caught up with her comeback later.  I also didn't know she'd done a roast, and been so well received for her vibe.  But I loved her show she wound up doing with Snoop Dogg; is that how they met?

    And LOL at sending Daniel Boulud CBD gummies for Valentine's Day.

    On the cover of Sports Illustrated at age 81?  I mean, a dubious honor to be sure, but to do it at that age is notable.  How did I miss all this?

    Things like that are why I'm glad I watched, despite not having a particular interest in her.  I'm not surprised she didn't participate, but I also think it was fairly well done.


    I've recorded this, but I haven't watched it yet, though I look forward to doing so.

    I'll be honest, I never really liked Martha that much because of her air of exacting standards and perfectionism. I'm also not much of a crafts person so that turned me off, though my late mom was; my mom actually made a dining room table and coffee table, among other things, via a woodworking class; I don't recall what she thought of Martha Stewart

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  9. I can see Luca surviving but then deciding to quit/retire from the police force to go live with the lady he likes and her daughter. It is the last season after all and they only have 13 episodes. At the same time, it's a bummer to lose 2 cast members (Street and Luca) early in the season. Probably budget cuts to get the show its last season. I wouldn't want all this to happen in the very last episode, but it would have been nicer to handle all this in maybe the last 3 or 4 episodes

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  10. 3 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

    Who's been refilling Marshall's medications all these years? The original doctor made the original diagnosis and gave him the original prescription but then what? Can you drop off a prescrition at the local drug store in 1990 with 147 refills? You never need to see another doctor at any time for a checkup and an update on your meds? Don't people have yearly or bi-yearly physicals where all of those things get discussed? If Marshall hasn't seen a doctor in 37 years, then isn't it his fault for not following up ?  None of this makes any sense.

    I don’t think it’s impossible that decades ago a doctor wouldn’t question the diagnosis and refill the prescription. It also wouldn’t surprise me that with him being a musician, he managed to score pills. And given how ashamed he felt about having the disease, he probably never asked a doctor to recheck the diagnosis. And if he said he never saw another doctor about it, which I don’t recall, that wouldn’t surprise me either. If so, he either scored pills illegally or missed doses but didn’t think to check why he didn’t have episodes

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  11. Quote

    The 10 remaining contestants step into the kitchen with one single goal: to elevate the traditional pizza into a next-level masterpiece. The winning pizza gains immunity for the whole team and claims the top-level kitchen spot in the all-new "You Wanna Pizza Me?" episode of Next Level Chef airing Thursday, March 21 (8:00-9:02 PM ET/PT) on FOX. 


  12. Quote

    THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT 

    The disastrous cruise continues when Bobby and Athena respond to the ship's explosion, racing to aid injured passengers. Meanwhile, Hen questions her instincts in a life-taking call and grows concerned about Athena and Bobby's whereabouts.


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