Caleb has been my favorite since the Skyfall performance. I've voted like crazy for him and bought most of his songs. I was a bit taken aback by the old ladies cry comment, but I got over it. I follow him on Instagram and prior to this shit hitting the fan, it was crickets on there since he posted a pic of he and Sam from Thursday night. I took notice of this and wasn't entirely shocked when I first read about this interview and what he said. It then clicked for me that he knew this shit storm was coming and had been mostly MIA from social media. His initial comments, terminology and attitude in that interview were offensive enough. But, his non apology made it far worse for me. So dismissive of the fans that have voted to keep him on the show! I am not totally decided on what I will do now, but I'm leaning towards joining team Jess. I have also voted for her, but not to the level I had him.
The bottom line for me in this whole thing is that I think he's actually annoyed by his "Idol fans" because we are at least in part, a whole bunch of old ladies (to use his own words). I think he's downright pissed that he doesn't have the throngs of young girls that AI was pushing on Sam. I'm just in disbelief that he tried out THREE times to get on Idol and now has basically thrown it away like a petulant child.