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  1. Didn’t take Carrie long to abandon her new kitten.
  2. I think it was the emergency contact. Meredith had to fill out medical info and realized she didn’t have “a person” to be her contact. So she asked Christina to be “her person”. Then they kept using it. And now we are being endlessly tortured with it on this show.
  3. Venus Fly Traps👀
  4. LOL at the caption writers. Harrison's "we'll have a lot more to unpack later", became "we'll have a lot more to impact an egg". 🤣
  5. My daughter is sort of a nerd and is embarrassingly bad at high fives, so the awkward bungled high-five/ fist bump between Maggie and Glasses made me laugh. Also I thought math/pancreas girl was adorable and I liked her mom's Patagonia duds. Everything else was stupid.
  6. Accomplished at what?? Making haggy faces and cussing like a sailor?
  7. The barbie in my basement always picked GI Joe, too. That beard...that scar...the full lips and those grasping hands that fit perfectly around Barbie's scrawny neck to pull her in for a kiss. Or around her scrawny arm to rescue her from the ravines she habitually fell into while horseback riding. My Ken had unflexible hips and had to ride Barbie's horses sidesaddle. Big turn-off. And at least GI Joe had those blue briefs so you could speculate about what he was packing underneath, while naked Ken was just blatantly devoid of any anatomy. I feel like I've been repressing these memories for a long time...
  8. Ok, I think we're all getting played. They are setting Grocery Joe up for TB and have been all along. He is way too good-looking on TV to not know it. And they know it. It has to be an act. They are creating our next "Fan-Favorite!!" by having him finally "open up" and "put himself out there" only to have his heart broken after choosing the nice girl, that most fans generally like. This has to be set up.
  9. Wills has weirdly tiny ears.
  10. Well, yeah. I mean, only a Nazi would decide to buy FOUR pure-bred puppies from a PET STORE when there are a million perfectly good shelter dogs who need homes!!
  11. When Garrett speaks, his mouth doesn't quite match up with the rest of his face somehow. He makes me think of the Synchro-vox type of animation used in the old Clutch Cargo cartoon, where human lips are superimposed on a cartoon face. Conan o'Brien used to do that, too, in his "talking heads" interview segments. Google "Conan talking head bill Clinton", you'll see.
  12. Looks like a swimmer's build. The Closed Captioning was cracking me up. After Garrett finished painstakingly sounding out CH's FS card, Becca mumble-giggled, "What are your thoughts?" And CC said "You did a good job!" Like she was a proud 2nd grade literacy teacher. Later, at their post-coital breakfast, Garrett said, "What a pretty day!" And Becca said something like "I know!" But CC had her respond, "It's so-so." LOL Besides Garrett's eventual choking-out of the elusive "in love" under Becca's threatening glower, the deepest their convo got was "we're in Thailand!" "I know right?!"
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