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Posts posted by Muffyn

  1. 5 hours ago, Kellyee said:

    Is being 600 pounds some kind of class issue? Almost without exception, the people we see each week are living in total or near poverty. They always seem to be in some crappy house or welfare apartment, wearing rags (or just a cheap sheet), and none of them ever seem to have had a decent job EVER. Does the obesity make them poor, or is being poor a risk factor for extreme obesity? Or does this show just always look for the biggest train wrecks?

    And don't tell me two drug addicts couldn't spot a drug dealer living on their property. There were probably "friends" coming and going at all hours of the day and night.

    There are class issues around obesity.  However, the biggest issue here is people who would be willing to go on a TV show to get surgery.  If you have good health coverage and can afford to pay the other costs associated with surgery, you are unlikely to show up on My 600 Lb Life to be filmed getting hosed down on the porch. 

    5 hours ago, Lizz said:

    Count me in as not understanding how she could have sex and deliver a baby with that body.  I really hope she's on birth control now!  Now stop thinking.....

    Did she have a Juggalo tat?  I missed that but I saw Charlie had a Juggalo cap and rubber wristband.  

    Both of her pregnancies had problems.  She was bed bound for much of the time.  And she had the children via C-section.  Dr. Now mentioned the scarring in her abdomen.  There are many positions in which people can have sex.  I'll just leave it with if there's a will, there's a way. 

    As far as birth control goes, she may have limited choices.  With her history of blood clots, she cannot use most hormone based methods. 

    5 hours ago, Kellyee said:

    Did Nicole say at one point "I don't want my kids to have to bury me wearing a diaper."???? Was she wearing a diaper because she couldn't get in the bathroom? I haven't been this horrified since the last horrible episode of this show 2 weeks ago.

    I had to listen to that twice.  She said she didn't want them to bury her while they were (still) in diapers.  So, yeah, weird phrasing.  She wasn't saying she was wearing diapers (as well we know from the all important hose down scene.)

    41 minutes ago, cpcathy said:

    Question: if you know you're going on the show, why don't you start the diet ahead of time, since you know it will be no carbs and protein and getting up and moving a bit. Or, is that a production conceit, so we get the footage of the grocery store shop and the bathing shot and the stuffing food in your mouth shot.

    There are many scenes on these shows that really seem prompted by production.  You can catch them in different episodes.  There have been a few times when people went to a drive through and their spouse reminded them to order the large.  A lot of the shopping trips seem aimed at shock value.  We never see someone pick up milk or bread; it's always a cart full of junk food.  While these folks have terrible diets, I would suspect they occasionally eat something more than chips and ice cream.  Seeing Nicole and Charlie buy meat for the world's nastiest meatloaf was an exception for this show.  (Thinks back to Zsalynn damn near fellating a donut.)

    • Love 11
  2. It is not uncommon for couples to break up  after one member gets weight loss surgery.  Seeing the change in the family dynamic was one of the more interesting things we saw the first year.  And we saw a few couples edging toward divorce.  Unless they're a "marriage is for life" couple, I have a hard time seeing Roni and Michael together in a few years.     

    • Love 5
  3. I would guess that, even though she has lived much of her life on camera, she didn't want people going on about her weight while  she was pregnant.  She is in a damned if she does, damned if  she doesn't situation when it comes to her weight.  If she stayed thin, then people would accuse her of not eating enough while pregnant because she was worried about weight gain.  If she looked heavy, then she would be criticized for gaining too much weight.  I can't stand her or her family, but I can certainly understand not wanting to deal with excessive body shaming while pregnant 

    • Love 1
  4. On ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 7:07 PM, Joana said:

    Arizona and Minnick, ugh. First of all, Arizona's huge turnaround literally overnight is ridiculous. Like someone said, it feels like we've missed a couple of episodes dealing with the development of their relationship. And to me, they are even worse than Callie and Penny. At least Penny was a decent human being, for what it's worth. So far there's nothing that has convinced me that Minnick is not the smug asshole she was when she first showed up. 

    Their relationship to date:

    1.  Minnick:  I think you're great and I am totes attracted to you.

         Arizona:  Um, OK, so it feels like you pushed my good friend out of his job and have not shown respect for his experience or background, I don't trust your methods or your reasoning, and I find the way your talking to me kind of creepy. 

    2.  Minnick nicks an artery on a patient as a horrific action teaching opportunity. Arizona is part of the group of doctors who wants Minnick out because she is abrasive and her methods do not seem to be well thought through.  Also, childish loyalty to Richard, let's all get together and pout rather than address this work issue like a work issue and not a school yard tussle. 

    3.  Minnick:  I am going to have an intern do surgery on this child.

         Arizona:  Hells no.  It's a child.  You need a peds surgeon.

         Minnick:  Chill.  We got this. 

    4.  Surgery, child dies, Stephanie, who has been shown as one of the best interns is struggling with what happened.  Minnick walks off without trying to help Stephanie.  Arizona finds Minnick.  Minnick cries because she's never lost a child.  Somehow this is supposed to soften our and Arizona's feelings toward her because she is distraught.  Dead kid be damned.  Minnick has the sadz.   Arizona's heart softens toward her (rather than the more realistic possibility that Arizona takes further issue with Minnick's methods and pushes to have kids be off limits). 

    5.  Minnick:  My car won't start.

        Arizona:  Let me help because I am not a monster and you are horrible regularly, so I don't want to see you after you sleep in your car (TM Jo). 

    6.  Minnick:  You're schmoopy.

         Arizona:  No, you're schmoopy.

         Minnick:  You're the cutest.

         Arizona:  No, you're the cutest.

    It all makes perfect sense to me.  It starts with Minnick being sort of creepy in the way she expresses her attraction to Arizona, goes through a whole  series of reasons why Arizona should not want a close personal relationship with Minnick, and ends up with them kissing in the parking lot where anyone can happen upon them. 

    The unfortunate thing is that no matter how illogical this formula is, it's one we've seen multiple times.  

    On ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 11:01 PM, dr pepper said:

    A few more comments:

    1. When someone offers a kidney, isn't it sop to check both kidneys to make sure the donor can function with just one left?

    To be fair, the mother had two good kidneys when they started.  She threw a blood clot that blocked the other kidney.  It couldn't be cleared in time to keep the kidney viable.  Dramatic, oh so Grey's, but plausible.  Of course, I would suspect they were trying to imply this was  more likely because evil dad had upset her immediately prior  to the surgery, raising her blood pressure.  I'll let that just fade away.   

    • Love 5
  5. On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 10:59 PM, Teddybear said:

    I loved the very last scene when Desi was getting all sentimental "I think we've all been down a time or two" and they both immediately cut him off with "shut the f** up!"  

    That was one of my favorite moments. Hannah and Marnie were speaking for all of us in that moment.

    • Love 2
  6. He was shown putting gel in his hair after the obligatory shower scene.  It is not uncommon for men to do this.  It's just so unappealing to me, especially when he had such beautiful curls.  At the end of the show it seemed like his hair had thinned quite a bit on top.

    At the dinner at the Italian restaurant, when he had fried mozzarella sticks and a big bite of chicken parmesan, all I could think was he'll be regretting that later.  Didn't he get a bypass?  My understanding is after that surgery you cannot digest high fat quantities.  He was in for a bad night.  That'll kill the romance of a dinner out with your spouse. 

    I am having a hard time imaging long term success for them as a couple unless they go to couple's counseling and work on their dynamic.  He needs to deal with his anger issues and learn how to not take them out on his family.  She needs to figure out what she needs to be happy in this relationship.  There is a lot of work to do. 

    • Love 2
  7. I saw the last half hour tonight.  Dang.  Roni was wider than Michael at the last doctor's visit.   She wasn't tiny at the start but she definitely looked like she gained.  Her last interview was very telling when she complained that he didn't need her anymore, which was especially funny given we saw her combing his hair and putting it in a ponytail.

    Thinking about Michael's hair, I hate the way he slicks it down and pulls it back.  After the seemingly mandatory shower scene, he had towel dried his hair.  He had beautiful large curls.  I covet his hair.  Why hide it?

    • Love 10
  8. I've had more than enough of Minnick.  I knew we couldn't have her and Arizona simply be colleagues.  I want Arizona to have a successful relationship.  I just hate that she is getting matched so quickly with such a terrible character. I saw no great turnaround to make me believe that Minnick is suddenly the greatest ever.   

    I am okay with the idea of the teaching method whereby the residents perform the surgery and the senior surgeons watch and advise.  Heck, in early seasons we saw this.  However,, the idea of having them prep the patients is silly.  Their time is more valuable than that.  This is time that could be spent on teaching or performing other surgeries.  Other residents might need practice prepping patients. 

    • Love 8
  9. The editing shenanigans were over the top in this episode.  As people have pointed out, we're in the truck.  We're in the car.  He was wearing different shirts in the enthralling stuck in traffic scenes.  Did he get out of the truck to change t-shirts?  In the he must eat his fast food before driving the last five miles (which I seriously think was prompted by production) Roni had already gone to get them checked into the hotel.  Shenanigans!!!!!

    In every photo of Roni and Michael they both seemed so serious.  I can't remember one on which they were smiling.  They each claimed there was a time they were happy together.  If they have any photographic evidence of it, they didn't show it. 

    • Love 5
  10. 2 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

    I have no idea what they said either!  Like the Tron guy said to Daryl,  "There are some guys coming and stuff, and I'm gonna do some stuff and if that stuff doesn't work, I'm gonna lead them to this house where a lady with balls lives, but she won't live in the Kingdom and do stuff.  They may kill her.  You in?"

    Glad it wasn't just me.  And that was one of the most logical parts of this mess of an episode. 

    The scenery behind Rick in the junkyard scenes from the top of the heap was just laughable. 

    Among the jars and guns Jadis also found some Miss Clairol light blond at some point.  That’s quit the ombre affect she’s rocking.  Looks like less than 3 years growth of roots so she did a touch up at some point.

    We don't need another leader
    We don't need another strange group
    All we need is life beyond
    trash heap dome

    (Oh and someone to stop Negan from talking, even a slight bit of logic in the show, better dialog, people showing some damn sense . . . )  

    • Love 13
  11. I agree that Jessa didn't do anything seemingly horrible.  Sure, she took a plate and loaded up on free food.  No harm, no foul.  And those women were the worst.  Also, Jessa is not to blame for Shosh's decision to skip the trip to Aruba.  However, Jessa wants people to not succeed.  She is so quick to criticize everyone and everything that she cannot be supportive.   She might not give a damn about Jamba Jeans (a wonderfully terrible name) but Shosh does.  Or at least Shosh cares about building a career and feeling successful on her terms.  Jessa had a choice to either build Shosh up or put her down.  In attacking the people that she looked up to  and treating Shosh like she was a fool for caring, she cut her down.  Shosh already felt terrible.  Jessa poured salt in the wound. 

    Shosh is very far from perfect (as are they all), but she has previously realized that she expected life to be so much easier than it is.  She has shown some growth.  I expect she'll realize she is responsible for her own choices. 

    I did love Elijah's Shosh impersonation and Marnie and Hannah both yelling at Desi to shut up.   

    • Love 7
  12. This was really disappointing.  I like Pete Holmes but somehow he was the least interesting person by a long shot on his own show.  I'll hag on for a bot hoping it get better or at least the other characters bring the funny.

    • Love 1
  13. This episode convinced me the show is going somewhere.  Hannah both called Marnie out and owned her own garbage.  They are both so selfish they cannot see what is gong on with other people.  Desi is the worst in yet another way.  Of course he's an addict and he's so special he keeps his oxy in a mason jar.  He should have had another jar full of artisanal pickles in his brief case.

    Shosh finally really seeing what a garbage fire Jessa is was also a good payoff, expecially since it was not about Jessa and Adam, it was about how Jessa treats people.  These friends are so often horrible friends.  It is good to see them realizing how their dynamics work.  In the rest of the season/series, maybe they'll work on fixing them.   

    • Love 15
  14. On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 1:22 AM, revbfc said:

    I don't mind the Charmin commercials with the bears, but I do have a problem with underwear being mentioned when all the bears are nude at all times.  Seriously!  Look at all the bear ads and show me one where clothes are worn.

    Calling that one cub "skids" does make sense, but ew.


    The bears wear hats and sunglasses and they put their naked bear butts on the furniture.  They are repulsive. 

    Also, if they did wear underwear, why would the other bears be checking it out?  Why would they know that Skids has skid marks?  What kind of freakish scat-related kink are these supposedly young bears into?  Do we need to call Bear Protective Services?  

    • Love 8
  15. This show is just crazy-making.  April pleading with Richard while several staff listen in was terrible.  Ben having to tell Miranda and Richard that they were acting like children was something that needs to be said almost every episode.  Oh, and Shondra, it is possible for two lesbians to meet and work together and not be interested in each other romantically.  It happens with straight people all the time.  It goes for gay, lesbian, bisexual . . . people also.  Mmkay? 

    • Love 21
  16. I love Riz Ahmed.  I found  him weirdly charming with his deep philosophy and his surfer speak.  And of course Hannah thinks she can just move into his life.  Her sense of entitlement covers all spheres.   (Riz Ahmed was the lead in The Night Of.  A very different role.  He was excellent. )

    Adam and Jessa are still the worst.  So points for consistency I guess?  They make my skin crawl. 

    Shosh and Ray have so much more chemistry than Ray and Marnie.  Marnie, too, is consistent in her ability to only see herself in all situations.  And Desi continues to be the worst.  They do deserve each other.  They can spend their time telling each other how deep and thoughtful and talented they are, while shitting all over everyone else and making seriously mediocre music. 

    • Love 8
  17. This show is a mixed bag when it comes to disability.  Unless the show specifically shows someone working, we tend to assume they are on disability.  In many cases their families are caring for them or they are married and living off the spouse's income.  Often we don't learn what the spouse does.  We also have people who do some type of work that they choose to not expose on camera.  For example, some of the women supplemented their income with soft core porn - photo shoots, chat rooms, etc.  They don't tend to bring this up.  For the horrific Penny, she did this work and her husband worked.  However, she implied that she did no work and he was her caretaker. 

    Now, in Penny's case, I think she was also on disability but it wasn't based on size.  It had to do with her breathing issue.  Dr. Now basically called out that she no longer needed oxygen, so her qualifying illness was long gone.  Penny being the hideous hosebeast that she is wasn't going to give that up.   But she is the exception, not the norm. 

    Obesity alone is not a qualifying condition.  There are some people with issues that may or may not have been brought on by their weight that, as a package, might qualify them for disability.  But it does take several things to qualify and either an attorney or social worker to really push for the patient.

    So I guess my soapbox  moment is the majority of people on the show are not actually receiving disability payments.  Just because we're not specifically told how people earn a living doesn't mean they get disability.  Also, the folks typically have some or several types of mental illness and, if they receive disability payments, it would be for something more than being 600 lbs. 

    • Love 7
  18. On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 5:37 AM, notyrmomma said:

    I only know of two: Zaslyn and Pauline - and I don't know about actual porn, but they naked and/or lingerie photo shoots.  Someone also mentioned that Penny did it too, but I don't think so.  What?  You don't want to Google it for yourself?  LOL

    Penny did what is known as feeder porn.  She would sit in her toilet bed wearing lingerie or something short which, given that she didn't wear pants took no effort, and make a show of eating large quantities of food.  

    On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:32 AM, okerry said:

    I know Zsalyn talked about this, though it may not have been until her follow-up show. She was doing Internet chats and videos for men who have fat fetishes - who are only sexually attracted to grossly overweight women - and IIRC, that's where she met her (now-ex) husband.

    Zsalyn's husband got nasty and rejected her once she started losing some weight. That's why he was acting the way he was. Apparently there are any number of men like this, and these very overweight women sometimes fall for them thinking he's such a great guy because "he doesn't care about my weight!" But the truth is, that's the only thing he's attracted to and it's crushing for these women once they realize that, as Zsalyn finally did.

    Zsalynn was really active with NAAFA:  https://www.bing.com/search?q=naafa&form=EDGNTC&qs=MB&cvid=50fd88573d584d8a902ab0d33a9f802b&pq=naafa&cc=US&setlang=en-US&PC=LCTS .  A friend was very involved with this organization.   When she would go to their conferences there were always many people who were there to find a partner for life or just for fun.  Many of the men were just normal guys who are attracted to large women or were already married to a large woman and being emotionally supportive.  (And of course women with women and women with men).  And then there were the Gareth equivalents.  They were physically attracted to large women but also treated them poorly because they thought they could.  So at an organization focused on supporting large people, there are jerks like Gareth who use it as a place to find people they can emotionally abuse.  Those are the guys that often date many women and, when in relationships, cheat.  We saw that with Gareth on the show. 

    14 hours ago, auntjess said:

    I wonder if the TLC production people would be mandatory reporters.  In some states, don't remember where Marla lived, anyone who witnesses child abuse of endangerment is required to report.

    Doctors, teachers, psychiatrists, social workers, etc. are mandatory reporters.  TV producers are not.  They wouldn't be expected to be able to assess.  Of course, anyone can make a call if they see something that is putting people into danger.  On shows like Hoarders, there are psychiatrists as part of  the show; they are mandatory reporters and have made calls when needed. 

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