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Fool to cry

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Posts posted by Fool to cry

  1. Seeing George in vain giving the reasons why the idea for doing a show in Libya wouldn't work just for practical reasons l now realize George quitting was less his being mad at not having any more songs on his album and more "What we are doing now is insane". To have only two weeks to come up with 14 new songs to perform live for a TV special when they haven't played in front of an audience in two and a half years and most of the songs they've written since required lots of overdubs when they even havent figured out where it's going to be held, all while being filmed by a documentary in a strange empty film studio was INSANE.

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  2. Favorite moment is an hour in, it's the morning of Day 4. John is late, and the other Beatles are sitting there waiting. Paul passes the time strumming his bass uptempo and mumbling in front of a bored George and Ringo. After a few minutes of fiddling around Paul's riff turns into what we recognize as "Get Back" with improvised lyrics. George realizes he has something good and starts playing along with guitar. Ringo begins clapping a rhythm then goes to his drums. John finally arrives and without a word just sits down, takes his guitar and plays with the three of them as they all play on "Get Back" for the first time. Magic.


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  3. On 11/20/2021 at 9:30 AM, Rinaldo said:

    I was going to mention it as one of Mann's titles, then decided I'd already gone on way too many tangents. But yes, Mr. Buddwing. REALLY strange. All the actors must have hoped, in that decade of Richard Lester and others doing novel things with non-story and editing, that when it was all cut together it would make some sense or at least have some point. And it didn't, and doesn't.

    Ah, Pamela Franklin. A youthful obsession of mine, and a career that inexplicably just faded after such a high-level beginning (how many actors have gone face to face with Maggie Smith in a shouting match and won?). She and her husband chose to relocate to the US, and she did some highly obscure movies (one virtually unseen one, Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies, actually turned up on TCM once) and lots of episodic TV dramas in the 1970s -- Bonanza, Cannon, you name it. As she reports on the DVD commentary for Miss Brodie (I'm paraphrasing from memory), on one of those jobs she heard the crew talk about setting up the shot for the girl, and she thought "All these years in the business, and I'm still 'the girl'? Maybe it's time to hang it up." And she did.

    That's a shame. I recently saw the 1970 British suspense thriller "And Then The Darkness" and she's great in it. I also was surprised to found out that she was in the second to last Green Acres episode in a back door pilot as the daughter of a hotel manager in Hawaii and it also features Pat Morita. If the pilot had been picked up the show would have been called "Pam".

    The original Oceans Eleven is on Friday and while I know it's reputation as made as a lark while the Rat Pack were doing shows in Vegas I find the acting solid and dialogue surprisingly thoughtful.

  4. I'm beginning to think the mom is sketchy as well. 

    There are fans of Kate in the comics who are watching only because of her and who hate MCU Hawkeye both because they don't like Renner and they prefer the Matt Fraction depiction where he's a single guy who's a mess. I say if you want that version watch Johnny Lawrence in COBRA KAI. The first Iron Man movie pretty much destroyed any chance of seeing the comics version of Hawkeye. Why do we need a wisecracker who annoys Cap when we already have one but who's rich, a scientific genius and got a cool suit of armor instead of just shoots arrows? Fans liked him when it seemed he was Black Widow's love interest but AGE OF ULTRON  ruined their Budapest fanfics. Then handsome young  Pietro gets killed saving him, he's shown killing POC  and Natasha  sacrifices her life for him in Endgame and Clint is pretty much forever persona non grata for a segment of the fan base. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

    When/why does Hawkeye wear a hearing aid?  What did I miss?

    It's explained in a montage in episode 2. Reminded me of this I learned from Michael Caine's book on acting, when he was making The Swarm(1978):

    Richard Widmark once gave me a piece of advice about large noises in film. He said: Watch the special effects when you’re working, especially in Westerns.” I said, “Why is that, Dick?” "What?” he said. “Can you talk into my other ear?” So I said, “Why is that, Dick?” into his other ear. He says, “You know all those scenes in pictures where you see the cowboy and he ducks back, and the explosive goes off in the rocks? You talk to any one of us. We’re all deaf in one ear.” Henry Fonda, who was also there, joined in then and asked, “What did he say?”  So I said, “You made a lot of Westerns, too, didn’t you, Hank?” "Yeah, I did,” he said. All those fellows were deaf in one ear. It was the price they paid for being in a western.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

    Did Kate's mom really not notice the fresh wounds her daughter had or was she deliberately being oblivious?  On the other hand, I think Jack knows she was the one in the costume. 

    I think it pretty much has to be to explain her being an expert archer, fencer, etc. at 22.  Those are pretty expensive hobbies to have, especially if you're getting all that training in your teenage years.  Then throw in how she's going to use the resources of her mom's security company and this doesn't work if Kate's a scrappy middle class kid.

    And I've got to say that the show has a very interesting take on how the public views Clint.  It's clear a lot of people recognize him but seem to treat him as a minor celebrity and not particularly formidable fighter - you'd think being an Avenger, even a less popular one, would elicit more of a reaction and respect from the criminal scum.

    Kate had a good explanation that Clint himself is a "low key" person irregardless of powers and doesn't like to draw attention to himself. He's like George Harrison or the recently passed Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones.

    • Love 6
  7. Clint's son signing "I love you" to him had me verklempt.

    Kate's wealth was a holdover from "Young Avengers" where she was the Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark of the group and paid for everything. It was downplayed in the Fraction comics but it was always a part of her backstory.  It's tough nowadays to have a rich protagonist and Tony has never escaped criticism for being a 1 percenter.

    • Love 2
  8. "I can do this all daaaaay!" Awesome.

    The opening credits did a great job telling the story of Kate's life and I love they were in the style of Aja's art.

    Hailee Steinfeld really was the perfect choice. In her Kate Bishop I see the stubbornness of Mattie Ross in True Grit, the goofiness from Edge of Seventeen and the wide eyed wonder from Bumblebee.

    ETA: I wondered where I had seen Armand Ducane III before and I now remember when he played Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes in the BBC Red Nose Day parody from ten years ago:


    ETA again to post I learned he was also the happy go lucky bearded boyfriend of John Hannah in Four Weddings and a Funeral and his character's last name is spelled "Duquesne".


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  9. Sorry Potter fans, Michael Gambon's choice of the way Dumbledore asked Harry if he put his name in the Goblet of Fire was the right one. Okay maybe he shouldn't have been so rough handling a 14 year old, but the implication is supposed to be if Harry didn't someone else did, intending him to die in the incredibly dangerous TriWizard tournament. The only way Dumbledore would ask "calmly" was if he was a Vulcan or a robot. 

    • Love 5
  10. On 9/2/2021 at 12:05 AM, methodwriter85 said:

    Costner's "comeback" seemed to be with the Hatfields vs. the McCoy's mini-series that ran on the History Channel back in like 2012. If you check his IMDB in the years before and the years after, you can see that he started working a lot more after that mini-series came out. Not everything since has been a hit, but he's been in some really decent movies like Hidden Figures.

    His Yellowstone tv series is pretty well-liked and good for him that he's sticking with his western Frontier themes. LOL.

    I remember reading a pre-scandal Louis CK interview in Rolling Stone magazine where he talked about how he was sitting next to Costner at a table at the Golden Globes when he was nominated for The Hatfields and the McCoys and Costner just said quietly "I hope I win." At the time I thought this guy already won an Oscar for directing Dances With Wolves(beating out Martin Scorsese) and is a famous movie star and it's still not enough. Knowing now his career at that time was at a low point that sentiment makes sense.

    • Love 4
  11. The Field of Dreams tone turned out to be a canny choice and as everyone agrees McKenna Grace is fantastic. So the lesson for the franchise to go forward making adventure movies with comedy(ala Goonies) as opposed to a full comedy. Let's face it the makers of the first movie had previously made Animal House, Meatballs, Caddyshack, Stripes and National Lampoon's Vacation, and Ghostbusters 1984 was another movie in that vein only this time with a big budget special effects. The mature jokes went over the heads of  kids who watched it though and they mostly remember the scary moments and the camaraderie and that's what the series should center on now.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Rinaldo said:

    What strikes me as strange is that TCM keeps scheduling it so often. Three or four years ago I was running through Henry Mancini songs of the 1960s in my head (and they did indeed play on radio all the time then), and I thought, "Boy that's a true 'forgotten' movie that'll never be seen again -- small sentimental story that was old-fashioned even then, B&W, no particular star sizzle to qualify it for revival or special attention, unnoticed even in its time." And then it turned up on TCM's schedule, and it keeps coming back. Maybe it's one that they own so it costs them nothing to use it to plug holes in the schedule?

    I did watch it when it turned up a year or two ago. Nothing particular wrong with it (Page seems fine to me -- a fussy flibbertigibbet is the nature of the role, and she was a good enough actress to make it convincing), but also nothing to qualify it for being brought out so often. And the ending is truly weird: freeze-frame while the chorus gives us a full rendition of the title song.

    If we're going to exhume the forgotten oeuvre of director Delbert Mann, I'd like to see the telefilms he made c. 1970 of David Copperfield (Olivier, Richardson, Hiller, Evans, Cusack father & daughter, and many more, all in a very fancy flashback structure as the twice-bereaved David tries to "write the story of his life") and Jane Eyre (GC Scott, Susannah York). They're available on DVD, but in what turn out to be blurry dubs (that I could almost believe were taped at home) that were somehow allowed official status. I'd love to see them both in clean prints.

    Also with Pamela Franklin from The Innocents and The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie as the silly but ultimately tragic Dora. I didn't know until recently she was also in a movie I saw on TV when I was a kid "Flipper's New Adventure"

    I recently saw the actor who played David Copperfield in the 1972 British horror anthology "Tales From the Crypt" based on the 50s comics. In his segment he's a total bastard to a kindly old neighbor played against type by Peter Cushing who is so heartbreaking.

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  13. 3 hours ago, izabella said:

    Aww, that's too bad.  I grew to really like Rose.  She wasn't a harridan nor a sadsack.  She added a lot of fun and a light spirit to the show.

    Lily James was probably filming the "Pam and Tommy" movie and the trailer just came out. I wouldn't have recognized her as Pamela Anderson!



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  14. On 11/16/2021 at 9:19 AM, blackwing said:

    Henry is noticeably absent in the family wedding photo.  And when they listed the character names (instead of the actors, seems odd although I know they did the same thing for the first movie), his name isn't there.  So it seems he is either not in the movie, or maybe he just makes a brief appearance.

    Lily James doesn't appear to be showing up either.  She wasn't in the last one and said that Rose had moved to New York so there was reason why she would be back.  But I think they could have found a way if they really wanted to.

    Yep.  As was said in the final season of the TV show, "Edith is going to outrank us all!"  Indeed.  I have never liked this character or the actress.  I saw Laura Carmichael on "The Spanish Princess" and it was like Lady Edith had been transported back 400 years, it was pretty much the same "woe is me" face, voice and performance.  All woe, all the time.

    I like Edith and I like that she's finally happy. That's what I liked about the show is neither her or Mary were perfect. They had their good sides and bad sides. The nature of TV shows it seems is people want to be on different teams regarding their favorite characters.

    This movie is going to make people want a Violet prequel series even more.

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  15. I haven't seen it just heard about it but I cannot fathom the choice of making the burglars sympathetic? Who thought that was a good idea?! It was funny seeing Pesci and Stern get hurt because they're playing scumbags.

    • Love 4
  16. Calling it "Sorcerer" when it had nothing to do with magic probably didn't help. I would watch the original "Wages of Fear" first. I like that it's obvious Friedkin saw it and thought "Man, this movie would've been even better if we saw these guys' lives before they had to hide out in that town, and they drove through a dense jungle, and then had to cross a rickety bridge!" 

    I saw this in the "Mr Plow" episode of The Simpsons when I was a kid but didn't know it referencing "Sorcerer" until recently!



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