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Posts posted by LexiconDevilOne



    There are gas-powered generators.  If they have gas for cars, no reason why they couldn't get it for a generator. 



    There is no way that ANYONE would have gas. It goes bad, unless you add an additive to preserve it longer. It's one of the biggest plot holes in this entire series. One of the more annoying ones. At least for me.


    It's always annoyed me in this type genre (post apocalyptic genre), that more characters don't utilize bikes. You have different types, none are that hard to find, especially since every town, city or what have you, has bike shops, or a Walmart/Target. You can even put bike racks with the big metal saddles (mine and my son's have them) and/or trailers on them for your stuff. It's not like you have to ride them on the side walks, either. As long as you have gears, you can ride on all kinds of surfaces.


    Although, I can't picture Daryl Dixon riding an adult tricycle, since he admitted on one of the shows he doesn't know how to ride a bike, because he never owned one. Funny, he rode a motorcycle....but, a bike's a bit different.


    Anyway, back to boring Beth...I still haven't forgiven her for making Daryl boring. Now if she puts herself in front of a bullet or a walker, taking one for the team, and dies...maybe then I MIGHT forgive her. Until then, snooze, zzzzz!


    Oh good lord, whole and hole, not the same word...

    • Love 4
  2. Their 'escape' was akin to that commercial where they have the choice of getting in the running car or hiding behind the saws, where the killer is...


    Good God they were LOUD.


    I hope they don't drag this storyline out...

    • Love 13
  3. It was a carbon monoxide detector.  He & the dog were suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and he was hallucinating.  



    Funny story...I turned to my son and said, "That's what happened to the ones around here. They are really annoying when they beep, nonstop, in the middle of the night". We laughed.


    After the show ended my son says to me, "Don't you think you need to get the broken smoke/carbon monoxide detectors replaced"...






    I'm still enjoying this show. I have a mean streak, I laughed when Murphy let the guy with the red coat in to meet up with his family...

    • Love 2
  4. When Jeremy files for divorce, whether this scandal or the next, it will be published here... www.wvgazette.com/gz/News/PublicRecords



    Records change at midnight, every Sunday.  Just click on the date, and all the records show.




    edit: You can copy and paste link :)

    • Love 1
  5. So now I have a theory about why Leahs hair always looks like crap, since her divorce from Corey.



    I watched Leah and Coreys wedding last night on Amazon Prime. Seems like Corey's biological mother was the one responsible for her pretty hair for the wedding and during her marriage to Corey. An 'ah ha' moment if I've ever had one. She owned the beauty salon (according to Teen Mom, take it for what it's worth. These are the same people who let Leah lie about her Mom being a 'nurse', when she isn't). Maybe she made sure the other beauty shops in town knew about Leahs infidelities to her son, and they conspired to make sure Leahs hair will forever look like crap?


    Be great revenge...

    • Love 3
  6. I guarantee you that once the MTV money stops rolling in, Jenelle will move back in with Barb. And, predictably, they'll have a gigantic blowup within a few weeks. She'll move out, to crash on whichever random friend is putting up with her at that time, and Kaiser will be left with Barb. She'll promise to get a job and a place of her own, so she can get him back. But she never will. 


    Because it's free on Amazon Prime, and I just finished Carnivale, I'm re-watching the first season of Teen Mom 2. It's interesting, since I know what's going to happen...


    Sounds EXACTLY like the episode I watched last night on Teen Mom 2, the first season. When she and Keiffer were going to get jobs and move to Wilmington...then she'd get Jace back. It's five years later, never happened.

    • Love 1
  7. "Gareth tells Rick that he saw them burying a bag. "What's in it?" asks Gareth while holding a knife to Bob's eye. Rick explains the bag holds guns -- lots of guns -- plus a machete with a red handle. "That's what I'm going to kill you with," Rick says."




    And, Rick kept that promise, spectacularly.   

    • Love 5
  8. OMG the usernames over there. I am dying.


    I watched the unseen footage episode the other day, and I conveniently missed the part with Leah freaking out over the dead kitten. But that's ok cos I have dealt with enough animal death this week in my real life. Earlier this week there was a poor smooshed cat out front that needed disposal, and just yesterday I found out my dog had end stage kidney failure and I had to make the choice. It's been a rough week.



    I discovered that site last week. Between the comments and the user names, I'm not sure what is more hilarious?



    edited later, I missed the part about your doggie...I'm so sorry!

    • Love 1
  9. I watched Leahs 16 & Pregnant episode, and the first show of Teen Mom 2, last night, and I remembered why I am disgusted by Leah. She showed what  manipulating trash she was, even during her first go around (in which she was 17, almost 18.) Robbie was hideous even then (they dated 2 years, supposedly. Not 3, as Leah later claimed), and she's ruined two marriages, to two guys, who've done nothing but work hard to support her lying lazy trashy butt. 



    I'm so glad her kids have good options, because it makes my enjoyment of Leahs fall so much easier to watch, and mock. Sometimes people reap every bit of what they sow.



    It also reenforced every bit of why I like Corey so much!



    my school was not well, before coffee...aka unnoticed grammar issues.

    • Love 6
  10. Wow.  I didn't even notice the same clothes! Germy really is passive aggressive is he's going to handle the dead kitty situation the way he did--even allowing Leah to touch it. 


    Yeah.  Leah/Germy/Javi/Kail almost seem to have a "cheaper to keep 'er" attitude.  I'm sure that had they not married or had a child with these gals they'd have been gone! (at least I would hope so!)




    Go read the end pages of Leahs thread. Jeremy has left the building over Leahs cheating and drug use.

  11. Maharincess


    The first rehab the guy from my post was in was full of former patients the hospital put in their to break their drug addictions caused by their addiction to doctor prescribed drugs, like your situation. There were a LOT of patients. It was pretty sad. This was circa 1996 for the record. I wonder if they still do that?

    side note, wonder if MTV will address the Leah situation on tonight's unseen episode?

  12. If she started on opiate pills it would make sense to then "branch out" to heroin, which is cheaper.  Robbie probably hooked her up with them, among other things.



    I only know two people who've used heroin. Both of them started off becoming addicted to the pain medication that had been prescribed by a doctor before hand.


    One of them had been to rehab after rehab, nothing worked. He's still addicted to this day. That person is currently in jail, awaiting some heavy duty prison time.

    The other died. He was murdered after trying to buy drugs in a town, in another state, he'd never been to.


    I wish some of these "doctor feel goods" would recognize how they contribute to lives being ruined (not that I blame them, entirely. No one 'makes' you a drug addict. Or forces you to become one.)

  13. Easy.




    Next time you go grocery shopping (Perhaps, any store you may be at, like Target or Walmart) ask what company they use to deliver grocery, or whatever items you may want or need.


    Find address a couple of ways, the internet. Or public libraries all have phone books. Useful things, libraries.


    Planning ahead is always best, right? :)



    Just in case...




    Edit, One should never post before coffee.

  14. I wonder what the significance is to the slash on the tree where they knocked out Bob? They seemed to really zoom in on it.




    Tie in, maybe, for the marks Morgan followed last week?

    • Love 1
  15. NurseGigi, The bolded - This is a very interesting thing that you mentioned actually and just made me think of another way of defense. Raid a fabric store, take several bolts of strong thick fabric (like corduroy or denim or whatever) then hang the fabric all along the fence (like a banner), then smear zombie guts and parts on it. If this was done all along the entire fence perimeter at the prison, the bolts of fabric could potentially act like another barrier, blocking the walker's from smelling the living inhabitants. And it doesn't matter that the guts on the fabric dry and rot alittle - that's what the zombies are doing already. Once a week or as needed, smear some more guts on it to be sure. It's like a fabric shield against the walkers. Those same bolts of fabric can be used to wrap around one's self and smear the guys on - ala Glenn and Carol - and go on supply runs.

    I used to wonder why they didn't put large trucks (like in the original "Dawn of the Dead")or cars, something,  between the fences to hold them up. It made much more sense than those logs. Although I think using zombie guts, or having 'pets' around the perimeter ever couple of feet or so, would work about right.


    Frankly, I'd have done both. Safety, none of these people really think long term, but the show would be so boring if they did.

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