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Everything posted by MTTFan

  1. totally agree. The justifications for bad behavior will only lead to more bad behavior --
  2. Interesting. very interesting. Do you happen to know how many causes of action there were and what they were? My inner legal nerd would love to know. :)
  3. I agree with this and can also add, she was pretty aware of the cameras which always made wonder exactly how much she was in it for the team and how much she was in it for the exposure the show would give her. Where is she now?
  4. We will have to agree to disagree. Based on what I have seen, I will not change my opinion and stand by my assertion that it will be pretty ballsy of her to come back if even only half of what has been alleged is actually true. She is toxic and IMHO to assert that other people should change their behavior in order to perpetuate someone's toxic behavior does not do anybody any favors, including VK's.. You obviously feel differently and I don't think we are going to change each other's minds. C'est le vie. @go4luca: Thank you.
  5. Do you practice in Texas? I practice in California and she wouldn't even have file in "Superior Court" -- she could have filed a claim with the Labor Relations Board alleging what wages were not paid, and the employer would have to respond and prove up payment. As i said before I was not terribly sympathetic -- it sounded like she was b**hurt over being fired and tried to pull a power play. Again, I do believe that the organization probably coughed up some money to make her go away and to save every one bad publicity and deposition time. Given the value of the Cowboys -- it was a drop in that big ole ATT Stadium.
  6. Thank you for sharing. I believe her lawsuit was based on lost wages, if she were paid the wages she probably agreed to drop the lawsuit. On the other hand, if she was not able to provide an accounting she may have dropped the lawsuit for lack of evidence. Personally, I believe that she was paid off -- I can't imagine that Charlotte, Kelli or Judy wanted to be dragged into a deposition or deal with the bad publicity. There is an easy way to confirm the info-- If you have access to the Court where she filed, you can look up the case and the events -- if the filings were not sealed, everything is usually a matter of public record.
  7. I disagree. A lawsuit dismissed without prejudice that it is dismissed means that there has been no final adjudication either by jury or judge. A dismissal with prejudice means that you agreed to dismiss the lawsuit and have given up your right to refile -- and it would be considered res judicata if you attempted to refile the lawsuit. A dismissal without prejudice means that you can re-file. (think criminal law where the DA discovers new evidence and refiles the charges against the defendant). JMHO
  8. But she has the most "growing up to do" on the other hand if you know that your behavior is going to be justified and excused at every turn or the issue projected onto other people, you don't have to bother. I would be willing to bet that it had more to do with the fact that vets would not want to tolerate the favoritism -- as is their right. At the risk of not sounding immature, I would give it a major "f**k this!" myself -- who needs the bs?
  9. He might have been worried about being found out -- since Shelly is on the board a lot she might have been able to suss out who he was. :(
  10. if it was dismissed with prejudice it means that she would not be able to re-file the lawsuit -- all the more reason to think she got paid for dropping the lawsuit. Cowboys didn't want the continued bad publicity as I recall this was right about the same time that other girls (other teams) had filed suits alleging sexual harassment
  11. could have been -- but I am thinking that she received money with a gag order in exchange for "dropping" the lawsuit.
  12. As an attorney I can tell you that waiver or not, you can always bring a lawsuit. Whether or not you are successful is a different story.
  13. Bear in mind that that story is not the complete story -- she didn't leave -- she was fired and she filed the lawsuit because she was fired. Also, the lawsuit has been settled. I am not terribly sympathetic to her -- She knew what she signing up for when she signed the contract.
  14. I can only offer my opinion -- it's all fine and good to say that people should just keep their head down and do their job but I would have to wonder "why?" You are there putting yourself out on the line and working your ass off only to see some brainless, self-indulged spoiled pudgy twit tell you she has a guaranteed spot -- as a human being you would have to wonder "why bother" especially after seeing that brat who fell during auditions make it to camp after other girls were cut that outdanced her. This whole VK, Kelly, CMT, Charlotte has caused this season to reek and I am with others who question whether or not they will watch the next season. It has also colored my opinion of Kelli and Judy and the organization as a whole. If I were VK, I would have kept my mouth shut -- what was to be gained but to puff yourself up to the detriment of others and cements the opinion that people have that you are a mean girl. This is should be about DCC not "Heathers." and VK trashing Jinelle, Kelli and in turn, the organization shows just what a spoiled brat she is/was. I understand that people who are friends or relatives of VK who post on this board feel differently -- but they should take a good hard look at the some of the opinions expressed on this board, anonymous or not, there is validity to some of them. and the continued justification of her behavior (and/or her moms) will only keep her from realizing her mistakes -- If I were her, knowing what happened this season, I would think you would have to be pretty ballsy to try out next year knowing that people she trashed this year and who made the team, will be there next year. Its unfortunate that people will always find a way to justify or excuse the behavior or place blame on others. People who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
  15. I know. :) my point went to never say never when it comes to whether or people will make it based on previous clueless answers. People can rehabilitate themselves. Kelsey certainly did.
  16. You are forgetting Kelsey - of "50 yard" fame.
  17. How do you know that? There would have been no reason to have Jinelle try and work with her otherwise -- they have never assigned an alumn to a TCC before (isn't that Melissa the Mentor's job al a Breelan) -- but of course, I forgot. VK was entitled, had been promised a spot and was about to throw it away with hands so she got special treatment. For all the good it did her.
  18. VK is really fortunate that she has people that will support her choices even when they appear to be the wrong ones. It's not everyone who will support someone throwing a gift back at the giver, justify being annoyed at the person because the person who had been DIRECTED to offer help "hadn't ever had a weight problem" or wasn't from Texas, and/or then justify a lie to a potential employer when THEY set up a doctor's appointment. Its a wonder then that people are taken aback when the world is shown a self indulged spoiled child - the result of not being called out on these mistakes.
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