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  1. sooo does this mean david is “unfired”? he will be filiming & intimidating everyone again?
  2. i feel like i am the only one that noticed all the laundry on nova’s bed & that it was most likely clean underwear. which means its just a triangle of fabric & i was actually surprised at her making a joke about it. ??‍♀️ and i was surprised at her for being so mature & for putting nova first. i was honestly moved a little that she didn’t want to take nova’s relationship with her dad away from her. idk the whole thing seemed real & relatable & it was the first time i have ever seen brianna thinking of others first.
  3. @Snarky McSnarky thank u, bless u. ??
  4. DAMNIT! i wanted to read them & i have been busy all day, i was looking forward to this lol.
  5. chelsea’s reaction bothered me too & i’m glad to see i’m not the only one who felt that way.
  6. i am not caught up on this thread yet but i just wanted to say nova is the cutest & her laughter is infectious, it made me smile. and it was the happiest i have pretty much ever seen her.
  7. i’m sure its been said already but i felt like colin was just trying to be sarcastic & funny with the rat story, he knew the cameras were there. he probably knew babs would give him that look. i also have some gross childhood stories i like to save for awkward reactions too, i look forward to my mom’s (and whoever else’s) face becoming this emoji, it amuses me: ?? ??‍♀️ eta: i am well aware of his mental illness diagnosis. while there have been some instances in the past where he said things that were leaning more towards his diagnosis, it honestly just seemed like he was just trying to be funny & get an awkward reaction.
  8. @Mkay good, i’m glad it wasn’t like some bribery present to convince him to come back to their house. its much better to know its not calculated, just her being a dumb person.
  9. i was telling my bf about the new puppy & i had a sudden realization. what if they got that puppy because of getting kaiser back. what if they were all “we got a surprise at home for you!” after all the posturing on doris’ front lawn. i think Uncle ID Channel is the kind of abuser that perry is from big little lies. “i abused you. let me get a band aid. let me shower you in gifts and misplaced affection so you feel guilty for what i did to you.”
  10. i couldn’t have said any of that better myself @Uncle JUICE i absolutely agree she has a sociopathic level of apathy & detachment towards animals, children, and anyone who isn’t sticking a dick in her.
  11. this is what me & my bf had to go through to adopt our pitbull who was abandoned with her brother as a puppy. sadly we couldn’t adopt both of them & we still talk about regretting that. it breaks my heart to think of the way jax is treated & the way he lives outside all the time. my pitbull is a sweet, sensitive potato who constantly needs blankets & has a skin allergy. we live in memphis, tn so the weather isn’t too different from where jenelle lives. my dog can’t stay outside for more than 10 minutes because it is so humid & oppressive outside. she never goes outside alone, i ALWAYS go with her because i am genuinly scared someone will come up to my front gate & steal her bc she is a pitbull (its memphis). i would be devastated without her, i can’t imagine her roaming the yard, the countryside, or the streets. she also is acutely aware of people’s emotions & we’ve considered certifying her as a therapy dog/emotional support animal. i will never understand why jenelle wants animals & why she treats her pitbull the way she does (or i should say ‘ignore him the way she does’). BUT SERIOUSLY i agree! HOOWW does she always get these animals she’s just going to let die anyway?? careless breeders & dumb friends is my guess. i don’t see her ever fufilling the requirements that the humane society & other shelters & rescues requires. and i just wanted to use my dog as an example bc jenelle & i have the same breed.
  12. so its the land’s fault now? ?
  13. she’s just making herself look more crazy by (probably writing the nice things herself in what she thinks little kid handwriting looks like) posting all that shit.
  14. i had my 4th birthday at daycare, all my friends were there, it was fun. i think jenelle having/letting the party be at daycare was one of, probably the only, nice thing i have ever seen her do for kaiser.
  15. wow i never thought of this & the whole situation seemed weird & like something was missing. this is plausible & makes sense to me. whether it was a call from outside of the house or from within it makes sense that maybe it wasn’t for the kids, but for her. if people in bad situations can call the police & 911 and ask for help without giving away to the bad person what they are doing then isn’t it possible for that cop to not tell david the welfare check is for jenelle? idk how that all works, but could it explain why the cop was stumbling over his words talking to david? i just never thought of the perspective that that call could have been to check on her, but it makes sense now that i think about it.
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