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Everything posted by EricaShadows

  1. I liked Kat's solo, but thought it needed more power, more pop, more . . . everything except rhythmic gymnastics. The ribbon can be used for emphasis, but she just wasn't dancing. I remember hearing somewhere (maybe this show) that props tend to hide weaknesses or distract from them and if you need to use a prop, you aren't doing what you're supposed to. The ball was okay the first time around because it's unique, shows a special kind of control and a type of performance they hadn't seen in a long time if at all. Second time around, she should have showed them what she'd learned and, from the looks of things, she really hadn't learned a lot. She should have been doing a lot more dancing then waving around a pretty piece of material and showing off her flexibility. I wonder if she faded on the field and just got outperformed. She seems like a very sweet girl that everyone loves, but personality doesn't always get you the game. I liked Kat, but I think she just hadn't stepped up her game enough to go on.
  2. I wish Caila had stayed on but she seemed to slack off a bit once the last football game was played. She had worked hard to come back her 2nd year, but she needed to maintain that level throughout the year and beyond. I don't know if there was such a big improvement between her first and second year that there was nowhere for her to go technique- and dancewise, but she needed to work it and didn't. Weight may have play a part in it, but from the looks of things, that weight didn't start until after the season. Who knows if the rumors are true about her partying, but even if they remain rumors, if Judy and Kelli heard about them, then that could be damaging enough for her to get cut. Still, it's not so much of a surprise that she got cut, though it may have been for her. As for Kat, I think she needed to improve on her dancing and show that she had been improving. The rhythmic gymnastics thing was great her first time through, but I think she needed to bring the dance more and scale back on the rhythmic moves. I wonder if she struggled enough in dancing through the season, but that should have made her hit the dance floor in a studio and take classes like Caila did for her second year. Just peeked in on Instagram. Shelbi posted a sign that said "That which is meant to be will not pass you by."
  3. If Auto Amy stays very long, I'll be surprised. If she's cut, I hope they dissuade her from auditioning again. This is, what, her third time at least? I don't think they'll be pleased with her body type, the length of her legs or her kicks. At least Mackenzie Lee was cute and had everything else going for her and she even managed to pull her kicks up to where they needed to be. We'll just have to wait and see with Amy. I'm glad to see Madeline, Kelsey, and Emily Roslyn in Training Camp. Did the former DCC, Jenna, make it?
  4. I took a quick look at Chisara's Instagram and watched a few videos to get a better idea of how she danced. She's okay, but nowhere near the level she needs to be as a DCC. In the first one I watched, she's behind the count and seems to have to think about the moves before she does them (which may be one of the reasons she's behind the count). She doesn't seem to finish moves out and isn't clean on the ones she does know. In another video, she said that they taught the dance really fast. Girl, if you think that's fast, you won't survive Training Camp, assuming you get that far. Chisara also seems to be softer than she should be for auditions. She seems to carry it all in the midsection which is harder lose the weight from but can be managed with the right exercises and diet. I don't think she'll make it to Training Camp, but we'll see. As for a former DCC, I really doubt we'll see a heavier girl come back if she's not in amazing shape. I remember Judy saying something about "no more maybes" and that was said in regards to weight. I took it to mean that, if a vet (or returning girl) didn't come back in great shape (especially knowing the standards she would be held to for the uniform), there was a high chance she wasn't going to get back into Training Camp.
  5. Even if the Snoop Dogg video of Auto Amy surfaces and is seen by Judy, Kelli and whoever, it depends on WHEN it is seen. If it is seen before finals or Training Camp: she may not make it any further than when it is seen depending on the reaction. She could also make it further on the strength of having "danced" for Snoop Dogg. Regardless, if she makes it to Training Camp, there are any number of reasons why she could be asked to leave: her height, the length of her legs, her kicks, how quickly she picks up the dances, how she performs, whether anything shows up on social media or the internet that may damage the brand, etc. There's any number of reasons she could take herself out of training camp, if she even gets that far. It really depends on how she does in Semis and possibly finals.
  6. Yay for Madeleine! I really like her. Her look has definitely improved and, from the looks of it, so has her dancing. I like Hunter's look and can't wait to see her dance (though I'm not going to stalk social media; I'm a little too lazy for that). As for Auto Amy, hmmm. . . I wonder about her. I hope she isn't as desperate this year. I know she wants to make the squad, but, last year, she seemed like it was the only thing that was important to her and everything else could go fly out a window for all she cared.
  7. I didn't think she was going for the DCC and, as for her look, I had to go see her Instagram. There are times where she is absolutely stunning and other times when she is . . . not. Her dance skills are amazing (I know I couldn't do almost any of the same things), but I got the feeling that, while she'd be great as a DCC, the hip-hop scene is where she wants to focus her time and energy.
  8. In that video with Madeleine and Riquel, I was astonished, both at how GOOD Madeleine looked and at how . . . unfortunate Riquel looks. For Riquel, I think it was the combination of her hair COLOR and her hairstyle. It accentuates her features in a not-so-good way to me. Also, I would think she would have to find a way to "work" her features so they don't look so masculine. I was watching the video with a friend and said "Who's the dude?" (they put it a little less PC, but you get my drift). He was astonished to learn that Riquel is a girl. Ouch! After that, I couldn't unsee it. Maybe it's just me.
  9. It might just be me (or maybe it's the angles), but I noticed some of the girls don't exactly fit their uniforms as well as K & J insist they should. There was a little extra pudge on a few of them. The main one I noticed was Caila (or at least a blond that looked a lot like her). If that is indeed her, I think she's in trouble. She needs to be losing the weight fast if she wants to stay on the squad. I noticed at least one or two that there was a bit of "muffin top" and we've heard both J & K insist on amazing bodies for their precious uniforms. Sorry. I'm a bit snarky today.
  10. If she's that vocal about her feelings for a convicted sex offender and child molester (guilty or innocent, he is convicted at this point and, as far as I know, guilty until proven otherwise and his record expunged), I doubt any of the professional dance teams would touch her since they would be "tainted" by association. I wouldn't be surprised if they did a social media search on the finalists. Some things, like Carla's pictures, don't show up until after the fact, if then. If I wanted to speculate, I would say that was a big reason why she didn't make the last pro team she auditioned for. If she auditioned for the DCC and made it to finals, I doubt they would bring her to Training Camp. I'm pretty sure they look at the social media accounts for what, the top 15 to 20 girls and if anything pops up (like this). she'd likely be dropped off the list even if she were number one to be invited in. JMHO
  11. I would be surprised if either Caila or Michelle will get dropped from the team due to weight unless there's more going on then we know about. If it's a big enough issue that it gets noticed at the photo shoot, then they'll likely be warned. If they don't follow up on that warning, then we might see something. Otherwise, they'll likely stick around, especially if they've been good performers and good ambassadors.
  12. I really liked watching her dance except for her facials. Those were really distracting and I noticed that, in some of the pictures of her dancing with the Sooners, that she wasn't the only one making them. I think that, if she doesn't tone those down a bit, Judy and Kelli will be getting after her for those.
  13. I think that Caila looked a little weird in the hip/waist/but area, almost like it flowed how it's supposed from shoulders through the ribs and down then went "boxy" in a weird way around the hips and waist. I hope it was only the way she was standing and the angle of the person shooting that pic relative to how Caila was standing for the "official" shoot. We'll have to see. After all, we've see some bad shots and some good shots (hopefully more good than bad) for every girl.
  14. I've thought about it, but one of the things that held me back (besides my weight) was the lack of dance experience. I haven't really spent much time in dance classes so I didn't really go much further with it. At 5' 8"+, I don't have to worry about the height (or the long legs since I have both), but I think Kelli and Judy would have an issue since my body shape (when it's not round) as they would probably think my butt is too big for the uniform and I'd probably end up either on weight probation or with multiple weight warnings throughout the season. Still, I would love to try one day and see how far I got.
  15. While some would say (and have) that we are being particularly harsh on Sam, from what I see, we aren't saying anything that Judy and Kelli haven't said to many a girl who have auditioned for the squad. I don't know how much influence they have over the editing of the show, but, in many cases, the show has highlighted girls in the pre-lims and semis who have less than ideal body types for the uniform and weren't exactly the type of dancers the squad was looking for. That is actually more damaging to a person's ego than what is being said here. I think Sam knows that she isn't exactly ready for the DCC and, if she isn't already prepared for what's to come by watching all the mud that was slung at Cassie, she should be getting ready cause it's gonna get brutal for her. As for Cassie, I was rewatching season three and think while she was a lovely young lady (yes, I've eaten some of my words) at the time, I think she was given more opportunities than many young ladies. Many have said she wasn't the best dancer her rookie year and that many girls with better skills should have been selected over her. I think, in many cases, that was true and she could have gotten some classes to bring her skills up to speed without the spotlight. However you look at it, going through this entire ordeal has probably made her a much stronger, more resilient person. Yes, some of her public speaking skills never developed (and I wonder how those shots made it to air given the emphasis put on being gracious and ladylike in public and public speaking), but she must have had something that I never saw in her because she's developed in areas I never expected.
  16. I hadn't seen that video either, though I suspected that we rarely, if ever, saw anything on the first run through. Now, I'm wondering about the mistakes and if the show asks them to repeat the mistakes for the camera as well as the routine (hint: a bit of sarcasm there).
  17. From a lot of the groups I've been involved in (as well as have worked with or have heard about), if a family member is going to be judged or interviewed (especially in a group), than the relative on the judging or interview panel is removed or steps aside until all judging has been completed or interviews finished. Anyone who knows the person (a close family friend, etc.) is usually asked to step aside as well to avoid "contaminating" the procedure. Unfortunately, this was not completely down with Cassie (and will not likely be done with Sam should she choose to audition) because, if everyone who knew Cassie and Sam had to step aside, that means a good portion of the judging panel either would have had to or will likely step aside since both girls are or were VERY involved with the organization. I seem to remember hearing that everyone on the judging panel knew who Cassie was since they had all met her before, which, depending on the person, could make it either harder to judge her or easier. While I doubt Kelli would sit in on the judging of Sam (likely because they would ask her to step out whenever discussion of or interviewing the girl), she would have access to the judging sheets and likely know who had indicated what on for Sam. It would likely be very hard for Kelli to resist sneaking a peek at the results. I have to wonder if Judy ever knew, or found out, how Cassie was scored all the times she was up for auditions. After all, they would have access to the scoring sheets after the audition process.
  18. Oh, I think it's a waste of money as well, but that's what some people do. I don't think that's what Sam was doing, but the timing is a bit wonky. A lot of the "applying to Ivy League" is the prestige of the school. They're in it for the name and the prestige, not for the actual education. I doubt that most of the ones who apply ARE going to be touring them (unless they get really lucky or they live close enough to the school). I wonder what people who do this say when they get told that they didn't get in.
  19. There are some students who will apply for various reasons even if they don't have an ice cube's chance in the Sahara of getting in. Some will even go tour the campus' then come home and say they changed their minds because the school was too whatever for them. I don't doubt she might have toured just to see what the college was like or the culture, but touring does not always mean accepted or even applying. It just helps to get a feel for the place.
  20. Maybe she decided to audition for the LA team instead. To me, she seemed more of a fitness girl who likes to dance than a dancer who works out as most of her videos of crazy fitness routines (some of which I might start doing) and the few ones I've found of her dancing don't seem all that great.
  21. I just wish we could get fresher routines for these girls, though I would hope that Judy does NOT choreograph them. Frankly, to me, it lacks imagination if all you can do is move 8-counts around, especially if you tout yourself as a choreographer. Not all dancers can (or should) be choreographers and not all choreographers are dancers (though they should be or have been to understand how the movement feels and should be executed). I think Judy is on the "Does OK choreography, but it's not that great". It would be great if they would retire a few of the most overused and out-of-date stuff each year and replace it with new stuff, then that would be great. It likely won't happen until tradition has beaten all possible life and hope out of the routines.
  22. I would be very surprised if that whole thing about "not being able to learn the dances" was true. To me, it was more likely that whatever dances were attempted didn't go over well (whether with the girls, the fans, whoever) and thus were dropped. I wouldn't be surprised if Judy would rather blame the girls for "not being able to learn the dances" rather than admit "her" dances are beyond stale and nearly to petrified or fossil. All about the ego, you know?
  23. In the cases where one (or more!) vets are asked to stay, I wonder if Kelly would waive the audition requirements. I could see that happening if more vets retire and leave the squad "bottom-heavy" in terms of girls with experience on the squad (ie. a predominance of rookie and 1-year vets with maybe a VERY few 2-year vets), but I doubt Kelly would want to give up her position as "the only DCC who was asked to stay on the squad without auditioning". I remember either hearing or seeing that somewhere (the old site maybe?) where it was mentioned that Kelly didn't have to audition her last year on the squad for some reason (maybe all of the more seasoned vets leaving).
  24. Her dancing is ok, but I don't think it's anything fantastic. While she has some talent (and her body is very good for the uniform from what I could see), I thought she didn't finish her moves, kept everything close in to her body, and doesn't have the power needed to reach to the last row in the stands. In my opinion, she would really need to work her little backside off in order to improve enough to get to Training Camp. I hope she proves me wrong and turns out to be amazing.
  25. I like the all white outfit minus the silver boots and the feathers. I also like the white shorts and the blue/white bandeau (?) top minus the blue jacket. Everything else should remain in the "History of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders" photo album.
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