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Everything posted by Courtney

  1. I'm having trouble getting into this season, too. There's so many miserable characters. Knowing how many train wrecks lie ahead of everyone doesn't help matters either.
  2. I think that was Brian Arnold. He wanted to finish Stage 2 early so he could have a long rest before Stage 3. Then he wiped out on Stage 2. I may have experienced some schadenfreude that evening... I have no objections to Drew winning. I don't think the editing of his backstory packages did him any favors, really, but I can't argue his credentials or commitment. It clearly meant a lot to him, and the other ninjas seemed genuinely pleased for him. Wasn't looking forward to the almost inevitable meltdown if he didn't win. That said, I am SOOOOOOO not looking forward to the inevitable "Will Drew be the first back to back Ninja Warrior Champion!!!?!?!?!?!?!??" storyline for him next year. Huzzah for DVRs.
  3. At this moment, I would rank Brian Arnold ahead of Drew, if only that Drew is self-supporting and does not (yet) have the obligation of a family. Arnold cashed in retirement money and quit his job to live on his girlfriend's (wife? I can't remember) wages, and I remember her being visibly unhappy about that fact. There's room for debate about the long term stability of ninja gyms as a concept once a new fad emerges, and if he's still doing this insane night training regimen next year when he has an infant, I'll cheerfully re-rank. 🙂 I agree that he's developed an unpleasant edge this year that is really unappealing. I don't remember him being like this in the past. Maybe he always was and hid it better, or maybe he's started believing too much of his own press. I'm definitely on the couch with those who think he's headed for a mental break if he doesn't win it all.
  4. I think he's starting to veer dangerously close to Brian Arnold "You Are Taking This Too Seriously" territory.
  5. I wonder if they thought that Grim Sweeper would take more time than it does? It's more technical than anything else, rather than a strength or grip issue. I bet they expected Snapback to do more damage too.
  6. Making a variation of it, called nivagi, was a plot point in Molly of Denali a few weeks ago. Hers was based on whipped moose fat.
  7. There is a parkour/ninja gym in my area with several locations which does quite nicely for itself. They got into the birthday party business, and run a bunch of kid's classes in addition to providing training for adults. About 3/4 of the employees have been on the show, at least 2 have been to Vegas, according to their online bios, but no one I remember ever having heard of. So in the right market, and with some smart management, running a gym can work out pretty well, even if you're not a superstar ninja gym owner like Drew.
  8. That water obstacle is freaking insane. I do like the new obstacle, Deja Vu. It's a cool combination of problem solving, strength, and timing.
  9. No thank you to the Island Ninja caddy. He's gotten more screen time than people who are legitimately in Vegas to RUN THE COURSE. I know he's a character, a "beloved fan favorite" or whatever hyperbole Matt and Akbar would use to describe him. But maybe we could use some of that airtime to, oh, I dunno, show someone RUNNING THE COURSE? I would even take a sad backstory from someone who qualified for Vegas over yet another shot of Grant. Ahem. Sorry about that. Warmed to my theme once I started. Jessie's secret job sounds awesome. I wondered in my head if she was working for Marvel - in the right shots she could probably double for Scarlett Johansson. Thirty finishers seems pretty consistent with years past, but somehow Stage 1 seemed really sad this year. I don't know if it was that all the women flamed out, or that so many long time stars went out on really early obstacles, but I didn't enjoy this the way I have in years past.
  10. Oh, same. I get that you need some kind of shtick to get and stay on the show, but when your shtick is so loud and/or nutty that it outweighs anything else about you, it gets wearying. I think many of them must be EXHAUSTING to know in real life, even if they are perfectly nice and friendly people.
  11. Or how Joe Morovsky hadn't fallen on Stage One in forever?
  12. That fall by Travis Rosen looked awful. I'm surprised there isn't more padding on the landing zone for the Double Dipper, given how fast they come off of it. I don't know that it would have necessarily helped Travis, given the angle he fell, but it looks like a metaphorical lawsuit waiting to happen. (I'm sure they all sign away any possibility of a lawsuit in order to compete.)
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