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Posts posted by heysmilinstrange

  1. Also, this trend of people pretending to be a minority when they're not--Rachel Dolezal, Jessica Krug, and now allegedly Hilaria Baldwin--is very strange and troubling to even me, a white person. I'm not surprised that people of color are even more disturbed by these stories because they seem to suggest very cynical and almost Machiavellian attitudes toward race on the part of some white people. 

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  2. I'm so sick of the cross-talk and awkward pauses because they can't figure out how to navigate the technology delay. The show is so hard to watch right now.


    EDIT: lol, great minds, Haleth!

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  3. 2 hours ago, Axie said:

    Sunny is frequently a broken record, so, maybe the panel gets tired of it, too.  You can almost guess what she's going to say sometimes.

    All the cohosts are broken records, to a certain extent.

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  4. 45 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

    Cindy McCain still comes off as very cold, unemotional, and stiff. I always get the impression she thinks she is better than the four women hosting this show. And why hasn't she been to visit her daughter and the baby yet ? Something's odd there.

    Interesting that Behar mentioned Biden is considering her for a 'Secretary' position in his administration. She tried to dance around it and focus on helping him now, but you could tell she'd love the position.

    I thought she said it was because of COVID. I wouldn't want my elderly mother or my newborn to be exposed.

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  5. The commercials bother me, too, so I just watch the show on The View's official YouTube Channel. They post each segment as an individual video usually about 2 hours after the show ends every afternoon. You sometimes miss a little bit of banter, but you NEVER have to watch View Your Deal, so it's worth it to me.

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  6. 1 minute ago, blondiec0332 said:

    So do we think this is Sara or do we think this is a role Sara has been told to play a role?  I'm pretty good at reading people but she is tough to get a line on.    I just don't understand how she can the kidnapping plot was just the result of a "perfect storm".

    I think Sara has been asked to play a role, particularly because with Meghan out, there aren't really any conservative or moderate voices on the show. (Ana is obviously a Republican, but she's such a Never Trumper that she doesn't come across as recognizably conservative most of the time.) It's possible that I'm biased, though, because I really like Sara and a lot of the things she's been saying lately just don't sound like her.

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  7. 29 minutes ago, suomi said:

    I am aware of that.

    I thought Sara mentioned separation of church and state in relation to a SCOTUS nominee's beliefs. Is the mention of beliefs that don't originate with Catholocism off the table?  

    No? I wasn't criticizing your post, just pointing out that attempts by the media to characterize her religious beliefs as Catholic aren't accurate.

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  8. 36 minutes ago, suomi said:

    The sect is called People of Praise. Men carry the title of Head and until a few years ago the title for women was Handmaid. The Head rules the family, everyone defers to him. Speaking in tongues, divine healing (by the laying on of hands) and ongoing prophecy are some of the tenets. 

    At the risk of going off-topic, none of these things are part of Catholicism.

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  9. 9 hours ago, bannana said:

    One thing that was good was that Whoopi actually called out MeAgain re her stance on abortion. She said she doesn't appreciate other people telling her what she can or cannot do with her own body. Taking the choice away from her. And while not saying MeAgain's name, pointed out that people who are against abortion are not obligated to get an abortion, but those people want to impose their on Whoopi and others. It's an argument she has made many times before. While she was making her point, MeAgain had fish lips mouth trying to rebut, but Whoopi quickly wrapped it up and went to break, giving her no chance. 🤣

    Whoopi had a back-alley abortion when she was 14, so it's not surprising that she has no time for Meghan's judgmental arguments about being pro-life.

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  10. It was great to hear what the ladies had to say about RBG (except for Meghan, whose opinion I didn't care about and found actively annoying). It's a shame that ABC chose to mar those words with the cheesy music and graphics they used.

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  11. 13 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    She is fighting every single day!  Do you have any idea how difficult it is?  She puts makeup on!  She gets in front of a camera! She asks questions! She speaks in run on sentences that contain republican talking points! She works an entire hour, 5 days a week!  What a fighter!

    Wow, and to think Jesus only hung on a cross.

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