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Fool to cry

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Posts posted by Fool to cry

  1. Edith has been compared to Jan Brady since the show started but like Jan on the TV show she got prettier than her older sister by the end IMO. She looked fantastic in the final season and movie. 1920s hair and style didn't suit Mary as much. She looked better in the pre war era.

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  2. Kesley Grammar as Frasier on CHEERS is the most positive outcome for an actor brought in to play a character meant as a temporary obstacle to a favorite couple being together. Becoming a cast member and getting a long running spinoff of their own as opposed to eternal hatred from fans!

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  3. Seeings a lot of reactions online expecting more from the season finale but I was on the edge of my seat  wondering how they would survive and what would happen with Crosshair. 

    The animation and production design was incredible.

    I love Tech's line to Crosshair "Understanding you doesn't mean I agree with you."

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  4. I think Baio being allowed to keep his late 70s haircut made Ron, Anson and Donny be like "Well if he gets to have his hair that way..." and they stopped being period accurate and let their hair grow out. Then from that point on everybody had contemporary late 70s and early 80s hair. 

    Henry tweeted this cool trivia:


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  5. 13 minutes ago, supposebly said:

    I never understood that idea that writers hate a character. If anyone, writers are probably the best people to distinguish between a fictional character and a real person.

    I think writers maybe find a character not all that interesting to write for, or they don't know what to do with them, so they write less or lesser storylines for them. Stans then take that as hate. Rather ridiculous IMO. Most of it is neglect, deadlines, stupidity, or being out of their depth. Like male writers who are writing female characters. I don't think all male writers write badly for female characters but it's been known to happen 😉

    I don't think most writers have time for hate. Stans are the only ones who seem to have time to invest so much emotional energy.

    I do wonder about Joss Whedon, though. A case can be made for hate, but it wasn't about the character of Cordelia Chase on Angel, but the actress got pregnant and he flew off the handle in every sense.

    Yeah the actress not the character. Like Whedon actually had to fill the void Cordelia left on Buffy by bringing in Anya and then Spike as the characters who  who brings the reality check in situations. It's why Spike was brought over to Angel. 

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  6. 11 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    I don't think good writing is normally not noticed beyond "I enjoy this show; the writing must be good." 

    But I think that's how it should be.  Most creators probably want their fans immersed in the story as it's being told and not over examining choices that are made.  It's like when you're driving on a smooth road, most people don't pay attention to it.  But when they suddenly have to navigate around pot holes, drivers end up paying attention to poor road maintenance. 

    Sometimes I think writers are unfairly criticized but I also think sometimes it's their fault.  Either they focus too much on "shocking" their audience without enough consideration about how that shocking event fits in with the overall narrative.  Or they go on a podcast and tell everyone what they intended for everyone to see which goes against what the audience actually did see. 

    The latter has hurt shows like Mad Men and Shondaland shows for me.

    The craziest thing about Breaking Bad is how much of it wasn't planned and yet it fit together perfectly.  I think Vince Gilligan said that the only season that was planned out was Season 2 (ironically, my least favorite season.)  It's amazing to think about how much a writer's strike, the availability of actors (or lack thereof) coy performances and a philosophy of "let's write our characters into a corner and see how they get out of it" led to such a cohesive series.  Very few shows can fly that close to the sun and not only get away with it but feel masterful in their construction.

    Better Call Saul is also quite good but (possibly unpopular opinion)  it was tighter when Vince Gilligan was still part of the writers room. 


    Yeah its crazy that the character of Mike was created only because Bob Odenkirk was busy doing a guest appearance on How I Met Your Mother!

    A lot of fans think if their favorite character go through a lot of pain and are never allowed to be happy it must mean the writers "hate" that character. The truth is if writers don't like a character they just don't bother writing them! People behind a show knows if audiences like a character that means they get more emotionally invested when bad stuff happens to them. Viewers  don't admit it, they would be bored by "happily after after". Star Trek Deep Space Nine had this thing where every season they would write an "O'Brien must suffer" episode where Chief engineer O'Brien would go through this horrible experience. Like one time an alien planet wrongly accused of being a spy so he was punished by having 20 years of memories of being in a prison cell implanted in his mind! The writers didn't do this because they hated the character but because he was the "everyman" of the show. The one an average viewer would identify with the most.

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  7. It's funny that you hear complaints how men should show more affection towards each other and hugging doesn't mean your gay but if two male characters have a close bond fangirls especially will immediately be "Oh my god they're really in love!" I think because straight men are always trying to get in their pants that women can't imagine men could have an intimate connection that isn't romantic.

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  8. It now seems Black Widow premiered at the right moment when everything started opening up again due to the dropping cases and the vaccine but before the Delta variant caused the most recent surge.

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  9. So I predict they're going to make Charles sympathetic again in season 5. The person who made the right call and insisted to take the Royal jet to Paris and that his ex-wife's body be brought home in a coffin draped by the Royal standard against the Queen's wishes is not that same villainous character we saw in season 4. 

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  10. On 2/20/2021 at 11:33 AM, PeterPirate said:

    Back in the day, an actor named Anthony Edwards hosted Saturday Night Live and did a hilarious imitation of Diana giving an interview.  However, I have not been able to find it online.  

    I remember it. It was shocking how much she looked like her with just a wig! He did all the sad expressions. I don't know how they came up with him impersonating her. I guess after her death it wasnt shown as much.

    They make Charles' secretary Edward Aldeane look like an weasely asshole toady but he had resigned in 1985 years before the episode took place.

    I like the Queen doing an impression of Thatcher.

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  11. Recently re-watched The Night Manager miniseries which Olivia Colman starred in. I hadn't seen in years so I forgot Tobias Menses was also in it. Weird now to see them together not looking or speaking like Elizabeth and Phillip and being adversaries!



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  12. 3 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    In fairness, there have been plenty of examples of characters being ruined because of actual bad writing, but I concede this isn’t always the case.

    My beef is the only time fans acknowledge writers exist is when characters do something they don't like. Writers get little credit when characters do or say something fans they do because fans want to believe characters have a life of their own.

    Re: Fans and authors regarding anything new: Fans want the same thing but done differently while authors want to do different things the same way. Fans get tired of an author's style while an author gets tired of writing the same characters.

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  13. It bugs me when fans find excuses to hate an actor because they can't admit they aren't able to separate them from the character they play that they hate. I think it's because they know deep down devoting so much energy hating a fictional character is irrational. Also when they rant how if the character were played by a "better" actor they'd like them even though everything they hate about said character is due to the writing. On the flip side fans of a characters ignore anything problematic of whoever plays them.

    Also when favorite characters do or say anything cool fans act like the characters or actors did it on their own.  However when their favorite characters do or say anything fans don't like it's  "because of bad writing".

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  14. Thinking about the price paid that a Nazi sympathizer didn't remain on the throne was the happiness of his brother and his children and their children and their children and all future generations. Not too big a price if you consider the alternative but it has put the institution on less than firm ground.

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