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Posts posted by LexiconDevilOne

  1. Oh....And is she wearing SCRUBS in that selfie in the John?

    She thinks she's going to be a medical assistant. But, she's going find it hard to find a job with her arrest record, convictions or not. Plus, her past (and seeming present, I've seen bongs in her Instagram pictures) drug usage was shown to the world on TM2, and via public media.

    No one's going to want to chance it, and hire her.

    • Love 3
  2. I just want to yell "Dear God Leah!"


    Leah D. CalvertVerified account


    I'm pretty sure I told everyone we did not split up..  Maybe some people will believe me. love you all


    https://twitter.com/TM2LeahDawn/status/551194212272979968  I don't know what I would do without this man in my life! 

    We sure know what she did while he was IN her life.

    Dumb and Dumber...and Germy is helping himself by rockin' the look, either.




    I don't know, but judging by Leahs hair, those pictures could be from this year.

    Damn, I really wanted to see the downfall of Leah. Oh well, something to look forward to in 2015...

    Happy New Year, Y'all.

    • Love 1
  3. Janelle was funny, until she, purposely, got knocked up, dragging an new innocent life in her drama filled mess of a life.

    I always watch (flip channels, last season) for Leah to finally receive her comeuppance. I've disliked her since her 16 & Pregnant. One word reason why...ROBBIE.

    • Love 4
  4. What a worthless bitch.

    edited later...wrestlesflamingos...makes you wonder what happened (or if this money) was part of that charity she set up for Ali, which was fan funded. If that's where the money came from, assuming this is true, then she had/has no business touching it, except for paying medical expenses (which, if true, I doubt that's what the money was used for.) Being a single mother with no job, well you know how that goes.

    • Love 1
  5. Lifetime should have bypassed this episode.

    I like Dmitry and Justin's outfits, because they fit well, and weren't...weird.

    The rest of the outfits were god awful. Gay, straight, or whatever, no man should ever be seen in public wearing those tacky castoffs that poor Fabio put his guy in. I don't understand how he won, I don't want to...

    • Love 6
  6. WORD to the 1,000,000th power. As someone raised by two Woodstock attendees and was the only girl in my high school whose parents owned Dark Side of the Moon, I was raised on Rock. And it is true that if you want the feel of live rock, you're drawn to current Country. Not the twangy classic stuff, but the current acts (which really steams the pants off of long time classic country fans. They feel that their genre has been hijacked by displaced Rock fans). For the first time EVER in my lifetime, I programmed a country station into my presets in my car....in place of the local Pop station, which I call "high school FM."


    This year, I read the Grammy nominees and it was like a huge list of WTF for me. I do like Bruno Mars. I consider him a throwback. Love his new song. The curlers, not so much, 


    So, the "Country Music" voting block is not just pick up driving, southern accented, Merle Haggard fans. Bon Jovi and the Eagles have recorded Country. Steven Tyler was a presenter on the last CMA's. Blake's got more than the "chew tobacco spit" crowd on his side right now

    I forgot to say, that yes Bruno Mars was very highly entertaining. I bet seeing a show put on by him would be fun! I'll, probably, seek out more of his music to listen to. He got my toes to tapping, not an easy feat.

    Classic country pretty much got ruined (I like it, and appreciate it, for what it is...I'll listen to Johnny Cash anytime, anywhere) when Shania Twain came along and made big erodes into crossing over into other genres, like pop. If it wasn't for videos (MTV), and her attractiveness, plus rock producer Mutt Lang helping her musically (when her marriage to him ended, so did her career), I don't think others after her, like Faith Hill or even Taylor Swift would have made much progress in the pop genres. In other words, causal music listeners would have never heard of them, at all.

    The show 'Crossroads' also showcases how different styles of music, in particular rock, have deep roots in country music, and blues.

    My Mom grew up on Country music (her parents, and she, were immigrants, and English is their second language. It was funny to hear country music twang, with a Greek immigrant accent growing up :) She also loves classic Rock, so she taught my brother and I to appreciate all different musical styles...up until Rap came along (she considers THAT noise.)

    I feel sorry for todays youth. Maybe I'll sound like a curmudgeon, but todays 'music' has no soul, and is basically crap no one will remember a couple of years from now.

    • Love 1
  7. I was shocked that Craig won was not expecting that and apparently neither was Adam.  Did you guys see Adam's face when they announced Chris 3rd?  He looked pissed lol.  I wanted Matt to win but I find it hilarious that Adam had 3 finalist in the finale and still lost. America sure does love Country music.

    As someone who grew up listening to hard Rock, and Heavy Metal (not to mention Punk), none of which is represented anymore on the radio. If you want any type of Rock nowadays, then you HAVE to listen to country.

    You can't underestimate Country, or Rock, fans. But, this show always does. I can't tell you how much I despise pop 'music'. It's on par with Rap, for me.

    I'd never heard Bruno Mars till last night, I swear it totally zoomed me back to my very early childhood in the 70's, and James Brown came on over the car radio...BM has that type of vibe.

    • Love 3
  8. I'll never forget when I took my test, I was in there for over an hour. Some guy comes in to take the test, we left at the same time, 20 minutes later. I passed, he did not. He couldn't figure out why he failed. I don't think he understood the directions. He kept giving me dirty looks, and stormed out of the building when the woman who scored congratulated me on passing, she said I passed at a the high level they were looking for, so I probably had a placement in the next class.

    That episode really made me angry. Just getting into a nursing school is hard enough, but to have failed the entrance exam and still get in, over qualified candidates, took the cake. They must have let her in with the agreement she wasn't going to stay (or at least passed the test on the second try.)

    Out of a class of over 1oo, less than 40 graduated, from my class.

    • Love 3
  9. I'm still amused/terrified that Mama Dawn is supposedly a nurse.  How fast would you run away if you showed up to the doctor's office and found out she was the brilliant healthcare professional who would be sticking a needle in your body?

    She's not, neither is Lee. If you look on the website for nurse license verification, neither of them are listed as either LPN or RN.

    What scares me is people who think Leah could ever qualify for nursing school, much less finish it. She didn't pass the entrance exam the time she did take it, when MTV had them accept her even though she was not qualified. I believe she lasted a whole two weeks before dropping out.

    • Love 1
  10. Say what she will, but...

    I think this might be a case of Germy Lynn's actions revealing the real truth of the matter. Moved out to a mobile home, working 7 days a week, picking up on other 'women' via Twitter and Wing Stop, making accusatory passive aggressive posts via Twitter before deleting his accounts because one of his 'hos sold his tweets to her, and the biggy, not being present for any family celebrations like birthday parties or Thanksgiving...

    Didn't Leah do something similar before she and Corey divorced?

  11. It's pretty much 50/50 custody. I hope he doesn't have to pay anything. Why should he, when he has the kids the same amount of time? It shouldn't be HIS problem if their Mother wont work at a real job to pay for them. If she doesn't want to, she ought to turn over custody to him.

    At least that's my opinion. Sadly, it's not how the court looks at it, although, I think it should be...

    • Love 5
  12. I'll say this, mostly because I am Greek, I'm glad to see more of George (although, I am NO fan of Mike Isabella, at all.)

    That said, A Greek cooking lamb is far from out of his wheelhouse. And, for the record, none cook it better than my Mother. He has yet to show his cooking chops.

  13. Okay, so another weekend has passed, and the paper updated the public records section, no mention of a petition to divorce from Jeremy. He's either very very stupid, paid off the newspaper not to make said announcement, or he filed in another county this paper does not announce for.

    With his getting caught flirting with another girl on Twitter, why doesn't he just make it public already?

  14. Well it can only be 1 of 2, considering Jenelle and Chelsea aren't currently married. So yep. Leah.

    And, Kail can't be called, traditionally, 'troubled'...

    So, I agree. Leah.

    Please, tell me I wasn't the only one disappointed that the newspaper didn't public the marriage and divorces, as per usual, this past weekend? I was so looking forward to the shit storm sure to come from a divorce filing.

    • Love 2
  15. I didn't like how they didn't show Beth reunite in any meaningful way with the members of the group. Like not so much as a hello.

    The most powerful scene of this entire show, was a season opener (I'm pretty sure it was season three) where not a single word was uttered...

    • Love 2
  16. Every time I see Lennie James on the Walking Dead, I crave a re-watch of Jericho. Perhaps, tonight is a good time to start one? Especially, since I own it on Amazon Prime...

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