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  1. I'm exhausted by her, and very much want the character to be written out.
  2. That was a superbly directed and edited show. I cringed at the the violence- it was intense but it was supposed to be cringe worthy. I’m sorry the Muse got away, and glad that Adam is alive. I don’t understand why Kingpin can’t just Let. It. Go. It’s not like Adam will go anywhere near her again- he’d probably leave the country.
  3. I never saw that clip until something like 20 years after it aired, but that is exactly what I thought when I saw it!!! 😂
  4. Die Sonny die! I say this gleefully, even when I know he won't.
  5. YES, YES, a million times yes!
  6. I know the actor has other things going on, but I'll still miss Valentine. I think it might be who shot Drew. I can't imagine the show writing him out after the actor lost his house in the wildfire.
  7. Carly's brush with death was like 2 hours. Show, I feel cheated. I want Gio to find out he's BrookLyn's son all on his own so that he can go to the dark side and make her and Dante's lives miserable. And Lois too.
  8. I feel like they're dragging it out. I'm ready for more Daredevil out on the hunt, getting the bad guys.
  9. No you are not. Gleefully. But I know she will not.
  10. Can't wait for Willow to find out Sasha is carrying Micheal's baby. I want it to happen now. Also, the actress who plays Charlotte has gotten tall.
  11. I wish they would bring back the romance/sex scenes. I mean, love in the afternoon.
  12. I think I’ve decided I don’t like the love interest.
  13. Today's episode was boring. Also, I hate Kristina.
  14. It felt very tragic to me, especially since the actor who played White Tiger recently passed away. :’( I’m hoping not ALL the episodes aren’t going to end on such a down moment.
  15. I was happy to see Valentine today. He and Anna still have sizzling chemistry. Brooklyn's scenes are definitely Emmy bait. The actress rose to the occasion.
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