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I wish the best of luck to Jephte and Shawnice. I think once they work past the initial struggles all budding romances have, there will be room for love to really grow and flourish. I don't think Ryan and Jackie will work it out and if they do, I think it is a big mistake that will make her lose her identity just to maintain his. Just the fact that he kept talking over her and does not respect her wants/needs is enough to end a farce marriage.
I've always thought, why get a divorce at the end of the show? Take a chance to see what happens once the cameras are not rolling and the "fame" has worn off and the initial shock of marriage and sexiness of married at first sight wears off. Then make the decision to divorce later on if things just are not going well. But then I saw Molly and Ryan on this season. She has been verbally abusive and manipulative and he thinks he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now I know why people just call it off: they can't stand another minute being around or even in the presence of disgusting human beings. I never thought it would get that bad, with the experts picking and just my faith in humanity that it would not produce shallow and awful people, but I guess I was wrong.
Ryan likes the idea of marriage: someone to come home to, someone who is there for you, a best friend to share experiences with. But everyone who is married knows that is SO surface level. In order to have those things, you have to compromise and somewhat alter your life to include someone else. Ryan's immaturity is best seen in his concept of marriage. His cheesiness and annoying persona is so vomit-worthy but putting all of that to the side, he is nothing more than a childish boy with a childish view of what marriage is or is supposed to be. Reality will strike, maybe. He was just lucky enough to be paired with someone who is patient (ish).
S06.E14: Second Honeymoons, Part 2
SnarkAttack30 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Married At First Sight
When I see them fight, it is apparent to me that they are still in the stages of getting to know one another. I don't mean the kind of "getting to know you" with someone's favorite color, food, or superficial b.s. I mean the "getting to know" the emotional triggers, how to navigate personality differences, what the insecurities are, and how to "handle" one another. The argument they had in the maze started with Shawniece's insecurities and worries that he is not committed to being a team. They have struggled with emotional communication before and I think that is where this spawned from. Jephte didn't help the situation by getting angry and not comforting her but that is something that he will learn with enough time. I remember when my husband and I first started dating, we had passionate arguments because I was insecure and he didn't know how to respond in a way that was emotionally productive or comforting to me. Over time we both learned what to ignore, how to pick and choose fights, and navigate the sometimes-tricky waters of a relationship. Jephte will learn that it triggers Shawniece when he says he "doesn't know" her and even if he feels that way, he will stop vocalizing it so much to avoid he emotional upheaval it causes. -
S06.E14: Second Honeymoons, Part 2
SnarkAttack30 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Married At First Sight
I haven't been married too long, but I know what words hurt and hit below the belt. Out of respect to my husband, I choose not to be hurtful and use those words when we are arguing. It just wouldn't be fair and realizing that takes maturity. Now, take Molly who brings out emotionally damaging words to argue with her husband. You just don't do that in marriage. Fighting fair is one thing but mocking someone and saying they are disgusting takes it to a whole other level. I think most strong-willed women have the ability to go there... using disparaging words to tear others down. But knowing how destructive that is is exactly why one shouldn't do that and Molly has to learn that lesson somehow. -
Yes. This is what I meant about a consistent and domineering cause as most true activists have. She supposedly stood for every cause but an activist typically has one they focus more strongly on and stand behind it.
That's my hope too. Maybe she will find a strong voice and really settle into the role of an activist over time. I just didn't see her as such in the duration of the show.
She is FAR from David Hogg. Not a great comparison. I also didn't mean that ALL millennials are vapid and/or void of substance or lack the ability to promote social change. She just comes across as one that lacks a consistent and domineering voice of action, unlike someone like David Hogg or those that have been through real tragedy and struggle like him.
S06.E14: Second Honeymoons, Part 2
SnarkAttack30 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Married At First Sight
That's how I saw it too. I think she wanted to go out to make him happy and then it just got to be ridiculous. As an early bird myself, I know that I like to go out and party to a point. It would be a deal breaker if my husband didn't respect that or compromise on that from time to time. Not only does Ryan refuse to compromise like you said, but he does it MORE out of spite and retaliation. -
S06.E14: Second Honeymoons, Part 2
SnarkAttack30 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Married At First Sight
It sounds like, with her past of threesomes, anyone could get her in the sack in no time HAHAH Just not people who "make her skin crawl." Molly, it's not like you are God's gift to mankind homegirl. I've heard that men actually want to see your natural face not hidden under a thick coat of Covergirl in the a.m. -
That makes a bit more sense about the whole activist thing but they didn't make it clear what she meant in the show itself. I found Kyla immature and air-headed at times; a true millennial who thinks that her words actually matter and her impact is changing the world when really, posting on social media and whining about life is far from that truth.
S06.E14: Second Honeymoons, Part 2
SnarkAttack30 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Married At First Sight
I think there was more to that story than either stated. Also the editing was so strange with that situation too so we will never know what really happened. Maybe it just boiled down to him, yet again, wanting to go out with people and her wanting time together? In the end that is what is sounded like. If she stays with him, she's the idiot thinking he will change. Everyone has learned the lesson the hard way that you can't change the person your with and that the little annoyances turn into a divorce lawyer's wet dream in the future. -
I was angry at the designer too. Him calling her a "horse" or having a "horse-like" walk is one thing, but then commenting on not making her butt move when she walks? Dude, that's what happens when a normal-sized girl with a booty walks and there is nothing she can do to stop that. An ass moves when anyone walks... things jiggle. He wanted a size anorexic chick from the beginning and it was obvious he wasn't looking for a model like Khrys. Putting her in an unflattering outfit didn't help either. The corset was too tight! I'm happy for Kyla but just don't think she has a brain or even the looks to really back the win up. Being biracial is hardly a platform and whining about things does not make you an activist. I'm not sure why she won but her age lends herself to more growth in the industry and being a nice person will take her far. Jeana was a straight up bitch whose personality shown through when she ditched the little girl on the runway.
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S06.E14: Second Honeymoons, Part 2
SnarkAttack30 replied to Tara Ariano's topic in Married At First Sight
This episode confirmed everything I have felt about Molly: she piles on the makeup to hide her acne just like she piles on the lies and deflects to hide her disgust and disdain for Jon. She is not a "terrible person" or a "monster" but if we take the show away from this equation and this was a blind date, she would have never called him back in the first place. With the cameras rolling, and perhaps she feels a duty to the show, she kept up the fake persona and when it all became too much, her true colors showed. Being forced to be with someone you have no interest in sucks and I can imagine it sucking even more with media attention. That being said, she probably should not have signed up to do the show. There was always a chance that she would not like the man she was partnered with and she should have been mature enough to say to herself that she shouldn't go through with it if she couldn't be honest. Jon isn't a bad looking guy and has been seemingly patient enough, but he is immature. He has admitted his weaknesses and it is about time that makeup-Molly does too. I think most people find her repugnant not because she has no affection for Jon but the way in which she handled it was deceitful and hurtful. To me, the most manipulative person on that show is Ryan. He completely doesn't listen to the experts and misses the point in any advice or feedback his wife gives him. Everyone knows the saying, "happy wife, happy life" and the meaning of that is that compromise has to happen. Not all the time from the guy, but in a marriage everyone compromises at some point. He refuses to see it that way. He should WANT to spend more time with his wife to get to know if forever is possible for them. Instead, he goes out with his boys and talks shit and then comes home drunk and then, just to spite her because she is upset he went out, he goes and does it again. Being spiteful and unwilling to bend will end a marriage. Yes, she seems a bit needy at times, but on a weekend that was FOR them he shouldn't have planned to go out with friends or cousins. Even his "friends" should advise that he take the time to really devote to his wife. This isn't frat time, it's commitment time. He wants someone to "fit in his perfect box" but what isn't occurring to him is that he should not have a rigid box to put people in in the first place.