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Posts posted by SmpIsimon

  1. 21 minutes ago, forumborum said:

    They already shut down production once due to circumstances .

    Yes, and because it came at the end of TC, it’s really made it hard to edit together a satisfying season. Imagine a show where filming shuts down right before they shoot the finale. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

    Not considering any of Lisa’s alleged personality characteristics that may be the cause for the blanket criticisms...

    I don’t see anything wrong with her body. Definitely not a traditional dancer’s body type, but not a reason to sling her through the mud for her muscular physique (which doesn’t come easy AT ALL).

    The problem is that Kelli has cut women with better bodies than Lisa because they didn't "look good in the uniform."  Her body is fine, but it's not a traditional DCC body by any stretch of the imagination.  I do think her short neck and short legs cause her to look bad in the uniform.  

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  3. 1 hour ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

    I’m hoping it doesn’t get renewed. I realize my own hypocrisy here of being invested in a show that is so disparaging to women, but it’s time for this show to die.

    Feel free to throw tomatoes at me. 😊

    Agree.  Let's draw the curtain on this shit show.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, rl27rl said:

    Cassie is a stay at home mommy now.  She didn't even finish college which I find ironic, considering to be a DCC you have to have a full time job or attend school, she had 5 years (as that is how long she was a DCC) to complete school, as she brags about on her DCC Brides episode.  Hell, I doubt she will ever go back and finish.  She also takes her kids to all Cowboys related things and makes sure that they get a photo with the squad every year. 🙄

    She was raised to do one thing and one thing only, and she accomplished that.  She'll now spend the rest of her life living in the increasingly dimming glow of her years as a DCC (an honor she never deserved but only got because of who her mother is).  Let's hope her children are encouraged to educate themselves and do more with their time on this planet than she did.

    Edited to add: And that's nothing against being a stay-at-home mom, which is a noble, incredibly difficult thing to do.  But it's one thing to choose to be a stay-at-home mom, and another thing altogether to do that because you aren't qualified to do anything else.  I think the highlight of her year is the squad photo day when she shows up with her spawn and forces the girls to stand around a bit longer so they can get some shots with her kids.  All the girls kiss her ass just to suck up to Judi.  You can tell she feels like a celebrity on those days.  Really sad. 

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  5. I recall when Chelsea was cut during TCC, one of the things Kelli referenced when communicating her displeasure was Chelsea "going out drinking."  Chelsea replied with "well maybe a glass of wine" and Kelli rolled her eyes.  Fast forward a few years and now public drunkenness on the lake is a-okay!

    Can't believe the Cowboys organization is allowing the team to be run this way.

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