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  1. As far as who is in the bubble and who isn’t......and KaShara.....I don’t think you can go off of Instragram as being “real time”. I have known some people who post several days later so people don’t say “oh they are here...and then stalk them”. For example....one couple was posting about an new episode they were doing in New York....but they were on my coaching call with my coach in Arizona. Just saying....
  2. I agree that she would be the most deserving. I still love Kashara—-but she went last year.
  3. Ok—I can’t take it anymore.... :-). Now you all have made me create an account. I am sad about Tara—I did like her. But I have always like Kashara—and I don’t think it’s true about them creating a narrative. It seems like there is a lot more at play here—like being a team player, being a good example, being supportive. I have seen all that from Kashara. And there were a few personalities on the team that seemed to have started being a diva (cough Jenna, Holly).... Of course I also love Jinelle and was happy that they had lots of coverage of her as well. As far as VK—I wanted to like her but just don’t ....not that I hate her—there are just others to cheer for—-that scene last night was bad..... But I have seen Kelli pull for other people that weren’t that talented as others...And I’ve seen Charlotte give Kelli looks—like “not that one” and they still make it into training camp. So I think we all see what we want to see—but I have just watched all the episodes since season 1. Which brings me to Meagan—-I didn’t mind her the first season but I thought she was really annoying by the 3rd time....like she thought she had it. She really put the other cheerleaders in a bad spot by saying Kelli and Judy had no heart—what are they supposed to say—on TV? It is their job....someone is going to be hurt. But if they put VK through and cut Tara......
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