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Posts posted by SmpIsimon

  1. 1 hour ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

    Gag me.  Do people actually fork over their hard-earned money for this drivel?

    I would say that I'm surprised to see Kelli whoring herself out like this, but not in the slightest.

    When your director becomes more concerned with her own “celebrity” than what is best for the organization, it’s time to find a new director. 

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  2. 17 minutes ago, vlc said:


    This is disgusting, basically you have an entitled bratty, airhead doing whatever she wants at the expense of an intelligent, well spoken & all around excellent persona of what we have been told a "DCC" role model should be.   

    Exactly.  Brennan thought she was showing leadership in addressing the situation (which she was), and look what it got her.  This organization is a joke.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, vanillagum said:

    Amy being point at any point is so baffling to me. She's one of the most boring looking cheerleaders they've ever had. Is she super charismatic in person or something? Is she a really good dancer? I haven't seen too much of that since she was never really featured on the show

    I liked Amy, but she was a classic "blender."  And I hate to use that term because I think TPTB use it to mean "we're cutting you, but we don't have a good reason why."

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  4. 30 minutes ago, DancingDina13 said:

    Exactly. She can’t move on. The only thing she has done is become a stage mom to her daughter and pushing her to be a DCC. She has nothing else going on ! 

    Maybe by the time her daughter is old enough, someone with some integrity will be in charge of the DCC — someone who refuses to use the team as a platform for glorifying the untalented daughters of friends and family. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Tinydancerxo28 said:

    This may be an unpopular opinion but Cassie seems to have struggled moving on from DCC. Her profile pic is still her in uniform. Didn’t she retire in 2012? 

    What else is she qualified to do? 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Pau84 said:

    Definitely not the end of the world. It’s Kelli’s group, a group of dancers she has to show to people how great she is. 

    Despite what Kelli says, being in Showgroup has zero to do with dance ability.

    Truth. In the past, she has overruled the decisions of those she brings in to judge SG auditions. 

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  7. They seem super interested in making the overall squad more diverse this year (once they learned the girls would not be allowed on the field) but apparently didn’t think those same girls were worthy of SG. Very telling. 

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  8. 12 minutes ago, vivianspoetry said:

    I never knew any of this.  How exactly was she a Miss America contestant?

    I think such views are relatively common among the pageant community -- especially the girls who are willing to go through all the years of pageants that's typically necessary to make it to the Miss America level.

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Muckypup61 said:

    I just wonder how attractive being a DCC will be to VK(and her mother) if the show gets canceled, or put on indefinite hold, due to COVID.


    I thought that too, but at the same time, what else is she really qualified/educated to do?  I often feel like her whole life has been lived with the goal of being a DCC.

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  10. 7 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    Victoria commented on Meredith's post 3 hours ago.

    I figured she would once called out on here.  I heard VK was pretty massively jealous of the praise Meredith regularly got for her looks.  

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  11. 33 minutes ago, abracadabra said:

    Unfortunately, if it's attention and publicity that Kelli and Judy hoped for by their recent cuts, they're getting it. We're all here talking about it. I know forums don't translate to TV ratings, but they did, in a way, achieve what they were hoping for. 

    This is exactly right. Both Kelli and CMT saw this shaping up to be a boring season, and that is why they decided to cut some vets. They know full well that vet cuts are typically the most memorable parts of a season and thus they manufactured these. It’s really disgusting but it fully shows the lengths these people will go to produce a reality show  They don’t even consider the human cost of these decisions. 

    Btw, has anyone else noticed that VK didn’t comment on Meredith’s post? Hmmm. 

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