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Posts posted by LexiconDevilOne

  1. This episode was a mess.


    I'm so sick of the subplots, enough of them already. They were fun when they weren't made to feel MOSTLY the entire storyline. I don't care who Lizzie's parents are, why they died, or anything else about the 'past'. If  it's not relevant to getting a bad guy doing bad things to innocent people, then I DO NOT want to hear anymore about it.


    Next week is going to be extremely painful to watch...


    Delta Dawn had Leah at 16, so she is pushing 40 now. There is a pic of what Sandy looked like at the time in the article. I could try looking her age up on the Spokeo type sites but that's tricky when they keep changing their last names :)




    Thanks for the article, cheatin'.


    I forgot about this one. I even have a comment on there, LOL.



    I figured out that if they all had their kids around 16, the Sandy Kay is around 55...whew. So around 10 years older than myself. Hmm, in 10 years I 'might' be a grandmother. I can't imagine being a great grandmother before I retire, can you?

    • Love 2
  3. Okay, I'm outing my age here, but Grandma Sandy (for the record, I've heard, repeatedly, that she is all of 48) is only a year or so older than I am. I have one child, who's going to be 18 in August. I cant fathom being a great grandmother at my age, or as foolish as she's shown herself to be. She looks like my great aunts age (and they are in their mid 80's), except they have better skin and a more youthful appearance.


    Is her mother still around? I wonder.

  4. The general consensus seems to be that Michael and now Debra followed Farrah to Austin, but actually Michael moved there first.  Farrah undoubtedly followed him because she needed someone to watch her daughter while she was flying around the country making personal appearances at sleazy strip clubs or promoting her plastic butthole.



    I thought she followed him.

  5. Man this episode was such a missed opportunity.


    If the unsub had been that guy from Los Angeles who was a comic book author/drawer, who's girlfriend was murdered and he became a vigilante, while carrying her phone. He ended up institutionalized (still with her phone). The unsub from this episode cold have been him, recently released.


    It's basically the same story, that could have been tied together.


    This 'stand alone' was boring.

    • Love 6
  6. YES.  I'm currently binge-watching all of the previous seasons that I dvr'd when they had the marathon a few weeks back. .   

    I tried that with Teen Mom 2...I had to stop.


    I found myself actually hating each of the girls. Yelling at my Kindle. And, wanting to drive to West Virginia so I could punch Leah out.




    You're a braver one than I.




    When it comes to Farrah's ENTIRE storyline...I don't buy a single word, or deed, of what she's trying to sell.


    I don't think she has anywhere near the money she wants us to believe she has. I don't believe she's in any relationship, much less with this guy. I think she only see Sophia when the cameras are around (just like Janelle). And, I think her parents are in on the act.


    I do believe she's as big of bitch as she portrays though. I do not believe that's calculated one iota.

    • Love 5
  7. Yes...this 40 something year old met her on Twitter by comparing her number of fans to JENELLE EVANS. I know I'm not exactly in this show's demographic, but really?


    There literally wasn't one scene where Amber wasn't sitting on the couch.

    She was driving her car during the whole corn/Hoosiers conversation.

  8. THAT house is only 650? I need to move out of the Bay Area.

    I live in Los Angeles, that money wouldn't buy even a fraction of a house like that here.

    • Love 2
  9. Oh my freakin god, Ryan was comedy gold tonight. He was so awesome with his Farrah comments.




    Amber...Are you insane? Your 'boy'friend is creepy, weird and WAY too old for you. You'll be back on drugs by the end of the year.


    Catelynn... meh...


    Farrah...LOL! I hope she reaps every bit of what she sows. Ryan's right, "Farrah's nasty"...

    • Love 4
  10. That's all well and good, assuming your partner feels the same way you do about it.  I don't think that was the case with her and Taylor.  My guess is she told him her doctor said she couldn't get pregnant again so he didn't bother with protection.  The guy looks like he's about to puke when she mentions marriage, why would he be a.ok with having a baby with her?

    I'd tell him the same thing I told my ex when we found out I was pregnant, very very unexpectedly.


    "You knew "I" wasn't using birth control, YOU should have worn a condom if you didn't want a kid."


    There is a very long story behind this, but those were the words I said when he walked out on me after 12 years, when I was 5 months pregnant.

    • Love 2
  11. The thing that aggravates me about Catelynn and Tyler is the fact that if they HAD NOT given Carley up for adoption, they probably would not have been picked to be on Teen Mom . Their lives improved too by giving her up. They wouldn't have their house, most like be together and have Novalee, or even have contact with Carley, if not for Teen Mom.


    They ought to be grateful, not just for Carley's sake, but their own too.

    • Love 3
  12. Right! She is not going to DRUG rehab. She may go to a rehab but it won't be for drugs.  lol  Notice she didn't mention a divorce. 


    I found it funny that on Victoria's facebook she mentioned how she already missed her husband.  I guess maybe he was gone for work.  Someone told her, it's too early to be complaining, you already knew this when you married him, you are going to run him off. (Or something to that extent) Sounds like Leah's life!

    Well, she better keep her legs wide open to him when he comes home.


    Wasn't that Mama Dawns advice to Leah?

    • Love 3
  13. Wow, this show is utter garbage.


    Farrah makes Ryan look like a mature adult. Why'd she agree to do this show, if she was going to act like that? She made herself look like a complete headcase nutjob... Well, even more than we all suspected.


    B & T took more of the high road than I would have. Tyler just doesn't get it. Carly is THEIR kid, not his. If they want to put her picture on posters and sell it for the general public on an MTV website, it's THEIR prerogative, not his.


    I knew Amber had not changed an iota. Loaded or sober, she's still the same.


    Maci...wonder where HER parents are, and how they feel about her getting knocked up, again, before marriage? Ryan's parents, nice as they were, don't really count. The kids isn't theirs or their problem.

    • Love 5
  14. I understand public notices when interested parties can't be located.  But it is not a "law" to publish bankruptcies in newspapers.  Creditors are all listed in the bankruptcy documents.  And if it was a law, then all bankruptcies would be published, not just people's who happen to live in Yahooville, Backwards State, USA.  It's just mean spirited in my opinion.  It's used to sell newspapers to people who like to read about other's misery.



    If you don't enjoy other peoples misery...why are you watching Teen Mom 2?

    • Love 10
  15. Personally, when it comes to Maddie, the ad nauseam fawning that Abby, and Melissa, have done over her for years, plus giving her all the breaks the others did not get a chance at, makes people not want to root for her. Instead they'd rather see someone like her fall.


    Abby, and her Maddie obsession, are the reason I stopped watching for a while.


    I'd like to see one of the other girls, any of them without the last name of Ziegler,  break out and become successful, away from this show, and the others.

    • Love 1
  16. I always look at the Charleston Gazette public records...No Leah divorce, but I did see this under couples applying for marriage licenses... 



    Brian Eugene Jones, 19, and Victoria Hope Messer, 20, both of Elkview - See more at: http://www.wvgazette.com/article/20150412/GZ01/150419926/1127#sthash.PdUdI5iq.dpuf



    I had no idea she was 'engaged' to such a young guy. Good luck with that.

    • Love 1
  17. So, territory aside (thanks for that wiki entry, since I'm pretty sure they don't teach this in school anymore)...if Janelle and Nathan were to marry in Puerto Rico, aren't they in violation of the no contact order? Couldn't the judge put them BOTH in jail?


    Just because they married doesn't make the legal ramifications disappear .

    Anyone else catch from Reality Tea that Jenelle is gonna "write" (I use that term loosely) a book? Made me chuckle.

    Did she say what she's going to 'write' about? Her life's pretty much already out there for public consumption. Mainly because of her, and her Twitter/social media. I'd have a hard time believe most of what she'd write anyway.

    • Love 3
  18. A destination wedding doesn't make the marriage legal in the U.S., right? So they will still have to break the no-contact order to make it so.

    Puerto Rico is part of the United States, it's a territory. The people there are United States Citizens.

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