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Posts posted by RebeccatheWriter

  1. 52 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

    On her instagram post on 7/30 she says happy due date little one. Can't believe you are still in mommy's tummy. It looks like the baby was born on 7/30. 

    They released a fully edited video of the birth on 7/30. So my money is on 7/19. No way did she give birth on her due date and they edited the video to post on the same day.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Heathen said:

    If they can take three, why not take the other three, too? 

    I'm somewhat impressed they took Brooklyn. That girl is clearly the black sheep of the Paine's group. William is probably still nursing and Carson is Erin's emotional support child. 

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  3. 20 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    From the pictures of the pool that Carlin posted on Instagram it almost looks like it will be an above ground pool.  She also said that they would have pavers and grass around the edge of the pool. That's gone to make a mess in the pool with grass. 

    She has said that they thought they would have to do above ground because of the yard. However, the "sweet friend" at church said he could do an inground pool for them. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, ranchgirl said:

    IIRC, I believe Zach took measurements to build a ramp on a visit last Spring. Or maybe it was Trace.  Don't know why it hasn't been built yet though.  


    Zach and Whitney mentioned one needing to be built and planning to do it. In the latest string of videos there is no ramp but someone installed a metal (I'm sure that feels wonderful in the hot sun) handrail on one side of the steps. That's a start but a ramp would be safer and more convenient. I use grocery delivery services and things like that. Delivery people have commented frequently how much they love my ramp and how they don't want to have to do stairs so much - especially in the heat or frigid cold. The neighborhood squirrels love it too and frequently chase each other up and down it. 

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  5. 5 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    That's what I was thinking. They would probably bring the mower out of the garage door in the front. That small door in the back is just for walking in and out of the garage. 

    Disclaimer: I don't do my own lawn mowing or landscaping.

    My bet is that they don't own a mower or don't use it. Carlin was commenting on a neighbor's lawn mower being loud in her video the other day. She proceeded to say, "they (the neighbors) were having their lawn mowed." I'm thinking they have hired a service. She and Evan were so proud of themselves with planting bushes out in front of their house - I'm clinging to the belief they don't do manual labor except for clicks. 

    5 hours ago, Heathen said:

    I wonder who's going to do the daily maintenance for the pool. Those bugs and pine needles aren't going to skim themselves out, and I can't see Dumb or Dumber doing it. They probably haven't even considered the routine maintenance a pool needs. 

    I guess they'll have a "sweet friend" come over every day, or maybe Layla and Zade will have to start earning their keep. 

    They will probably have a video or two where Carlin freaks out finding a frog or something similar in the pool. But they are going to hire someone for sure. 

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  6. 3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    How sad @RebeccatheWriter. Hugs.

    My 3 personal experiences were different. My mom was as chill as can be in all situations, with the exception of a few nightmares, up until she died. My uncle was also very chill no matter where he was, but ended up in long term care (was very short term for him) because he tried to take his walk everyday and kept outsmarting my aunt. My very good friend's mom actually did better with more folks around. When home with a family member she'd either shut down or start to do typical 'housewife' stuff, like cooking and ironing which never went well. At gatherings she was more lively and chatty. Her chatting was usually repetitive or nonsensical but no one let her know that.

    I hope Janie, her daughter and her other son are watching out for Papa Bill and they have things under control.

    I didn't know Michael was there. I thought I read an IG reel where she wished him Happy Birthday and added that she see him soon. Guess it was not her IG, lol.

    I think they are doing well with him right now. He appears clean, alert (most of the time), and safe. If he is like many with dementia, he may start wandering. That will be a sign they either need round the clock care for him (Jane's not in any condition to chase him out across a cow pasture) or potentially long term care. With my grandmother she was being cared for by a son and daughter but we didn't realize she knew where her medication was stored. She was practically overdosing on medicines because she would forget she took it. 

    His mobility is pretty good and for now he's remembering to use devices like canes and walkers. There might come a time that he forgets to use them. I wish in all the visits that someone would build them a ramp. Jane is having some arthritis related issues and those concrete stairs are not even. I have some mobility issues and cringe looking at them. I did see they have finally added a hand rail to them.  

    Michaela was seen in Carlin's video at about 6:10 in the video. She was in the kitchen talking to some of the kids and cooking.

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  7. 15 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    I wonder if they're even aware that they need to stagger visits. They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. 

    A few of the siblings have said they are trying to stagger visits so that they (Bill and Jane) are not overwhelmed. 

    4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's are unique to each and every person. IMO, Papa B looked fine and was even doing walking exercises with a grandchild and great grandchild.

    Unfortunately, the worker bees and most caring - Michael, Erin and Alyssa - weren't there.

    Michaela was there and was being helpful. He did appear to be having a good day. He was at least having a better reaction than he did at the Valentine's Day party where he was clearly overwhelmed and nearly silent/unresponsive. I'm sure it helped that he was at his own home. 

    I think it is great that they do honor him with a birthday party. I just worry from experience with several relatives who have dementia or had it and are now deceased, large gatherings can agitate him. Such incidents can be very scary for the young great-grandchildren. My auntie who was the most docile and sweet woman ever would become violent and start harming herself and others when agitated by crowds especially when she did not remember or recognize them. When we had a small birthday party for her, we had to make sure we had a go-plan in place to remove her from the situation quickly and easily. My grandmother had similar issues, especially with small children. She would try to be kind and caring but would experience increased anxiety that would boil over. 

    Jane's her own woman and seems outspoken still. I suspect she's struggling herself though. She seems sharp but the video of her at Thanksgiving indicated she was fixating on preparing the meal and Trace/others were having to distract her. 

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  8. On 7/4/2024 at 9:52 AM, Salacious Kitty said:

    I can understand them all going. It's Bill's birthday, and they don't know how many they have left with him. 

    It would have been better to stagger it. People with dementia can and often do have meltdowns in large crowds and with overstimulation. You can see in the ILY Day party videos he was shutting down and barely responded at times. The videos show he does much better with 3-4 people around him at a time. I get that the big party is a tradition for him. 

    I hope that Gil's sister and brother (because Gil has no common sense at all) structured things so that he had time and space to get away from it all. Between that many people, so many small children, and all the videos going on, as well as the heat and general commotion of a cook out and missing routine - it could be way too much for him. 

    By staggering things, Jane could have kept her sense of normalcy but there would have been a safer space for Bill. 

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  9. I'm not an engineer or expert, but I have empathy for their neighbors. I doubt they are doing things in a way that won't affect drainage. Rainwater has to go somewhere. 

    Carlin showed her "intelligence" again today in the video from the farm. She tells her grandfather it is his birthday and America's birthday so that means "the whole world is celebrating" him. Does she not realize July 4 is not a holiday in other countries?

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  10. 5 hours ago, Absolom said:

    My grandkids got water safe/swim safe certificates from swim class when they were no longer considered "at risk" in the water.  A tiny ceremony was held (about a minute) and we all applauded.  Parents were told to please read the back of the certificate.  On it plainly written out was this did not indicate the child was a competent swimmer, but that they knew what to do if they accidentally fell into a pool to reach the side safely.  It also said parents NOW no longer had to make sure an adult was within arm's length of the child in water so parents could sit on the side of the pool, but please stay observant.  So Carlin is very far from being safe with the non-swimmers.  Water aids do not count for being safe in the water.   The rule my family has always gone by was one adult per non-water safe child also.  If you have two, one can drown while you're pulling up the first one.  

    It's sad that I have doubts as to how fast would she put down her phone from recording to save her children's lives.

    • Sad 11
  11. 8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Next YouTube video will be a picture of a shovel in dirt with the title Pool!  The video will show the kids swimming at the beach, other pools and at swimming lessons. The last 20 seconds of the video will be Carlin and Evan discussing the pros and cons of a backyard pool and will end with, should we or shouldn't we.

    If it was Erin, it would be God led us not to get the pool.

    • LOL 8
  12. 22 minutes ago, AstridM said:

    Zade and Layla are both common middle eastern names. Not sure why Carlin and Evan went in that direction.

    I usually say they are willfully ignorant but crafty. However, I'm not sure if these two could find a middle eastern country on a map. I'm going with coincidence here.

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  13. 7 minutes ago, Heathen said:

    Self-esteem issues, maybe? Or just painfully shy?

    They claim she is shy but it seems to be rewritten history. Prior to her being on the prowl for a man and then a ring from Bobby, she was very outspoken and bold. There were times when she made Carlin seem tame. She was opinionated and said things that were quite rude. I can see Gil and/or Kelly having a "talk" with her about it because her personality did a 180. 

    She's never been a huge social media person though. 

    • Like 8
  14. 12 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    I don't think Carlin attended The Felon's trial, and they bought the lemon SUV from Jed. As for Joy, I don't she talked much about the trial or her abuse until she recently got into counseling. 

    I agree that the families look the other way since they make so much money off the Internet, and exploiting their kids is part of that. 

    She did not attend. Josh's downloads that were caught happened a few weeks before Carlin and Evan got married. The evidence the prosecutor had included texts from Josh to Evan where he said he was at the car lot and had a car Carlin was interested in there then. It was among several pieces of evidence that placed Josh at the car lot at the time of the downloads. 

     I would have been mortified (though in this case they did nothing wrong) to have my name anywhere in a case like that. Again, it wasn't their fault that Josh is a predator, but I would be hyperaware of such things after that. 

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  15. 2 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

    Katie also visited. All posted pictures of the little guy and not a single shot of his mother. So odd.

    Since the show ended she has rarely appeared on anyone's camera or social media. Background at parties or one where Alyssa visited a few siblings homes has been about it. Erin and Chad did a video redoing the boys' bedroom at Tori and Bobby's house. You could hear Tori in the background but she refused to appear on camera. So it was a strange video of a room redo with no real reveal. 

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  16. He could become a physical therapist assistant. It's not a glamorous title, but he would work directly with patients and it takes about two years of education. The pay is very good for an associate's degree. In a college where I worked the 18 people in the program all graduated with job offers of $80,000 or more a year.

    Not that he would do it, but the PTA programs are taught at community and technical colleges. They aren't easy to get into (competition is tough), but it is one of the highest paying and most hands on paths for students who want a career in healthcare.   

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  17. On 5/27/2024 at 9:42 PM, Heathen said:

    Gee, Kelly and Gil, maybe you should have ACTED LIKE PARENTS and done what was right for your child! Did they let their other kids decide at age three if they'd get vaccinated or take medication? (These are rhetorical questions.) 

    I cordially despise Gil and Kelly. Also, those original hearing aids are probably lost in the shithole that is Chez Bates. 

    At the time of her first hearing aids, the technology was worse. One of my daughters has to wear them but she frequently "loses" them and refuses to admit that she is not wearing them. I only have two and it can take a while before I realize she isn't wearing them. She and others with hearing impairment can fake it for a while and live by other cues. 

    Addallee per the episode where she was wearing her new ones and seeing an audiologist - got a lot of feedback and noise issues on the old ones. That was very frequent until recently. Imagine hearing the sound that you hear when a microphone squeals, but it is several times a day. She heard echoes and other static sounds. So I have no doubt that she would remove her original hearing aids and try to live without them. I consider myself a better parent that Gil and Kelly, but with my daughter I did get to the point where I said, "fine, don't wear them and see how it feels not to hear everything" - hoping she would decide to wear them again. I felt bad that my daughter's original ones caused her headaches and were painful. We visited her doctors frequently and were told it would get better. 

    Addallee can hear lower register voices and appears to be high functioning with her hearing issues. 

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  18. Josie's posts about her grandparents have not set me off (yet). Josie and her siblings have not really had to deal with this part of aging and disease. They are going to each approach it somewhat differently and with varying degrees of comfort. It is hard in those moments to know what to do and/or or say. For Josie and Carlin (Alyssa, Trace, and Lawson too), it recording and currating content is what they do. It doesn't excuse it but it does explain it it a bit.

    This is a place where Kelly and even Gil (I'm sure and know it is harder with it being your own parent) should have helped prepare their children more. They used to visit nursing home and the elderly to preach. Maybe they should have taken time to learn to respect and learn from these people rather than tried to save their souls and convert them into extreme thinking. 

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  19. On 4/21/2024 at 9:25 AM, GeeGolly said:

    When they rebuilt the house the kids' rooms all had closets and by the time Josie was a teen 3 or 4 of her sisters were married in just a couple of years. 

    I think it has more to do with getting endless freebies and needing a certain look for influencing.

    They still used the community closet concept (even if smaller closets) for quite a while with the girls and boys. You can see shirts and clothes being worn by different sisters and brothers. There were some episodes where they found their favorites among the clothes a sibling was packing. In the episode with the fire, the majority of all the kids clothing, including the teens, was on hangers and folded in the laundry room.

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  20. On 4/19/2024 at 1:40 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

    Per the thumbnail of this week's video, Alyssa has some of the girls in karate. 

    Per the thumbnail, one daughter (whoever was featured on it - Zoey?), has a blackbelt already. Alyssa's going to have to cool it with the filters, the photoshopping, and AI. 

    • LOL 1
  21. 8 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    It looks like Trace and Lydia are also there. I guess Trace could be helping Chad with fix it jobs. Lydia is a wild card. She doesn't seem very domestic.

    Trace and Lydia went with Jud and Jeb a month or two ago. Trace was working in the yard/outside areas or directing Jud and Jeb to do it while he filmed. I think the younger boys called him out on it. 

    But I will give him credit he was doing work that needed to be done. At the same time he and Lydia delivered one of those lift chairs for Papa Bill and turned it into a commercial. Trace did seem to be very helpful to Bill at Thanksgiving and was sort of directing him through making coffee, etc. It is easier for someone like Trace to do it himself and hand it to Bill, but I can appreciate that he did it in a gentle way that didn't scream out to Bill that he thought he wasn't helpful. He was also good at distracting/refocusing Jane. It was clear others were cooking and she was not necessarily stable enough to be in there. He distracted her with the parade and talked to her.

    8 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

    Chad will be handy to have there too. I actually like that they seem to be rotating small groups in. 

    It is good they are going in smaller increments. Papa Bill was pretty well out of it at the ILYD party. It was clear he can't handle being away from home or around large crowds now. He just sort of shut down. 

    For the love of God, I hope Chad can build them a ramp or better stairs. The stairs they have are concrete and probably as old as the house. They look uneven and could be a major issue for an elderly couple. Jane's using a cane sometimes because of a knee issue and arthritis. Bill has had at least one bad fall at some point. I want to sream at them to put in a ramp before someone falls on the stairs. 

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  22. 3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I saw that and thought it was incredibly sweet of Erin to wrap everything individually so Bill and Jane could pull items from the freezer as needed. Erin took care of Bill after he came home from the hospital, so I think her visits are similar to Alyssa's where she actually helps. 

    I think that Erin probably is more in line with being a help rather than a hinderance to her grandparents and even to her parents. She can come off as very needy and loving attention, but she seems very specific in that intent versus Carlin or Lawson who just want whatever attention they can get. 

    Erin thrives on being viewed as the expert and the perfect wife/mother/daughter/granddaughter, etc. So I think it is on brand for her (and still very nice) to individually wrap items and to bake for Bill and Jane. What I mean by this...On the show during the first season Jane commented that she hoped one of the grandchildren (granddaughters specifically) would take over Thanksgiving, as it was a lot of work and she could relax and let others do it better at someone else's home rather than her own. She said they wouldn't travel as far as Chicago for Michaela to do it or to Florida for Alyssa. She said she thought Erin could do it well but their home was too small for so many people. That probably made Erin's day to hear that she had earned that respect from Jane. 

    Erin's need for attention seems to come from being considered the expert on things. For example, she was the first to get married so she seemed to love being the planner for the other sisters. She was the first to go to Crown so she became the expert on higher education (in her mind). You could literally see her beam and glow when someone said how good of a cook she has become. 

    Jane seems to be able to speak that language to her. 

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