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Posts posted by kj4ever

  1. 1 hour ago, Nashville said:

    I have to say: if TPTB have this (and possibly other future) TWD/FTWD crossover in mind, doing a honking big future-jump and syncing up timelines seems to me a helluva lot more sensible way to go about it - versus attempting to shoehorn in existing disjunct timeline hooks which don’t really work, that is.


    ETA: One major believability caveat implicit in this approach, though - namely, that this bunch of stumbling community-destroying numbnuts could actually survive several years without getting their faces gnawed off.


    Depends totally upon the quality of the writing - which, given recent past history, is a very scary thought.

    It sounds like they are keeping Kim.  You could have the best writers in the world and she would make it wooden and horrible.  Why do they think people like her character?  I don't know a single person that isn't wishing for the character to die.

    • Love 3
  2. This show is what it is....a game show, so I'm not expecting much, but come on...Andra was horrid.  If I had to hear her mispronounce one more simple baking item I swear my ears would start to bleed.

    This go round at least there are some dishes that I'd really like to try, namely Josh and Jennifer's creations.  Stefany is pretty decent too.  I was afraid they were going to try and turn Jennifer into the "head elf" character but she's actually fun to watch and seems like a really nice person, not someone who just plays one on TV.

    • Love 2
  3. On 11/19/2017 at 1:26 PM, Simon47 said:

    Damiano was much more improved, calm, cool, and collective on this show then he was on the other shows.

    I hate to say this but I will have to be in the same house with you guys about Ree Drummond's voice. I know it grates!

    You know I had his season of Spring Baking Championship on my Amazon Prime and watched a few of them the other day.  His speech wasn't nearly as exaggerated (see Paula Deen and her Sooooooonnnny Booooeeeey routine) and he could be almost downright humble and playful.

    I'm starting to think he was a victim of the FN Caricature Machine for awhile there and someone knocked some sense into him.

    • Love 3
  4. On 11/16/2017 at 5:20 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Same here. I bought a pastry bag and I'm struggling to learn how to use it. Remember what Thomas Jefferson said about gardening: "But though an old man, I am but a young gardener."

    I learned from Craftsy... two years ago I had no clue what I was doing and learned to help my nephew because they wanted like $5 each for those wedding cake cookies! It just takes practice after you learn a few techniques!

    I agree with to much icing some of the cookies on this show had waaay to much!

    • Love 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Lura said:

    kj4ever, your cookies look amazing!  You should be on this show!  Would you tell me, please, where did you find gold icing for those beautiful trees?

    BTW, I wanted the recipe for the one woman's butter pecan cookies.  I think I looked everywhere on the FN site but never found it or any other recipes from this show.  Has anyone seen any?  Thank you.

    Thanks!  I just used white royal icing and after it was dry I mixed luster dust with a small amount of clear vanilla extract until it was a "painting" consistency and then with a little small brush I painted them.

    Yes, it's a tedious as it sounds but it looks so beautiful!  People always ask how much they are and there is no way I could make them for a living...lol  I just do it at Christmas time for presents for neighbors, family, etc.  I'm convinced I get the best mail/garbage service in my town because of my cookies :)

    I was pretty shocked that all of those were the final cookies.  None of them really wowed and I thought Nicole's white tree was a hot mess.  Here's hoping that next week's episode is better!

    • Love 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Spunkygal said:

    Those are precious and I am sure the fact that you made them for nephew and his bride meant the world to them. Well done! In fact, you could have given the bakers on episode two a run for their money!

    Thanks!  I got better after those....Here's a tree and Santa I made.  I kept thinking they could have done the branches like this on the Star cookies turned into trees and it would have looked a lot better!

    The Santa cookie cutter would be a challenge to figure out something completely different to do.  I kept thinking it could be a ghost but that's not exactly Christmas....lol



    • Love 14
  7. Ugh the return of Damiano.  I thought we were done with him.

    These people were not so good.  Am I the only one that can just watch about 1/2 the show and then watch the other 1/2 later?  I mean these people are hard to watch and very not likable, which I guess doesn't matter if you're a baker but does matter if you are going to bake on TeeVee.  These cookie people seem like real A-Holes...lol

    I make decorated cookies at Christmas and my very first were these wedding cakes for my nephew's wedding shower.  I'm convinced I could do better at this than most of the contestants I've seen so far and I'm not that good at it! lol


    • Love 8
  8. My DVR picked this season and season 3 up and I enjoyed the rewatch.  You can really see how the FN monkeys encourage their talent to exaggerate personality traits (I'm looking at you Nancy) seeing them from the start until now.

    I forgot about how much I loved Bill and still think he was the best on the show.  I can't believe I forgot what an epic a-hole Dante was!

    Watching it knowing about Erin the fluffy elf's Food Network Star meltdown brought a new perspective too.  There were a few times that it was about to come out when they critiqued her - Once when Loraine said her dough was under cooked and she insisted that she took the one and only bite in the whole pie that was not cooked, and another when she started rattling off all the places she put salt when they couldn't taste it in a salted caramel dessert.  I think she got an extremely good edit because she won, and probably was a sulky brat whenever they criticized her on this show too.

  9. I love this show, but usually by the point I'm glad it's going to be over.  This season it feels like they could stretch it out a few more episodes, because I don't see how they possibly can tie this up in one episode.

    Perhaps Ally will go upstairs, call the police, and say "I just found my wife and all these dead bodies at this dude's house" and be done with it.

  10. 18 hours ago, suebee12 said:

    Just doubled checked and this is a new segment....I missed it last year but really enjoyed it(well, except for the one greedy lady baker!)

    There are at least 3 episodes. The first episode repeats next Sunday and Monday so you can catch it. If you do watch, please post what you think of the greedy baker.

    I caught it on demand.  Yeah, that greedy baker was rank.  Didn't care much for the Internet Celebrity chick either.  None of them were particularly likable...lol  

    I'm glad I didn't give up on Holiday Baking Championship.  This episode was much better than Halloween Baking Championship!  It seems less character driven than before - sure they have the token old people and the holly jolly one, but they are not completely over the top like they usually do on this channel.  I'm hoping they keep it toned down.

    I was afraid that we had another Erin on our hands with the chick from Wisconsin I think, but as long as she doesn't start referring to herself as a "fluffy kid" I'll be okay.  The older people seem like they can hang this year, and are not just fodder so that is really cool.

    • Love 4
  11. Just now, suebee12 said:

    Just doubled checked and this is a new segment....I missed it last year but really enjoyed it(well, except for the one greedy lady baker!)

    There are at least 3 episodes. The first episode repeats next Sunday and Monday so you can catch it. If you do watch, please post what you think of the greedy baker.

    Than's suebee!  I sure will!  I love making cookies so this show is my jam!

    • Love 1
  12. 24 minutes ago, suebee12 said:

    Actually I would call it a "hair don't" at least on a woman her age!(and I can say that since we are in the same age group. Her hair also looks to be very fine and so it just sorta' lays flat.(I have extremely fine hair, not thin but fine.

    Looks like this might be a good season but I miss Bobby Deen! He was fun!

    Did any one catch the Christmas Cookie Challenge? I sorta' like the concept because 5 people have 2 rounds. At the end the winner gets $10,000. If they made it more like the other cooking shows, it would be so redundant, I mean how many things can you do with cookies? Some of the cookies were really beautiful and I liked all but one of the contestants...the one with dark hair who greedily took all the spices to her work area and who also used all of the molasses....Greedy, Greedy, Greedy!!!!

    Is that a new Christmas Cookie Challenge or the one from last year?  I accidentally caught it last year and I agree, it's a great concept!  

    I haven't watched the show yet because I was debating if it would be more of the same from Halloween Baking (meaning I make better stuff than the contestants they rustled up) but you all have convinced me to give it a go!

    • Love 1
  13. I miss the recaps from this show.  Has Previously stopped doing them for just podcasts now?  That sucks.  This bumbling cartoon would give them so much material!

    • Love 2
  14. I think that Amy lady from Halloween Baking Championship is going to be on the next round.  She was the one with the partially shaved head and was like 6 months pregnant and had to drop out because it was to much for her in her condition.  She was REALLY good and if I remember correctly the big front runner of that season before she dropped out.  

    • Love 1
  15. 14 hours ago, Nashville said:

    That's about where I am right now.  My father underwent surgery this July to remove a cancerous bladder; his post-surgical experience has gone down different avenues than anything he/we were informed about pre-surgery, however, resulting in serious degradation in both his physical and mental capabilities.  Prior to surgery he was living independently, with no external maintenance required other than a couple of phone calls a day to verify he wasn't forgetting to take his meds; now he's in a skilled nursing facility, odds are he will live out the rest of his days in one, and persistent antibiotic-resistant UTIs (with accompanying delirium and cognitive degradation) are a daily fact of life.

    This was exactly what my father said (pre-surgery) he didn't want.  Unfortunately, the surgeon drastically oversimplified the possible outcomes - stating Pa would either die without surgery, die during surgery, or survive the surgery and have at least 5-7 additional years cancer-free.  Now Pa has zero options, except to live this way until his physical condition declines to the point of collapse and death.  :(


    ETA: Sorry for venting in such a manner, but there's not a lot of people I can talk to about this.

    Don't be sorry...People can't understand it until they've lived through it.  I thought I would lose my actual mind while I was going through it.  My Mom's wishes weren't granted because my Father couldn't bear not to have her at home which caused a whole other round of issues because I tried to get him to change his mind.  She kept saying it was fine (she wanted to go to this beautiful hospice that my Grandfather was at in his final days - she didn't want her kids or husband changing her diapers) but her mental state was gone and she had no idea what she was saying.

    It is hard to feel so helpless in that situation, especially when you know it isn't what they want.  I'll be praying for you Nashville, it is so so hard.

    • Love 3
  16. 4 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Thank you all for the condolences. I'm not kidding when I say I like dogs better than people in general.


    One of the most twisted things I see in our society is such acts of mercy are permitted for animals, but not humans.  :(

    I'm so sorry Nashville :(  My dog went to the rainbow bridge two years ago so I know how hard it is!

    As someone that watched both her parents die a horrific, slow, painful drugged up death I can say most certainly if I would have known that I could "put them down" and not do something that would make it worse I would have done it even if it meant going to prison.  I would have gladly went to prison rather then the suffering they endured.

    It is insane that we allow it for people.

    • Love 3
  17. 14 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

    We haven't heard much about Kai's actual political leanings, but my guess is he is more interested in how Trump was able to use fear to persuade people to join his side, rather than any particular policies. More what Trump represents in the American people, than Trump himself. It is interesting to watch this play out, the more they show of Kai's strategies/motivations, the more intrigued I get.

    (Disclaimer: I am referring to "Trump using fear" not as a political statement about real life, but as it is portrayed on the show)

    I think you're right.  Kai isn't necessarily a Trump supporter, just a supporter of all the fear and turmoil him being elected brings forth.

    I was about to check out this season.  I love SP, but her wailing was just getting old.  Damn you show, you had to go and have this awesome episode to keep me around!

  18. So I wasn't going to watch this season at all then I got sick this weekend and was completely bored.  It took about 8 hours to get through the 3 hours of teevee but I did it.

    Something has went horribly awry when the liberal union member is rooting for the racist psycho to kill all the people on the ranch.  Seriously.

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