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Posts posted by Muffyn

  1. On ‎2‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 5:12 PM, Brattinella said:

    Especially since the bears don't wear any clothing at all.

    What I hate most about the 2-day underwear bear commercial is it makes me think of bare-assed bears sitting on furniture.  I don't care how well they wipe.  I will not take a seat if offered.

    • Love 12
  2. On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 3:07 PM, Albanyguy said:

    Probably doesn't matter to the Duggars. Since none of them have actual jobs, there's nothing special about Saturday; it's just another day. There's no "Hey, as long as we don't have to get up early and go to work tomorrow...wanna fool around?"

    We've now established that Saturday night is off limits but the rest of Saturday seems free.  And, even if any of them did get an actual  job, I suspect fundie sexy times don't take a lot effort.  I'm betting JB & M take less than 10 minutes from start to finish.  Given how empty their free time seems to be, they should have plenty of  time to get busy.  You heat a dinner, clean up, read some bible verses, next thing you know it's time for bed - nudge, nudge, wink, wink.    If you're Michelle, you get to skip everything but go to bed.   

    • Love 2
  3. I loved how Lenny immediately saw through the nun.  All of her posing and calling the people to love her was for nothing when Lenny simply turned away and lit a cigarette.  He was in no way fooled by her show.  She was using a despotic military force to keep people from clean water.  I also loved how he found a way to give a beautiful speech without allowing the photo op with the dictator.  He would not sidle up to her "good man." 

    His prayer in the parking lot was chilling.  At first I couldn't figure out what he was doing and I was afraid someone would attack him or run him over.  And then he cuts a deal with god to kill the nun after she drinks cold, clean water.  Lenny has powers and they are scary.  

    • Love 1
  4. This show has gotten really dark.  It was never a light romp but now we have suicide,  attempted rape and murder.  And they wonder why Lenny is worried about being poisoned.  Look at the world he lives in. 

    • Love 1
  5. @Arwen Evenstar No harm, no foul.  I addressed it in the Counting On forum.  It is an issue of the internet that speculation becomes truth too quickly.  I suggested that if someone is concerned they should comment on it where the Duggars will see it, but not to take it to mean everything.  It is good that you understand the effects exist on a spectrum.  People often only look to the worst.  Then people who are newly diagnosed can see people talking about these things being a death sentence. 

    I am worried about Derick for many reasons.  He has been sucked into the Duggar-verse.  He is married to Jill. He is sometimes in close proximity to Jim Bob's stank breath.  And, of course, he risks  being defrauded by Michelle.  'Cause we all know, she's still got it!  :-)

    • Love 2
  6. On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 3:33 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

    So sorry for your loss and apologies for missing your post when it happened.

    Thank you for sharing..you may have saved many lives with this information.

    That sort of thing is NOT to be messed about with.  We have suspected Derick may have Marfan's Syndrome with his long limbs and jaw problems. Sudden aortic dissection is a complication of Marfans.

    I don't have a Twitter account, but some please tweet it to him to get a CT scan to rule this out.  As many specialists that he was taken to, I'm surprised no one caught Marfans unless he's not talking about that.  With or without Marfans, he still needs to rule out aortic issues with those kinds of symptoms and get it repaired. 

    I was the first to mention that Derick has a Marfanoid body type.  That does not mean he has Marfan Syndrome.  Also, even if he does meet the criteria, he very well might not have any heart related issues.  I am always concerned when people get diagnosed based on sight alone.  He is tall and thin with a narrow face, so he is marfanoid.  However, the syndrome, which I have, ranges from mild to extreme and has a variety of possible symptoms. 

    If they are asking for suggestions it makes sense to mention that he should have a full cardiac workup including an ECG.  However, given how long he has seemingly had these symptoms (if anything they say is ever to be believed), it is less likely to be an issue with the aorta and much more likely to be exercise-induced asthma, reflux or many, many other less serious issues. 

    Certainly seeking truly competent medical care would be a wonder for the Duggars.  I would hope in his youth Derick had better health care. 

    On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 2:37 AM, GeeGolly said:

    I suspect he's a little messed up if he's not getting Jill into a specialist a little quicker for a follow up regarding a health issue that could be serious. I would suspect he is even more messed up if Jill's issue is a story line to gain viewers and he went along with it. I suspect that if I was doctoring on a TV show I would have made it very apparent that I asked Derick a thorough lists of questions about his "gagging" and then re-referred to specialists because things are often missed and masked and are undetectable at certain times and medicine is forever changing.

    And I for sure would have at least tried to make the exam room look updated if not fully made over.

    But then again maybe the Duggars are on to something - we can all go on TV and explain our symptoms while a panel of MDs from all over are watching and they can call in diagnoses and suggestions and we can then contact local MDs for care.

    If I remember correctly the guy from Flip or Flop was diagnosed with a health issue by an ER nurse that watched the show.

    Being the extreme cynic that I am, I assume that much of this was shown to get people actively concerned.  If they could claim something was found, I would see the Duggars, the Duggarettes or the Duggar satellites asking for prayers and donations. Because the Lord healeth but does his best when you toss some money their way.  That is a sign of His will being done!  

    • Love 4
  7. @Jynnan tonnix I am so sorry for your loss.  It sounds like your father had quite the interesting life.  Thank you sharing some of it with us.  Big virtual hugs sending your way for your care and concern for him.

    And now the cranky part --

    On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 5:04 AM, Jeeves said:

    Now on a less exalted subject, from the "Bachelor Pad" topic in "Counting On." About Derick's mysterious retching/vomiting, and the scary possibility that it could be a symptom of something that would result in an aortic dissection:  Marfan Syndrome (aka Marfan's)

    Folks, I have Marfan Syndrome as do/did 2 out of 3 of my siblings.  As a syndrome, it varies greatly.  So someone can have only minor effects up to life-limiting issues.  Even in my family we range greatly in the symptoms. 

    With that said, unless something has been revealed on Counting On, we have no reason to believe that Derek has Marfan Syndrome.  I really regret ever mentioning that he has a Marfanoid body type.  The body type does not mean he has other issues.  He could just be tall and thin with jaws issues but does not have the concomitant heart troubles.  Unfortunately, since I mentioned he has the look, every few months someone takes the non-diagnosis of Marfan's to an extreme.  Dang it, now I have to read the Counting On forums.

    I am more than willing to answer questions about living with Marfan's.  I am personally not interested in sympathy for having the condition. It is simply one part of who I am.  We all have things we deal with.   

    @Jeeves I don't mean to sound cranky that you shared the story of the family you know.  It can be devastating, and I feel for what they have had to deal with.   I am angry at myself because I opened up Derek to unfounded speculation that leads to people being very concerned and to possibly spreading incorrect information (not yours but some other stuff on the Derek forums).  There are reasons to be concerned for the various satellite Duggars and to hate on them as well.  Marfan's just isn't necessarily one of those reasons.   

    • Love 5
  8. 4 hours ago, DHDancer said:

    Brooke really doesn't know what "whimsical" means (actually I don't think anyone on Top Chef does).  I was screaming at the screen every time she used the word.

    And yeah, I don't think any of them understood mashup and brunch.  I'm so pissed off that Silva got cut but I do hope he finds redemption in LCK.   John is a whining weasel.  And so is Shirley (not the weasel bit), to be honest.  Could she have whined any more tonight?

    Every time she said whimsical, I thought of Hung's cereal village.  Now that was whimsical.  Yogurt turds and hibiscus sauce, not so much.

    • Love 10
  9. On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 7:39 AM, chessiegal said:

    Well, the point of the oregano is that it means they don't need to feed the chickens antibiotics. Either way, agree the chickens don't give a damn. They are banking on consumers who don't want antibiotics fed to their meat source.

    The commercial for the "Kind" bar annoys me. "Nice" is telling people what they want to hear, "kind" is being honest or some such nonsense. Umm, just no! Kind is listed as a definition of nice on dictionary.com. The definition of kind says nothing about honesty. Now they are just making this bullshit up.

    How very unkind (by their definition) of them.  

  10. On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 5:24 AM, luna1122 said:

    I felt like it was bizarro world on FP, or I guess I just know nothing about fashion: they hated my fave of the night--Thandie Newton's gloriously strange and surreal and gorgeous shiaparelli, but they loved Nicole Kidman's parrot monstrosity and Salma Hayek's yellow and pink nightmare. I love both those actresses and usually love their fashion, but those two were just fugly to me. but what do I know? At least everyone loved Yara Shahidi's beautiful Neem Khan stripey dress, that was so fun.

    I hate Nene. And Melissa.

    Yes, yes, yes.  The Shiaparelli wasn't my favorite.  I felt like it could have been fitted to her better.  But it was interesting and different.  Even if Kidman's dress didn't have the parrot heads, it look cheap to me.  It didn't flow well and was  so damn shiny.  Salam Hayek's dress was in a bad color combination and looked costumey.  It was like a generic Mexican bar girl costume in an old western.  I really don't get their taste at all.

    On the plus side, the hosts were less horrific this week and they did talk more about fashion.     

    • Love 3
  11. I am really wondering what all this is leading to.  Is Lenny actually trying to destroy the church?

    I felt for Guitierrez heading out  into the world. It would be a very scary place for him. Thinking of visuals, I love his face.  He looks like he stepped out of one of the Vatican paintings.   

    • Love 5
  12. The editors were great with T'Resa.  She's telling us how great scrubbies are for cleaning.  Each thing she mentioned they showed in her house n all of its overwhelming filth. 

    A few years back Matt Paxton made the comment "Were all just five bad decisions away from pooping in a bucket."  Doris made five bad decisions and then many, many more.  When the choice is between clearing a bath to the bathroom or sleeping on the sunporch and pooping in a bucket, clear a path!

    • Love 7
  13. During the scene in which Esther put Lenny's hand on her breast, he seemed to be studying her face intensely.   He was not at al interested in copping a feel.  It seemed like a continuation of his earlier discussions about whether people feel god's existence in their lives.  Esther seemed to really feel something when praying.

    He did enjoy Spencer and Voiello kissing his slippers.  I laughed when Lenny used his other foot to push Voiello's head down.  He really is a bastard when he wants to be. 

    This show gets better and better. 

    • Love 3
  14. Until Furkat became a woman-slapping asshole, I was happy to see him.  While I always want Vik to run far, far away from the Solloway suckage, I was happy to see him too.  However, when we were left with Noah's point of view, and his twisted views of women, I realized why we were shown so much Professor Eau So Franch and Furkat and Vik and, earlier in the season, Brandon Fraser hallucination-prison-guard-of-all-evil.   The writers realize we hate all of these people so damn much they needed to give us someone else to look at.

    On an unrelated note, how did Noah go from being a bleeding, pussy* mess on his kitchen floor, throwing the crazy eyes and popping pills like candy to being able to afford a Christmas vacation in Paris? 

    I hate this show so much now.

    *As in oozing puss.

    • Love 8
  15. Madame Professor Eau So Franch is oh so French she wears stocking and garters.  She is oh so French she is in the 50s.  Yet somehow she forgets how to cheek kiss.  Maybe being around Noah turns her into a sexual stereotype and an clueless American? 

    So, she had a brief affair with a lecturer and abysmal writer at the university at which she was a visiting scholar.  He was recently released from prison and showed extreme emotional disturbances.  She has a difficult life at home with her husband who is suffering from dementia.  Sounds like a great plan to bring  the king of the self-stabbing car crashers home.  Why not introduce him around?  Spend quality time with him?  Just make sure you keep track of all of the knives. 

    • Love 12
  16. 4 hours ago, ennui said:

    There's an ad for a heartburn medication -- two women eating lunch in the park, little animated fireball lurking nearby. Our protagonist who takes the drug is no longer bothered by him; I, however, am bothered by her outfit. She's wearing a casual top, casual pants, casual shoes ... and one of those statement necklaces with the huge crystals. I admire her confidence (which is probably the point), but that necklace doesn't go with the rest of the outfit. And then our target, who is appropriately dressed, has to run out of the park because she doesn't take the drug and the fireball is chasing her. 

    This, of course, leads to the question, does the drug ward off the fireball or is it the awesome power of her crystal necklace?  Necklace power, activate!

    • Love 8
  17. On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 5:57 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    That was my recollection as well. I wonder how long men have to wait to have the swimmers tested?

    Just one caveat, for the men to get their swimmers tested, they would need to produce said swimmers.  For most men, that means a bottle  of lotion, some porn, a private room and a small container to shoot into.  Hands are involved.  I think we all know that the fundie men are not allowed to touch themselves.  Whatever will they do?  Think on Jesus until they get hard?   

    • Love 10
  18. I call shenanigans on the son eating in front of her scene.  They were in the apartment with only her bed and walker.  In that scene she has a nightstand and he goes into the other room and lays on his bed.  Shenanigans!!!! This was filmed after her mother came back to town. I sense a production prompting after she whined to them that he would eat in front of her so they recreated this situation.   

    • Useful 1
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  19. 34 minutes ago, Starscream said:

    I was a little off-put by the episode making the prisoner overly sympathetic.  Like has been stated many times already, for her to end up where she is means she did something truly heinous.  By the way she had been acting all episode, I halfway expected her to break her daughter's neck when Jo handed her over.

    I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought this.  I'll join you in the sick, twisted mind corner for a drink.

    • Love 10
  20. It is possible to have vaginal sex in the position shown.  This position is often used in films and TV because it shows the full body and face of the woman.  In this case, it allowed our young pope see Esther's face.   

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