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Well, it sounds like it is going to wrap up all the loose ends as it finishes. At least, I’m hoping that’s what we will see.
Did anyone see the Instagram clip from The Affair set yesterday...showing Helen reading a statement over the phone...talking about “the women that came forward in the Vanity Fair article..” and mentions Noah. It sounds like there is going to be a “Me Too” storyline, perhaps picking up the old thread that Noah didn’t always seem to understand what “consent” meant with the women he was involved with ( including his wife.) (sorry...I don’t know how to add a link to the insta post!)
Is anyone still reading this thread? Just piping in to say...I’m currently rewatching (again) Seasons 12+...and finding I don’t hate the later episodes as much as I did when I was bingeing straight through. I mean...I’ve already seen the whole series, I know the last 3 seasons were SO completely different from the early, heyday years. But if you watch them outside from the show’s own shadow...still a lot of merit. Actually didn’t hate Pratt’s trip to Darfur. The Forrest Whittaker episodes were quite compelling. And....as someone who has always been a huge Abby Lockhart fan...I really can see why people hated the character. S12/13 she became so arrogant...I get the writers we’re heading for her character to do a 180 from the “woe is me” that plagued her in her nursing days...but what they gave her was really obnoxious. (Though...Maura still nails each performance, regardless. Amazingly...she can always rise above the script.)
I have thought the same thing about foreplay...and chalked up the lack of it to time. How many minutes in the scene can they devote to that? But really... enough of the “quickies!” As someone who admits to having quite a potty mouth...I think the writers really do overuse the word “f*ck.” As a noun, verb, adjective..the works! They need to be a little more strategic about the use of the word, it would have more effect if it weren’t used in every other sentence!
That line cracked me up...I say it to my elementary school students all the time!
I think Helen smiled, thinking, now that Vik knows Sierra is having his child...this will seal the deal he will for sure get treatment and get a little longer time to live. She now, dares to have hope. Also...Noah’s words to her were truly “the nicest thing he’d ever said to her.” That had to feel good...Helen’s been feeling horrible about a lot of things for a long time.
This is not new...actors leave for various reasons all the time. It is their work...and I think they move on into new projects a lot faster than viewers “let go” of their characters.
He was already very creepy in earlier episodes...isolating her at the PTSD conference to “practice”....isolating her again on the boat (and someone else mentioned...I think that was HIS boat, this was all premeditated, that explains the “packed lunch.”) Pouring her wine on the boat, getting her to drop her inhibitions. He was clearly living a double life, as we found out through his AA meeting with Cole. They wrote his shadiness very subtly, which I appreciated...but it was there, and I was not surprised by last nights turn of events...
I think that was Alison “rehearsing” how the evening was going to play out...what she planned to say...and what she hoped his reactions would be. She clearly thought he was a better man than he actually was...
And..he didn’t want Alison “bothering” him either (by telling his wife”, so...
Just watched....oh my! Heavy, heavy episode... I liked that twist that both parts were Alison’s perpective. Helen told her to “play a different character”...and that’s what we saw. Only, it didn’t end well... The last 20 minutes made me sick to my stomach...every action, every reaction...the ominous thunder booms...you knew what was coming. The final underwater shots...good grief...that will stay with me for a very long time. Sad to see Ruth Wilson go...but her character’s death will go down (at least for me) as a memorable one!
I have seen an interview from maybe 2 years ago with Maura by Larry King...it’s on YouTube. He asks her point blank if she is paid less than the men on The Affair...she answered “yes.” (but went on to say, she isn’t complaining because she feels incredibly lucky to get paid to do what she does for a living.)
We all really NEEDED Anton in this episode!!
Yup...just read this article. Now I am speechless. She really IS dead.... Happy Monday?
She talked to Athena about how she was setting up an account for Joanie to put the money from the Lobster Roll. It didn’t seem unusual at all at the time.