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  1. Did someone get a count on the number of cars in that pile-up? Geez louise...
  2. Not gonna lie, that girl picking up a gun from under her bed and firing at the squad in her pajamas was hilariously badass lol
  3. That storyline was irritating, top to bottom. I was hoping they were setting Foster(?) up to be mistaken about the doping, which would have ramifications and show some character growth perhaps. Didn't like seeing her interrogate the mother and encourage the doctor to perform unauthorized tests. Then Brett backs down, after correctly telling her she was beyond their professional boundaries. Sure she was right, but still... Also, definitely cool to storm the gym and arrest the coach in front of the children, yikes. They should have just had the girls handcuff him themselves and high-five each other.
  4. The introduction of the love interest prosecutor was a little off target. Cool character idea but felt like too much info right off the bat. Maybe she's not meant to stick around long, but if she is, less dialogue from her initially would have been more intriguing. ^^^This lol She is quite meddlesome. She should focus on keeping her nose clean and not throwing weight around over Street. Surprised that I'm liking Street as a character, flaws, choices, etc. Even the mother storyline. He and Deacon (resident eye candy) are my favorite parts of the show. And who else has yet-to-be-discovered language skills? Is Hondo able to interpret any lost Native American dialects? Staying tuned to find out -_____-
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