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  1. I will confess that a large portrait of moi hangs over the stair landing in my foyer so if any visitors lift their eyes or go upstairs, they will see it. It's almost 20 years old... It looks like Vianne maybe is finding some motivation, pity it happened five seconds before the end of the show. Have a good night, everyone. DO we have another episode next week?
  2. Exactly. You can easily spend a whole day on sourcing and preparing food and not eat much. Go drive around finding cheapest quality fish and produce, learn to fillet the fish, practice your knife skills chopping up veggies, cook from scratch. Spend time searching for recipes and meticulously meal plan and measure out portions and count calories. That way you can easily spend 8 hours thinking about or working on food and end up eating less and a whole lot healthier.
  3. The harmless kind of food porn!
  4. I thought she is twice his weight, but she is actually MORE than twice. He is 228, and she is 494.
  5. Yay, the ridiculous hair and beard are gone. He looks so much better now!
  6. Of course she does. Bread can't walk away or talk back.
  7. It's nice that Allen has a specific dream - to be a DJ - and actively practices the skills he needs for it. SO many people are just empty words, and their entire interest is food - he actually has life and interests outside of eating, which probably helps a lot. If you literally stare at a wall and think about food, it's probably impossible to not overeat. If you find distractions - a book, a hobby, hell, even a dumb TV show to discuss with others - anything that would let you think about something other than food for a while - it will help enormously. Vianne doesn't seem like she has any interests at all other than her husband and food. Not even the dogs.
  8. She is actively sabotaging him. He is still trying to help her.
  9. Wow, he really lost a ton of weight. Good for him.
  10. I have a 2010 Honda Accord. The battery died on me (in the fourth underground level of the parking garage at Stamford train station during Friday afternoon rush hour traffic... sigh. It took forever to get someone to help. Other than that, it's just regular maintenance and zero trouble. I am going to get to 95,000 miles soon. What I don't get is why Vianney says she feels lonely. The two of them are always together, aren't they? OR is it because he is doing so much better than her, so she feels left behind and would rather whine about it than increase her effort?
  11. She looks and sounds completely checked out.
  12. You are right about processed... I made mac and cheese from scratch once... very different taste. And the mess wasn't worth it. I buy a Bob Evans two-pack every couple months.
  13. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying - they are hoping that they can go shopping for food after Vionne loses enough weight to get surgery??? Isn't that the most perverse motivation to lose weight? And do they think that surgery is a magic 'eat whatever you want, however much you want for the rest of your life' free pass? So many on this show share in that delusion...
  14. Hold on, is that mac and cheese I see??? Not on the diet!
  15. I agree. Most of them have painful joints due to all the extra weight, water should make exercise easier. Speaking of pool, I started taking swimming lessons in December to help overcome some of my handicaps. It helped, I can swim on my back now, after being scared of turning over for 40 years. :) I am still a poor swimmer but I am better and just need to practice more, and at least I know what the proper form/movements should be even if I am not as coordinated yet as I would like.
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