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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. I doubt Heather will get PB. I believe the extra year refers to Heather almost getting kicked off the team after someone hacked her phone and got nude photos of her that she had on there. At the very least, it kept her out of leadership. Such a shame. I love Heather.
  2. “Spoiled brat” is putting it mildly. She has made life miserable for quite a few girls, yet continually paints herself as the victim.
  3. She is the most disliked member of the squad, hands down.
  4. She looked REALLY hard to find the jerk. 😞
  5. In many ways I admire Kelli Q. (although I think she's got a blindspot when it comes to VK). I feel bad for her because I heard she's had a hard time with her husband. From what I have heard, not only did he leave her, but he basically disappeared for a couple of weeks and she didn't even know where he was. Then, when she was away, he came and got his things. He sounds like a dick.
  6. Kelli is trying to make amends for having cut VK last year (after essentially promising her a spot). TK was furious, and Kelli has gone overboard with giving VK goodies as a way of trying to make it up to her. She doesn’t seem to care that she’s alienating the other girls as well as a significant part of the DCC fan base.
  7. She's still considered one of the weakest, if not the weakest, on the squad. And the bad boob job did not help things.
  8. I think Savanna and Molly will retire. I really hope that Christina does -- she's by far the worst dancer and, in my opinion, is really hurting the brand (at a time when the brand needs all the help it can get).
  9. I don't, sorry. A few have hinted at it, but usually out of frustration with the VK drama (which is endless) so who knows if they really will.
  10. I imagine Christina will be encouraged to retire.
  11. Those look like photos Kelli would select. She has such a terrible eye.
  12. She also needs to find healthy ways to maintain her weight. I feel sorry for her in that regard.
  13. As I already said, “they’re forced to kiss up to her.”
  14. People are free to believe whatever they like, but I have posted a number of things that were later revealed to be true. So I stand by those sources.
  15. From what I have heard from multiple sources is that VK is hands-down the most disliked person on the squad. But of course if the girls do anything at all that VK perceives as even slightly negative toward her, she runs to TK who runs to Kelli who then disciplines the "offender" in some way or another. And thus they're forced to kiss up to her and just grouse behind the scenes at all the favoritism one of the least talented dancers on the squad receives.
  16. It is a constant topic of conversation among the girls all the mistakes VK makes. What you're seeing here is the tip of the iceberg.
  17. Not true. TK and Kelli discussed it.
  18. EVERYTHING that VK does is about herself. Just ask any girl on the squad (not that they’re at liberty to answer honestly).
  19. Oh, TK and VK have lead a “get out the vote” movement.
  20. VK’s cause should be thyroid disorder. It might help people actually believe the lie that she suffers from that condition.
  21. Posters on here: "VK has been promised a slot!" (no response) Posters on here: "VK lied about a thyroid condition!" (no response) Posters on here: "VK lied about going to the doctor!" (no response) Posters on here: "VK threw Jinelle under the bus when it was discovered she lied about going to the doctor!" (no response) Posters on here: "VK reported Jalyn for offering her feedback, which kept Jalyn from making SG!" (no response) Posters on here: "VK stole a phone case!" NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE!!!!!! 🤣
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