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Posts posted by DanaK

  1. Ah, so Ava is not messing with Sonny’s meds though it was kind of dumb for her to take a pill to sleep when it wasn’t her prescription. I also have no idea if the drowsiness part kicks in right away when the mood stabilizer part takes a few weeks to do so. The scenes do suggest Ava will be the one to figure out Sonny’s meds have been altered 

    • Like 7
  2. 2 hours ago, Daff said:

    Took me forever to find this forum. It doesn’t turn up when you search. The insidious thing about this is how loooong it has been allowed to go on. So many lives affected and essentially ruined. It’s not even over yet. No amount of compensation or apology is going to make the victims (workers or customers) whole again.

    I had no trouble searching for it just now but could it be you were using Mr. instead of Mr without the period? Unfortunately, that’s how the UK spells the show and the forum seems to be punctuation dependent. Glad that you found it though!

    • Like 3
  3. From what I’ve read on another board, this scandal had been going on for at least a decade with accused people trying to get justice, a lot of investigative reporting going on and government ministers ignoring the problem and then a TV series about it is a big hit and then people in government have a fire lit under their butts to do something about it

    • Angry 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    Watching this special now, and I like that they're doing that here, too, with these astronauts, showing the clips of them talking to their famileis and sending messages back home, and the clips of them preparing for their trip and everything. It's bittersweet and haunting to see the astronauts happily going about their business on teh shuttle, too, and having no clue what's coming.That CNN interviewer being unsure of how to bring up the topic, and then the email later on reassuring the crew that they're fine, when everyone  back at headquarters is still so uncertain and just assuming they'll be okay...agh. 

    The interviews with the astronauts' families are vere emotional, too. Especially the interviews with the astronauts' children, they're all breaking my heart into pieces and getting me all choked up, knowing their worries and anxieties, and their struggle at being separated from their loved ones, will be eerily and tragically well-founded. But I'm appreciating getting to hear from everyone involved in watching this ill-fated launch - the description of the adrenaline rush that comes with watching a shuttle take off and the tension of making sure it all goes well was very palpable. I felt my palms get a little sweaty watching this - mind, it's largely because I know what will happen, but also because it really is a startling and intense thing to witness, even when things do go perfectly. 

    It's so frustrating, seeing the limitations and hurdles these investigators are having to deal with in order to try and figure out just how much damage the shuttle experienced. It's alternately like they were scrambling and moving in a time crunch they really did could not afford all at the same time. And then to just basically have their request from the DoD not go anywhere on top of that... So frustrating. Talk about your "what if?" scenarios. I get the wariness of not following chain of command, but...god, if only someone had spoken up sooner and taken that risk. 

    The tribute to the Challenger and Apollo crews was poignant. 

    Bracing for the next part - no doubt it'll be both interesting and horrifying in equal measure. 

    Sometimes though, you have to take the risk to buck authority, especially when there have been previous incidents, like with the Challenger disaster

    I’m old enough to remember this happening. First clue I had of course was when the shuttle was returning and the news was reporting NASA had lost contact with the ship. Such a tragedy, though who knows if the ship could have been saved or if a rescue mission was possible

    • Like 2
  5. I copied this from the General Discussion thread:

    I was software developer before I retired 5 years ago, so I know software has bugs that don’t get found and fixed before it gets released; I and teams I was on certainly wrote programs that had bugs that went out in releases that the customers had to deal with before I or we fixed it. Fujitsu and the Post Office really screwed the pooch on this denying the software had any bugs with all the issues subpostmasters were having. Even worse, the Post Office claimed to each person they accused that they were the only one having issues. That’s pretty horrifying

    • Like 7
    • Mind Blown 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Is there any reason we couldn’t start a thread for the real life case and another for what’s been shown in the show so far (or episode threads)?  I’m interested in watching but I’m not fully aware of what’s happened vs what’s in the show. 

    So , I guess I fall into the category of “unless people are against it“.

    Personally I think that would be better. Since I started the sub forum, I think it’s better to go that way, so I’ll create the threads

    • Like 3
  7. The real story behind the series and what happened then and what’s going on now. Feel free to ask questions on who, what, where and feel free to answer on what you know and post articles. Yes, this is a true story that’s been going on for a decade or more and it’s very frustrating in so many ways

    Be aware there will be spoilers for what’s happening in the show. 

    Article that provides background info https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/mr-bates-vs-the-post-office-gwyneth-hughes-true-story-pbs-1235958210/

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  8. Premieres Sunday April 14 at 9pm EDT

    Synopsis: Alan Bates and the Subpostmasters begin their fight for the truth and justice with new allies in Parliament. But first, they must convince an independent investigator of their honesty

  9. First episode. Premieres Sunday, April 7 at 9pm EDT

    We are introduced to the various characters, who are subpostmasters and are accused of shortfalls in the money from the running of their Post Office branch

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