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Posts posted by terrymct

  1. You know what you do to keep steaks the right temperature?  Time your courses better so that they're ready when it's time to serve them.  If you miss the mark slightly, put them in a warm oven for just a few minutes.

    The canned veggies are even more egregious given the boxes of fresh produce stacked everywhere.  Maybe this is Siberian haute cuisine?  Canned corn and salsa makes nachos?  Old El Paso taco shells, when she could have gotten pre-made soft corn or flour tortillas and warmed them up?

    J-wow is there strictly because CAPTAIN Sandy has a little Momma-Son crush on him, fueled by his ability to massively suck up to her.   The Liverpudlian merchie is going to test J-wow's skills right out of the gate.

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  2. On 5/31/2019 at 12:35 PM, kicksave said:

    Garo always does a corset...every challenge he has done a corset...I remember in past PR seasons designers were criticized and sometimes sent home for doing the same thing over and over again. His entire garment in every challenge is designed around a corset. What has happened to the critical aspect of this show? 

    Then there's Anya, who won the whole thing by draping essentially the same sleeveless jumpsuit the whole season and not actually being able to sew.

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  3. 10 hours ago, lovinbob said:

    I did not hate Hester in this episode! Something about her struggle seemed to strip away some of her facade, which made her more likable for me. 

    I am really struck by Bishme's clear vision. I am calling him to win the whole thing.

    Hester calling Tessa phony was hilarious.  I do agree with you about Hester.  As she's getting more and more tired, her stupid affectations are falling away.  I don't understand why the judges think a collection from her would be interesting.  She's a one trick pony.  Her outfit this week was really badly made, on top of being ugly and of the same general thing she throws down the runway each week.   Why does that have the potential to be interesting.

    I love Bishme's vision, too, and I hope he wins.  I love Baltimore and he's representing some of the heart of the city.  

    • Love 11
  4. 47 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

    I thought Harley's family story managed to humanize him somewhat, and I didn't mind seeing his greenhorn nephew survive his first outing.

    Wild Bill seems to have much more love for Nick than he ever did for his own son.

    I hope Sean can overcome the second boat problems; he is one I would like to see succeed.

    Agreed on all counts.   Harley sort of started at a disadvantage because his initial appearance was in that tit for tat with Keith.  We're seeing him work now and manage his crew.  I liked that the hazing for the nephew was more goofy and playful than we've seen on other boats (looking at YOU Freddy) and the nephew took it well.   We're seeing a guy who's not a whiner or mentally fragile in some way deal with the reality of his first trip.  I'm finding him interesting, much more so than the usual parade of greenhorns who either are completely unsuited physically or psychologically for the work.    He's figuring out how to do the work and feeling the toll on his body.  The other guys are pushing him but aren't psycho about it (again, looking at YOU Freddy).

    Wild Bill gives Nick a lot of breaks, much more so than he ever gave his son.  You're right, it's the love that should be directed at his own kin.  That and his temper make it hard to like him. 

    Sean is taking a big risk with the purchase of the boat.  He should have known that the new boat would take a lot to get renovated and set up, but that is probably related to experience and he'll know next time assuming he survives this season.  I'm going to bet he will.   I do like him.  He tries hard to do the right thing and to do his job well, although he still is learning a range of things.   

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  5. 14 hours ago, Linderhill said:

    I think I spent most of this episode fast forwarding thru Harley and his nephew's stuff.  I really don't care about that boat in the least.  I think I'd rather make fun of Josh Harris on Cornelia Marie or Keith being a major dick than than try to care about this new crew.  At least Monte and Sean were entertaining to watch.

    I'm the opposite.  I'd rather learn how a new crew works than watch Josh pretend to be witty or work.

    This was a good solid episode, back to the show I enjoyed years ago.  We saw the real ups and downs and how the crew dealt with them.  Monte and Sean are both hardworking and seem to be decent guys.  They've had a lot thrown at them.

    Did Wild Bill's guy slip on ice on the dock really?  It looked like he just tripped.  I hope they have him working the controls rather than having to walk around on the deck so he can give that ankle at least a few days rest.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:


    Thinking on it, Bran would have been a great Master of Whispers.  If the Hand has a question about what's going on in, say, Dorne, Bran could just roll his head back into his eyes and take a little look around to see then report.  No waiting for information to come to KL via boat, horseback, or raven.   🙂

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  7. 20 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Not anymore. The Lannister army sacked Highgarden and took all their gold and wealth. I suppose the Reach could still be technically, potentially wealthy in terms of agriculture but doesn't seem like Bronn got much besides a castle and a title.

    Agriculture will bring in gold fairly quickly.  There's no indication of widespread ruin in the Reach, beyond the area of the battle.  

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  8. On 5/21/2019 at 9:17 AM, Uncle JUICE said:

    Also, why the hell was Bronn on the small council? So the last we see of Bronn before two minutes to go making jokes about brothels in the middle of a meeting about how to rebuild a city under a completely new style of government, he was literally threatening to kill Tyrion and Jaime.

    Tyrion gave Bronn High Garden, the wealthiest part of the six kingdoms (actual, wealthier than the North, too) now that the Westerlands (former Lannister land) has run out of gold.   They would need his food and wealth to support the crown and the kingdoms.   Back in the early seasons this sort of justification was used for placing people in positions of power including the small council.

    • Love 5
  9. Poor Norm.  Even though he fortunately doesn't have a brain bleed, he could still have problems for a while.  Your brain takes a while to recover from a bruising like that.   I appreciated how Sig and the rest of the Northwestern folks responded.  Norm is more important to them than a few days at sea.   Now that they know he'll be ok, I wonder if they'll go out with He Who Shall Not Be Seen, Heard, or Named as the engineer (aka Edgar).

    Cornelia Marie was meh again.  Josh spouts inane comments.  Casey runs things.  

    I wish on the Saga that they'd tell that one deckhand not to put his hand up like that or stand so close to the coiler.  He's running through his nine lives pretty quickly.

    • Love 4
  10. 7 hours ago, LongDistanceClara said:

    I don't see why they would go to Naath since Vales Dothrak is still around. They would have no reason to follow the Unsullied. They'll just run on home and go back to their regularly scheduled raping and pillaging. 

    Actually, having the Dothraki mysteriously poof without and closure annoyed me too! After all, they were a big part of Dany's story. It's kind of an injustice really.

    I thought I saw some Dothraki getting on a ship, a different one from the Unsullied. 

    • Love 3
  11. 5 hours ago, JoeyCrown said:

    What exactly is there to watch for at the Nights WatchHow is there still a wall⁉️

    The entire Wall wasn’t melted, just the section to the east.  

    There is no need for a Night’s Watch as it previously was.  It’s open for Jon to define. 

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  12. 13 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    It really is and Hester’s outfit was her regular clothes. 

    Mysteries I would like solved include how many suitcases were involved in Hester’s hat collection. I think it might compete well with the number of suitcases “real” housewives need for a two day trip.

    Hester's hat collection is promotion of her business.  She sells those stupid berets via a website.  


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  13. 6 hours ago, NurseGiGi said:

    I'm hoping that at the end of the day, when everything is settled, Jon will just say 'eff it all' and go north to live out his days with the wildlings and Ghost.

    Or restart the Night’s Watch but there probably isn’t a reason for them to exist anymore. 

    • Love 1
  14. 6 hours ago, Jordan Baker said:

    Did Bishme ever mention why he used purple fabric? My first thought was the Baltimore Ravens, but I doubt that's right.

    It’s the Ravens. Purple has over taken Orioles orange as the default city color, although you see the two together too frequently.  I was really happy when his ruffle across the top wasn’t orange.  

    I loved this dress, especially how it moved when she walked.  

    • Love 11
  15. I was listening to the History of Westeros podcast and they brought up something I don’t think was discussed here. 

    This episode had three revenge arcs each come to a head.  

    Sandor wanted revenge against his brother since his earliest days.  He got it but it cost him everything.  

    Arya wanted revenge on Cersei but with the help of Sandor she saw the futility of it and now has a chance at a life.  

    Dany was raised by her brother to want revenge for the killing of her father and the loss of the Iron Throne.  That revenge with its ultimate goal of taking back the throne has been her driving force since her brother died.  She won this week but it wasn’t sweet at all.  She has the throne now but nothing else.  She also never really gave a thought to what comes next after she gets her revenge and claims the throne. 

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  16. 46 minutes ago, Constantinople said:

    Tiny nitpick

    While Daenerys is rampaging through King's Landing, we hear one red shirted resident yell "My God!" (at least, that's what was in the captions).

    Shouldn't that person have exclaimed "Seven Save Us!" or "Mother Mercy!" or some such?

    Unless the person was a follower of the Lord of Light or the Many Faced God.   

    • Love 4
  17. 34 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

    Those are all good tactics, except that in ep 8.04 we were shown that the scorpions on the Iron Fleet could be reloaded in 3 seconds and re-aimed down to hit Dany's ships as quickly.  The scorpions were de-buffed in 8.05 since they took much longer to reload and aim.  Plus the ships were ALL OVER the bay, meaning flying in front of the sun may blind the ship directly below Drogon, but the other ships farther away should still be able to see Drogon just fine.
    All moot points really, since Drogon gained the ability to fly supersonic speed (ie. God Mode)

    I don't know why I am typing all these since we all know consistency means diddly squat for D&D 😄

    I agree about lack of consistency, but disagree about the better approaches this week.   We stopped and went back over it a couple of times.  MUCH better than last week when Dany was la-de-da'ing down the coast and not thinking about Euron's fleet at all.

    When she told Tyrion he'd been making mistakes, she had little room to talk.

    26 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

    At this point, Sansa becoming the queen after Jon and Dany off each other is an outcome some viewers might expect.

    Hence, there is 90% chance is not going to happen since D&D love to subvert your expectation 😄

    Gendry is still hanging out somewhere or other with his royal blood and new legitimacy.  He could end up on the throne very easily.

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  18. 18 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

    Last episode we saw Euron shooting Rheagal and Dany's ships accurately from good distance.  The real question is, why the hell did the best shooter in KL not sit in 1 of those scorpions when everyone KNEW Dany was attacking ??

    Answer: D&D wanted to see KL burn to the ground 👍

    I watched the episode again.   In The Bells, Dany and Drogon actually do things to avoid the scorpions.  They fly at the fleet from at a high angle and from the direction of the sun so as to make it difficult to get the scorpions angled up enough and to make it difficult for people to see.

    When flying toward the walls of Kings Landing, Drogon skirts just above the water, which means that the scorpion operators on the ramparts of the castle have to take a few moments to all crank their devices so that they're aimed downward.  As soon as they start to fire, Drogon goes up high, above where the scorpions are aimed.  By that point, he's at the city wall and can start roasting the scorpion emplacements.

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