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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. Your experience is at complete odds with that experienced by the girls in training camp this year. VK was constantly kissing ass with the vets and never interacted with the other rookies unless the cameras were rolling. She also ran to Kelli and Judy on at least three occasions to share negative things about the other girls, some of which she’d been told in confidence. The other girls literally celebrated when she was cut, so I’m not convinced we “have got it wrong” given that these girls spent weeks and weeks with her.
  2. Hannah's picture = WTF? Are you telling me THAT is the best one she took? I believe Kelli selects these. Just more proof that she has a terrible eye.
  3. Doesn't look like Tasha at all -- more like her 50 year old mother.
  4. This photographer must have an "in" with Charlotte and/or Kelli. They pictures have sucked ever since Holly was a rookie. You'd think a "world-class" team would have a world-class photographer. They might as well have pulled out an iPhone and snapped some photos.
  5. I know several of the DCC read this. They’ve been encouraged not to and have been forbidden from discussing it at rehearsals, games, etc.
  6. I was told that Jinelle knew VK hadn't done what she'd been told and covered for her, thus getting Jinelle in trouble as well.
  7. Very well, put! Although TK never thought she'd be portrayed that badly but would just be shown having some struggles. Still, you're right, even if they'd made VK come across as the worst candidate ever, all would be forgiven if she made the squad. It's really sad.
  8. Trust me, they are. What you see publicly and what's going on behind the scenes are two different things.
  9. I don't think they agreed to a bad edit, just that she would be displayed as struggling at times, yet ultimately end up making it (sort of like Morgan a few seasons ago). Also, they knew that if she went on the show, she'd be attacked in social media and allegations of nepotism would be thrown at her. That's one of the reason the first two episodes were so over the top in talking about how amazing she was and such an in demand dancer. Basically, she was wiling to go through with the public criticism though because she was promised a spot. But her lies and her rampant weight gain killed that. Not a "bad edit." See above.
  10. Tina is not speaking to Kelli and is also not having anything to do with the DCC right now because she's extremely pissed at how her spawn was treated. Her argument is that VK was willing to put herself out there in light of the promise that, at the end, she'd make the team. But due to her rampant lies and weight gain, that was no longer an option. So, in her mind, VK put herself out there to be ridiculed by the public (basically, us) and has nothing to show for it. Hey Tina, maybe she can sell the Barbie on eBay. :-)
  11. If they showed how she’s behaved behind the scenes you wouldn’t say that.
  12. My dislike for Victoria goes way beyond her age/immaturity. I've seen many a 18 year old come through training camp, and they were all just fine. Instead, it's the entitlement. You can tell this is someone who has been told at every turn how amazing she is and has been given everything she ever asked for. And we see that mentality reflected in the show -- when she pushes to the front on everything, when she is shocked that the guest choreographer wouldn't love her, and when she's upset at not making SG. And that's just the stuff we have seen. I talk with a couple of DCC/former DCC, and the entitlement VK demonstrated during training camp is quite frankly shocking. In short, her parents have turned her into a poor excuse for a human being, and I for one hope she either gets her act together and becomes someone who brings some value to this planet or she never again pollutes my television screen with her presence.
  13. Several judges raised questions about VK during semis AND finals — all were shut down by Kelli and Charlotte.
  14. Okay, but the fact that, when quoting that passage, you deleted large portions yet left in the part about VK being toxic seemed a bit suspicious.
  15. Wow, apparently Shelly is not a VK fan either!
  16. Southern mothers are some of the worst at sending the message to their daughters that the very best things they can do with their lives are to, while you, be cheerleaders and beauty queens, and then marry young and pop out a bunch of kids. Actually getting a meaningful education (i.e., not going to some crappy community college like VK is doing) and making something of themselves beyond once-beautiful baby factories is just not an option. Disgusting.
  17. Well, she was told at the beginning that she was going to have this dramatic story arc that ended with her making the team. So she thinks it’s all show. Thank God her “thyroid” and her shocking lies ended that plan. She reminds me of an adult version of Honey Boo Boo.
  18. I haven’t heard that about Tina. From what I heard, she thought it was already a done deal and was pissed when she got cut. From what I’ve heard, the other girls were thrilled but obviously couldn’t let it show. There was more than one celebration that night, but all was kept on the down low.
  19. Not sure, but Tina is currently not speaking to Kelli. Tina claims that Princess Piggy was wronged.
  20. Apparently she complained A LOT to the other girls about show group which didn’t help with her entitled reputation. She didn’t think it fair that she won a Barbie but didn’t make SG.
  21. Bingo! She got shut down quite rudely during prelims after questioning VK’s abilities. Of course they didn’t show it, but I heard Judy was seen tearing up afterwards.
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