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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. I don't understand why, when the Doctor came across the initial junkyard bomb, didn't tell everyone to run immediately. They all just stood there like dolts. Sure, there didn't end up being enough time, but the fear of death should get everyone running pretty quickly
  2. I'm an American who never watched this show before but was generally aware of it through the decades. So out of curiosity, I tuned into the premiere and liked it immediately and especially the Doctor and have decided to watch the season. I have since read up on the details of the show and so have a general idea of what's going on and I have now seen Day of the Doctor (the War Doctor special) and part of Matt Smith's introductory episode. In general, the most exposure I've had now is watching Jodie's episodes and I think she's doing great. I love the show's and this Doctor's humor. Once she got past the obligatory "who the heck am I" stuff, the Doctor just comes off as a lot of fun, warm, very knowledgeable, etc. A lot of the angst and negativity about having a female Doctor reminds me too much of the angst about Star Trek casting a female Captain for the first time as the series lead, or a black Captain for the first time. But, it sounds as though most have accepted Jodi and many of those who were reluctant came around. My feeling about the fact that there have only been male Doctors before so there can't be a female is that the real world politics/society made it so, and if the show had only started in current times, there would have naturally been more female Doctors. So it's best to just get on with it.
  3. I'm an American who is watching the show for the first time and first season ever. I'm really enjoying the season as a whole and I love the Doctor's humor and the show's humor in general. The Doctor is a bit manic, but smart and kind and rather loopy as well and I think Jodie is rocking it. That said, I mostly enjoyed the episode. There were some slow spots, but most of it worked for me, especially the characters. I look sideways at plush toy alien threats, but it still worked in general. I've been trying to read up on the past history of the show so maybe I missed some parts that would explain the following questions: Why was the Doctor going on and on about the antimatter power device? Some basic techno-babble about the power supply was enough for the plot but then she went on and on about it like it was deadly important to her and she almost seemed rapturous about the whole thing especially with the camera doing a close up on her as she was doing so, but it had nothing to do with the plot. So what was the deal? I'm probably wrong, but I thought the Doctor didn't believe in messing with time and people's timelines? But there she was in the far future happily telling people they were time travelers and interacting with people who ended up getting killed and possibly because of her decisions (like in the male medic's case)
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