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Posts posted by Muffyn

  1. I have to watch this show several times to get all of the lines.  Dan riling up Jonah with all of the shaving references and telling he looked like a penis was hysterical.  The faces that Gary made when Selena talked about running for President were priceless.  Amy talking like she was at the Whitehouse while helping Buddy run for office was such a callback to the horrible things this team says to each other.  I have missed this show so much.

    Selena has to run for office.  She can bring the whole team back together.  After all, they can only do so much for AIDS and adult literacy.   

    • Love 4
  2. I feel like the show has been improving.  I am catching up on episodes (it's not appointment TV for me).  They have, however, done something I find unforgiveable.  They put Chris D'elia on my TV screen.  Why?  Whhhhhyyyyyyyyy? I find him so exceptionally unwatchable.    

    • Love 1
  3. I weirdly enjoyed watching Hannah watch her friends at the party.  It did feel like a series finale.  Marnie was the beautiful, vivacious one with men drawn to her.  Shosh was happily entranced by her fiancé.  Jessa was inappropriate but in a way that you could imagine people being drawn to.  And Hannah was Hannah, both painfully out of place and right in the middle of it all. 

    • Love 18
  4. Thinking about the 7 day in hospital detox, that is actually realistic,  What was strange was that he didn't go from detox to a drug addiction treatment center.  Drs. Flower and Beardy talked about him needing to do work post detox.  It is possible that his insurance doesn't cover in patient drug rehab.  The other option is having thrown yet more fits, he was not welcomed into a rehab. 

    • Love 9
  5. The Adam/Hannah stuff was tough to watch - each of them trying to convince themselves there was something good they could rekindle.  I remember their horrible relationship and how terribly he treated her.  When he grabbed the soda, it brought back every time he body shamed her.  The whole idea that he broke up with Jessa to go after Hannah because he wanted to raise her baby (not because he felt he had screwed up and hurt her) was so squicky. Of course Adam would do that.  And of course it was a terrible idea. 

    But I did enjoy Laird.  My sweet Laird.  Eternally clueless.   

    • Love 8
  6. I enjoyed it from beginning to end.  I could pick nits but I enjoyed the focus on women and relationships without making them all competitive shrews.  There was excellent acting, some that I expected and some that I did not. 

    The music was yet again excellent, from the talent show singing to the use of Neil Young's Helpless during the abuse.  That was haunting. 

    • Love 13
  7. 16 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

    I think it is a bleach stain. The discolorment is inline with the way our clothes sometimes come out when my husband tries to do the laundry.

    To be fair, if I were doing Steven's laundry, I would pour a whole bottle of bleach in every load. 

    • Love 7
  8. Adding to the things they all say list that @Trees started above:

    "I HAAAAAAVE to do this." (Most frustrating when spoken in a whispery, baby voice.  Zsalynn was nails on a chalkboard to me.)

    "I am doing this for my children."  (At which point I burst out with my best Helen Lovejoy "Won't somebody think of the children!"  Because you know some of these folks are really thinking of the children when they ask them to wipe their asses.)

    Dr. Now:  "You are killing him!"  

    • Love 11
  9. With the kind of money they talk about, it is hard to get a handle on how much money Axe now has at his disposal.  They all seem to live extravagantly, however, there isn't a good sense of how much they can lose.   I was surprised how quickly we went from Chuck having major money to selling his books and talking about selling the house.  I know his lawyer is obscenely expensive, and Chuck makes a government salary.  It still seemed like a fast slide. 

  10. I really hope the next doctor they drag back to the Saviors is a chiropractor. Maybe he can help with Negan's back problem.  There is something particularly off-putting about a smiling man talking about rape while leaning in a way to push his penis forward. 

    • Love 17
  11. This show is really becoming tense.  I wasn't sold on the first season.  This one has me. 

    Chuck's dad screwed Axe out of some serious money.  Such a pretty motorcycle to now despise looking at. 

    • Love 3
  12. Ed broke my heart when he talked about his and Maddie's relationship.  Damn.  I think of Adam Scott as Leslie Knope's boyfriend/husband, wearing a Batman costume or playing the Cones of Dunshire.  Then he does this scene and lays waste to that image.  His pain was somehow palpable and so understated. 

    You've all covered how wonderful Robin Weigert is as the therapist.  I like her character's no holds barred approach.  She knows Perry is escalating.  How long does Celeste have?      

    • Love 9
  13. The music on this show is incredible.  "Ball and Chain" was so perfect. 

    I have never been impressed with Nicole Kidman as an actress.  She is changing my mind.  The therapy session was incredibly intense and really well written.  There were so many ways she tried to make it sound like it wasn't abuse even while it was clear that she remembers bruises (may even currently have some), knows he hits her, remembers being strangled, . . . .

    • Love 24
  14. 9 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    I must have latent dyslexia because for a second I read this as, "...how many EMTs did James eat..."

    Some of them qualify as beefcake so, I'm sure they were tempting.  MMMM . . . beef . . . cake.  I'll let myself out. 

    • Love 17
  15. On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 0:05 PM, CoderLady said:

    I've noticed that about other fast food chicken, too. I think it really has been soaked in water. Brining is what's it's called when you take previously frozen poultry and soak it to try to make it taste fresh and juicy again. I've never done it so I don't know how well it works, but I can tell when I'm eating thawed chicken. It's like eating a soaked cellulose sponge full of salt water. Ugh.

    Isn't "soaked cellulose sponge full of saltwater" the main ingredient in a McNugget?  

    • Love 1
  16. On ‎3‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 5:08 AM, TattleTeeny said:

    I hate the one where the narration says, "He's more hardcore." He's hardcore because he wants his bed to be firm?! If he was so tough and hardcore, he'd leave the bed to his delicate lady and sleeping outside in a military-issue hammock hanging from a tree--in the winter!

    I know in commercials for drinks like Boost or Pediasure or ice tea or whatever, they want to show the labels and all that, but it annoys me to see someone either drinking from the can/bottle or pouring it into a glass in a completely unnatural hand position (like with the thumb parallel to the container's side as opposed to wrapped around it). 

    Full disclosure - I was a hand model when I was young.  One of the funniest things is supposedly drinking out of a can. Typically you would be pouring the soda up your nose. 

    On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 4:20 PM, LoneHaranguer said:

    It looks like BK's "someone's gonna get fired" guy and his buddy have been replaced by two bearded fellows who look even less like they should be wearing paper crowns. It's slightly less annoying, but I don't know who the guy on the right is supposed to be talking to when he says "he wears glasses"; he glances over to his buddy's left where no one is sitting.

    The &%#$@* Sklar brothers, a.k.a. the least funny comedians on TV.  It is almost like they had a challenge to see if they could find people more hated than the original guys. 

    • Love 4
  17. I actually enjoyed this episode more because it broke from what has become the standard format.  It's clear Tanisha didn't understand how much effort this was going to take.  Her mother had recently died and, during the filming, she got divorced.  The session with the therapist was much better than many we have seen.  The therapist talked to her like an adult, showed respect which Tanisha clearly reacted well to, but also laid out how her past traumas were affecting her current behavior and situation.  I particularly found the idea of why she eats more at night very interesting. 

    She also was shown cleaning and doing laundry.  When she was less mobile, she probably didn't do as much.  When she had to she was driving on her own.  Her children were clothed and clean.  The scene of her doing her daughter's hair was sweet.  She really cares about her kids. 

    There was also the point when she was sticking to the diet that she mentioned she had the kids eating the same food she was.  That is something the people on this show often neglect to do.  Of course, when she fell off the diet she had the kids join her in the pizza stack demolition.  (That was enough pizza boxes for a Dominos ad.)

    She also made the same mistake so many people do - salad = healthy.  So often there are articles listing how bad many restaurant and fast food salads actually are.  These come out the same time as the ones on Starbucks beverages.  We might think, "Hey, it's got fried chicken, high calorie dressing, croutons, and nuts!"  Others see "Salad!  It's good for me!  It's diet food!"  (Much like it's not a cup of coffee when it's 16 oz of full fat milk with chocolate syrup and whipped cream.)  Like many foods there is a way to make it healthier and a way to make it a calorie bomb. 

    I guess I'd rather see someone struggle with the program and changes rather than the struggle, yelled at, therapist, sudden turn around and cheesy ending that feels unearned.

    • Love 9
  18. I thought at the end she sent her parents packing and Nicole, Charlie and the kids were staying in Houston.  She presented it as they would act as a family unit now.  She was more mobile and able to care for them (with the minimum level of care they seemed to feel children require).  Can some confirm that she actually sent the kids back to Houston? 

    Since we learned in the supersized episode that Daddy dearest was actually in prison, I think it was only toothless Mama that she sent home. 

    • Love 7
  19. Adam, Jessa, Marnie and Desi were in a challenge match to be the worst this episode.   Jessa seemed like she was on drugs again.  Seriously, what kind of Little Rascals "Let's put on a show!" BS is this movie idea?  Sure, it's easy.   Anyone can do it.  I hope Alfafa sings at the end.

    Marnie and Desi were challenging for who was the most selfish.  Marnie is not responsible for Desi's drug use.  That's on him.  Any counselor who let's him blame someone else is a hack.  Marnie is too self-focused to help him in recovery.  Then again, she's too self-focused to notice anything beyond her own navel.  More meditation should fix it.  /snark

    Hannah with a baby sounds horrifying.

    With the two deaths, maybe Ray will break free from Marnie and their terrible relationship. 

    • Love 7
  20. The show is definitely drawing me in.  Guessing that Ziggy was the result of rape didn't lessen how horrible that scene felt.  That was almost more brutal by keeping it somewhat minimal.  And Madeline's reaction when Jane told her was excellent, so controlled, that made her subsequent breakdown feel that much more real. 

    Celeste saying there hadn't been violence and then her husband owning (a teeny, tiny portion of) it was interesting.  She has admitted she likes when it leads to rough sex and she conflates that with passion.  His OMG-she-could-leave-me-because-every-man-ever-would-want-her felt strange coming from a wealthy, highly-successful, very attractive man.  They are a very attractive couple.  I'm not sure she has one up on him.  If he wasn't an abuser, he could do quite well.  But, he's a controlling abuser, so, okay, he shouldn't get anyone ever.    

    I've noticed a strange pattern in shows/movies with Laura Dern.  Someone always has to tell us she's pretty. 

    • Love 17
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