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Everything posted by MTTFan

  1. Be annoyed all you want -- but keep it to yourself, don't act entitled and then lie about blowing off the other opportunities for help. Said it before, will say it again, she was given a gift and threw it back in kelli's face -- the result of which is a friendship that has hit a roadblock, the alienation of people that she will have to get past next year and a bunch of viewers that think you are an indulged spoiled brat.
  2. That's like not going to a mental health professional unless you know they have experienced mental health issues. You don't knock or reject help just because you don't like the package its wrapped in -- and if you do, you sure as hell shouldn't be rude about because you are suffering from the illusion that you are a DCC legend in the making while simultaneously being an indulged spoiled twit.
  3. I am embracing my inner mean girl here when I say that I hope with all my heart that Victoria or a really really close 'friend' (waves at Tina) of VK's reads this Board. It makes me happy to think that VK is getting some of hers back if only through an anonymous fan board.
  4. Hey Tina! Your daughter has horse teeth. Just thought I would share. I am a giver that way and I just say what I think.
  5. I wouldn't count on that -- for good or bad I am sure that either she or someone close is aware of this board and has probably even posted here. It's not hard to find and I am not a member of the dance community. As for cruel, maybe. on the other hand its nothing that was not visible to anybody who watches the show in real time.
  6. Then she is in the wrong business -- DCC is all about weight, appearance and dance ability -- she lied about it not because she felt ashamed, she lied about it because she felt entitled and didn't think that it would it come back and bite her in the ass. Also, the post about the whipped cream threw major shade at TPTB and if I was Emma I think I might be a tad pissed off at her husband's(?) "fluffiest" comment. If anything, her lying about the situation did a disservice to people who really do have this condition as evidenced by some of the comments on this board.
  7. That would have been a damn uncomfortable interview especially after he had to know how she shut other judges down when it came to VK's mistakes -- I would have paid money to see that edit.
  8. I can see him not wanting to get involved in a cat fight. :)
  9. Speculation here: doesn't Jay work with toning etc whereas if VK said she had a medical problem that would be outside his expertise?
  10. honest question here: how is being a "major suck up" different than doing the job you are being paid for?
  11. This and the fact that she served up a great big helping of "my mom was a DCC, mom is BFF with Kelly and, therefore, I am entitled because I think I am the sh*t without having to show it or earn it attitude."
  12. The "Keys of the Kingdom" was being handed a slot to become a DCC and not to reject someone handing you a box with the keys because you don't like the wrapping paper the box is in -- that's like cutting of your nose to spite your face.. For my money, VK was handed a gift and looked KF right in the mouth and handed it back to her and if she does try out again next year -- this is going to follow her right into TC and onto the team.
  13. Are you serious? *off to catch my eyes that fell out of my head in disbelief and are rolling across the floor*
  14. Question: Would anyone of us refuse a Christmas present because we didn't like or resent the wrapping paper -- knowing that the package had a better than good chance of containing the keys to the kingdom?
  15. I agree and would also add that VK, if guaranteed a spot, should have been more considerate of the position that both she and Kelli were in -- Ceasar's wife and all that -- but having empathy for the situation is something that comes with maturity -- that's not a dig at VK - just an observation. Also an observation -- truth is truth and help is help no matter the size of the package it comes in.
  16. I so disagree with this -- are you saying that only overweight people can counsel other overweight people? Also, you assume VK's assertion that she has genetic or biological struggles with weight is the truth. I am not sure that any of us know Jinelle's backstory - she could have been the chubby kid when she was in HS for all we know. I think Jinelle would be a great mentor -- she knows nutrition, she knows the organization and she knows the stress of camp. For my money, if it is true that VK was "guaranteed" spot, she threw it away with both hands by gaining 11 pounds in training camp -- if she had the genetic biological problems in camp -- why weren't they manifested before camp -- stopping for milkshakes after training and going for the two scoops of whipped cream after being released belies her assertion. I don't believe it for a red-hot second. She comes across as a spoiled "I believe that I am entitled" person and I can totally believe that there was a celebration in the locker room after the cut. She is not the only one to "blame for this fiasco -- Kelly (nepotism), Judy (not being assertive) Kitty (for being hypocritical) and her mother (for putting Kelli in a no-win situation). This football season needs to be over already.
  17. Live the dream, but have a backup plan. Excellent advice.
  18. Ahhh another Kris Kardashian in the making. Does she know that a sex tape, sex change, and a murder trial was what brought the family infamy?
  19. Ditto this -- my daughter had a terrible acne problem for a while and covered it with a great makeup job -- some of the TCC's candidates have had bad skin that has been covered with makeup.
  20. It probably would have done the same good that sending her to the doctor did -- you can't get the help if you don't go. Also it does not appear that she was interested in nutrition. Gaining 11 pounds in a matter of weeks tells me that she didn't give a shake (excuse the pun) -- probably because she thought "Aunt Kelli" would cover for her given that she had a guaranteed spot and all.
  21. Does anybody else see the irony in that Tara got cut and Savanah is still on the team when last year, it was Savanah on the bubble? Bet money that one of the vets on the bubble this season was Savanah, eh @JohnGalt ?
  22. It will be so interesting to see how this football season plays out and who will be left standing at the end. Almost as interesting as it will be to see how the next MTT/auditions play out -- I firmly believe that not only ShellyB reads this Board and you just gotta wonder how CMT and the Cowboys will react to the negativity. (Yes I know that this Board represents only a teeny tiny fraction of the public, but still. . . )
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