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Posts posted by Chellfairy

  1. 35 minutes ago, Chellfairy said:

    Alright, my good sir, since you put it that way, I can’t help but agree with you! Apologies on that one. The writing is horrendous for rEric Brady. Especially with the recast and history. I do feel for GV, honestly. It would be splendid if they they let him be amusing‼️

    ! Wish KL would/could have stayed on as Brady, instead of EM being recasted in the role. He’s way too soft and has no chem with the Stiff, unemotional, can’t make up her rmind EVER when it comes to  Brady and Philip, though the wonderful writing took care of that. 🤬😑 I’m just furious about JKJ’s departure. But ecstatic won’t have to watch his Chle “obsession” anymore . 

     the inconsistency of the writing and recon plots from the past are the worst.





  2. On 12/29/2021 at 9:56 AM, DisneyBoy said:

    Look, Eric's gotten shitty writing in many ways for years now. Him even being a priest in the first place was random considering his sexually active youth and total lack of interest in the seminary when JA played him. Then, they had Eric and Nicole carping at each other for the better part of several years over nonsense, and then all of this "he doesn't know how to be married/loves his African village duties more than his wife" crap was concocted to (poorly) cover for GV's exit.

    I realize at a certain point you can't easily say a character is great if you have to hand-wave years of plots, but I generally like Eric and see how good he and Nicole could be if they'd ever just write them as a couple instead of breaking them up over and over and over and over again. Why not let him be a photographer again? Why the constant focus on the angst? It's annoying...

    ...but I welcome him back to the show because he brings chemistry to the plate and intensity. I don't love everything about GV, but I'm glad for the things he does well. And the show should let him have more fun.

    ED's Kristen is amazing, period. But damn, when you list all the rape stuff like that, it's upsetting. Of course all of it in this show is upsetting. I think to even watch DOOL you have to ignore it to some degree. It's overwhelming, especially when listed.

    Alright, my good sir, since you put it that way, I can’t help but agree with you! Apologies on that one. The writing is horrendous for rEric Brady. Especially with the recast and history. I do feel for GV, honestly. It would be splendid if they they let him be amusing‼️

    ! Wish KL would/could have stayed on as Brady, instead of EM being recasted in the role. He’s way too soft and has no chem with the Stiff, unemotional, can’t make up her rmind EVER when it comes to  Brady and Philip, though the wonderful writing took care of that. 🤬😑 I’m just furious about JKJ’s departure. But ecstatic won’t have to watch his Chle “obsession” anymore . 

     the inconsistency of the writing and recon plots from the past are the worst.



    • Love 4
  3. Since I suck at multiple quoting, I’m just going to give my thoughts on Allie’s ridiculous hatred of Johnny.

    I don’t understand her comments on his treatment of girls. She also had her fun time abroad w/“bestie” Chanel. I’m  not talking about her being sexually active, but when Chanel came to Salem, did they not brag about being party girls, using guys to get drinks, etc. And isn’t that how she ended up getting raped? Being wasted isn’t a crime, and by all means does not condone  a rape!
    However, She insisted it was Trip, with no evidence, unti finding out poor Trippy, had the same dna as unknown bro, Charlie.

    Then she decides to have a relationship with him. Yep, he’s a great NannyDaddy.  A better parent to Henry(blanket) than she is. They have no chemistry, and seems to me she totally takes advantage of his infatuation”rescue complex” with her. 
    Back to Johnny and Chanel. Allie just wants what they have (although, it seems way too soon for marriage) Johnny isn’t wrong, I think she wants Chanel more than Tripp. She has also taken advantage of Chanel, who gave her a job, even after Allie’s floppy flop , wanting Chanel, then oopsie, now she’s in love w/Trip.

    Allie is Sami/Ej 2.0.  She doesn’t want to be, so she’s the boring, lifeless version of her mom. 
    She’s not protecting/defending  her so called friend. She’s just envious Chanel and wants what she doesn’t have.

    Shame on her for calling out her twin on his behavior, when she has no room to talk!

    Wish Trip was wise enough to realize she’s not the one for him. 

    • Useful 1
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  4. Me too! Those one liners were spot on! I’ve already erased DVR ep, but didn’t she say something about Eric and Brady? It was also spot on, if IRC..something about sappy and weak, although that could have been wishful thinking  🤔 , on my part, although so true.

    Also, someone mentioned upthread that maybe devil is now Eric. Now that I can get on board with! How fun that would  be, except for the part where Nicole saves him. That would suck the devils balls!

    • LOL 3
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  5. 34 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:


    disappointed dog GIF

    Really!! Come on Disneyboy, I know you love Eric as a character, but you can’t see how really very boring he is and the hypocrisy of it all?? Are you not even a tad bit upset that he couldn’t find it in his heart to forgive Nicole…but worse than that, he adopts Holly, after marrying “love of his life” ( breaking his priesthood vows, yet can’t let Nicole off the hook for breaking marriage vows) but doesn’t have the least bit of decency even to contact her and at least have some sort of relationship with the child, and instead, runs off to Africa, to help other children in need. This is why I can’t stomach him. 
    I think he’s a boring, self righteous asshat. He and Sami have much in common, sans the boring part.

    Boes speaks the truth..and constantly hits the nail on the head in the most hilarious way!! I say 🙌 to Boes

    1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

    I was about to question this...but then I remembered the hypno mirror she used to bed John after she miscarried, and how he thought he was doing Marlena. So....yeah. Wow. She did technically rape all three.


     Ahh, not even if it’s ED Kristen?? 😉 

    • Love 2
  6. 2 hours ago, SouthernChick said:

    Monday, January 3, 2022
    Allie, Tripp, Chanel, and Johnny celebrate the New Year together.
    Steve and Kayla join John and Marlena for New Year's Eve festivities.

    Tuesday, January 4, 2022
    Xander and Jack patch up their friendship.
    Wednesday, January 5, 2022 
    Nicole is frosty with EJ when he tries to make amends.
    Thursday, January 6, 2022 
    Johnny shares his good news with Marlena and John. 

    Friday, January 7, 2022 
    Anna and Tony return from Europe in time to join the festivities at the DiMera mansion.  


    7 hours ago, tribeca said:

    I hope Sara is found soon.  
    sami Lucas spoiler is probably her setting him up 🥲


    I hope they just get this damn Sara thing done and over with! ASAP..if different actress please

    • Love 4
  7. 22 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

    Well, that totally blows.  I'd really been enjoying JKJ and was hoping for a redemption arc for Philip.


    Welp..think I’m done with this show. They have Screwed overJKJ so many times I can’t count. And another recast for Philip just won’t work, never has, never will.

    F off DOOL. 

    • Love 7
  8. 17 hours ago, Sidney said:

    So viewers had to be subjected to another Ben and Ciara make out session (in front of her grandparents no less) so we could watch ol Mardevil huff and puff and not do anything. Okay.

    Grosse 🤮, not to mention so very very inappropriate! But do we except anything more from those two?!! Not I!! 🙄😬😑

    • Love 4
  9. 7 hours ago, Peanut6711 said:

    I was thinking yesterday that it would have been a better storyline if Mardevil would have turned Philip into Shawn and Belle had sex with him again, only for both to realize they were still attracted to each other and for Philip to get over Chloe. Bonus points if Chloe was there when Shawn finds them and gasps, "Oh my god, Philip, you're not dead and your third leg is in Belle!" Shawn in dumb and disbelief mode: "If that's a prosthetic, Rafe's gonna want it laid out on the interrogation room table for further investigation." 😁

    YESSSS!!! Please!!!! Love it !!! 
    It’s absolutely perfect and Salem-logic all the way!!

    Have safe and Happy holiday, everyone!



    • Love 6
  10. 2 hours ago, Retired at last said:

    Is the Phillip character really gone? I just assumed it was his turn to be off the screen for a few weeks (as Johnny and Chanel just were, and one of the reasons Kristian Alfonso gave for leaving). They seem to rotate people and their stories. I will bet that once she has been exorcized, "Marlena" and probably "John" will be off for a while, too.

    I really, from the bottom of my heart, hope JKJ isn’t leaving again. Reminds me of way back when he left for the marines, after all the insane Broe shit. 
    Damn, I Hate this! All for lame ass boring Broe writing! I’m disgusted😡🤬😤😠

    • Love 6
  11. 56 minutes ago, boes said:

    Al-Anon taught me a lot, along with saving my sanity.

    It's good that Brady doesn't drink, but he makes everyone around him pay dearly for his one good choice.

    Yep!! Just stopping  drinking isn’t cutting it. His meandering, continually making  bad choices, rebounding w/ crazy girls, etc. Along with being a recovering alcoholic/ mentally abusive addict , he’s not in recovery. Not one bit.

    He has to change his whole life. His  behavior/habits, as well. Which he clearly isn’t doing!! There’s a saying, fake it till you make it. He’s just faking it, trying to look good. He’s talking the talk, but he’s  NOT WALKING THE WALK.

    And I’m sorry, Boes, for whatever the reason you’ve had to go to Al-Anon. Good to hear you did..so many people refuse.

    I know all too well about both AA and Al-Anon!! Tough  road, but so worth it


    • Love 8
  12. On 12/22/2021 at 3:30 PM, boes said:

    think Brady is the definition of a dry drunk.  He adheres to the not drinking portion of the 12 step program but he sure sucks at his self-inventory or taking responsibility.  His - and Chloe's - insistence that they NEVER cheated on Philip is based narrowly on them never having had sex.  They both been flirting with emotional infidelity for quite some time, Brady more than Chloe.  Even that bit when they met at the Pub and he did that "Casablanca" reference was flirting, at least by him.  Nothing justifies the action Philip took, but Brady's been doing with Chloe, and with the Philip, the adult version of "I'm not touching you". 

    There's more to the program than just not taking a drink and Brady's been down that road often enough to know it.

    Thank you Boes! You get it exactly!

    • Love 4
  13. On 12/22/2021 at 11:57 AM, Peanut6711 said:

    Thank you for sharing that and for your prospective as an adoptee.  I have a friend who was adopted and was looking for/found her birth family. She just wanted to know them; she didn't harbor any resentment towards them or her adoptive family (unlike Lani).  I hope someday you get that opportunity too.

    And I agree, Big Mama and Tamara did more of the harm and have taken little of the blame. I didn't even think Big Mama showed much remorse.  Whereas we've been shown that Paulina is hurting and feels badly. I feel sorry for her as she clearly loves Lani very much and had a hard decision decades ago, but it did keep her child safe and so she was able to still have her in her life. 

    She sure acts ungrateful and childish to me.  It's one thing to say "I need time to process this. I know we need to talk but I'm not ready yet." It's another to rip up the card in front of her and announce she was giving away the flowers. A mature person doesn't resort to those theatrics. Her biological mother sent her flowers as a nice gesture. She didn't put a horse's head in her bed.

    And Paulina did want to tell her, but Big Mana insisted she didn't. She was the one holding Paulina to their story, and Paulina was stuck going along with Tammy's addition that Abe was the father. 

    Belle who slams Sami for loving/marrying a Dimera, but has no problem working for one. Since the Dimeras have a history of bribing judges, wouldn't it hurt Belle's reputation/integrity as an attorney to be employed by them???

    I thought about that too since Philip was the one who "leaked" the letter. 


    All of this ! 1000%

    • Love 2
  14. 4 hours ago, nilyank said:

    More important why are there cops protecting  CIN from the devil. Sure we the audience knows that Marlena is being possessed but it doesn't make sound any less stupider that the cops have this as their top priority.

    In the original possession storyline, Marlena was committing vandalism and destruction of property. Crimes.

    Most of the stuff the devil is doing now is making other people doing stupid things and them believing her. On paper, the cops have their best officers (HAHAHAHA!!!) on the case  tracking down a 70+ year old woman.

    Right!?? Pleas, give me a break!! EVERYONE knows that Marlena’s possessed again, why would they think a safe house would protect anyone, let alone the devils seed in Ciara’s belly! Plus, How absolutely irritating that CIN  is over at Julie and Doug’s home, (ooooh, Rafe gave them permission🙄🤮especially irritating.. having Ben put the angel on the tree! 
    loved that Mardevil popped in to set that afire. Just hope Doug is okay.

    • Love 5
  15. 16 hours ago, Panopticon said:

    Well, you know what they say about the family that slays demons together...

    Seriously, thinking of friendships thanks to the discussion in the other thread, two friendships I miss are Sami/Eric and Sami/Belle. Unfortunately Sami's only interests anymore are owning Nicole and holding onto her husband of the moment regardless of whether either one of them even want each other.

    Maybe the devil could do me a solid and switch Marlena's twins' love lives. So Sami takes a vow of celibacy and worries about things like work and family and being a person instead of a cartoon for a while. And Eric can have reckless revenge sex with everyone in Salem:

    "Hey, Xander, remember how you slept with Nicole? I'm sleeping with Gwen! Hey, Brady, remember how you blackmailed Nicole into dumping me? I'm sleeping with Chloe! Hey, Dad, I just found out that you had a one-night stand with Nicole a few decades back, so I'm sleeping with Kate. Hey, Sami, you just had to destroy both my wedding and my anniversary party?! I'm sleeping with Lucas AND E.J. Not at the same time, though, neither one of them would go for it. Rafe showed up and seemed interested but I had to draw the line somewhere."


    Love this. 

    • Love 3
  16. 6 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    It doesn't matter who lied first. Big Mama didn't even know Abe. She wasn't lying to him. That was Tamara. And Tamara absolutely deserves just as much anger as Paulina. Both Abe and Lani expressed that they are angry with Tamra as well. Problem is, Tamra's not a contract player and Paulina is, so of course she's going to get the bulk of anger on-screen. 


    Phillip did take his sobriety. It doesn't matter that Brady was thinking about taking a drink earlier. The point is he didn't drink. Phillip drugged him. That's taking his sobriety.

    So, apparently Paulina isn't a grown woman and is 100% blameless here. IMO flowers for such a gargantuan lie is a lame gesture, not a nice one. It doesn't matter if it was a horse's head or not. Lani told her to leave her alone and she should have respected her wishes. Paulina has lied to her and she needs time to process. Instead of giving it to her, she keeps pressing her with lame flower arrangements. Lani's tried to ignore her, but since she wasn't listening saying it to her face was necessary. And, I'm sorry the whole "her mom forced her not to say anything" doesn't fly with me. Paulina is, what, close to 60 years old? She is responsible for her own choices. IMO you can't praise her for doing the right thing in protecting Lani from her abuser and then turn around and put the blame for the lie solely on Tamra and her mother's shoulders. Paulina was not tied up in chains and forced into the situation. She chose (for good reasons) to give her daughter to her sister. Then when Lani was an adult she chose to keep up that lie. It doesn't matter that her mother told her not to tell Lani the truth. Her mother was in town for like two seconds. There was nothing stopping Paulina from telling the truth after her mother left (or even while she was still there.) And she was not stuck with the Abe lie. Again, Paulina here had choices. She CHOSE to get involved with Abe knowing the huge lie. She CHOSE to continue to lie to him and agree to marry him under false pretenses. If the devil hadn't stepped in, she would have CHOSEN to marry Abe even knowing the lie she was telling. No matter how well-intentioned her original lie was all those years ago, Paulina is an adult who has to own the choices she made.

    Good points on the bolded. Except the Philip/ Brady part. 
    yes , Philip’s scheme was so wrong. He didn’t take his sobriery from him. It was an asshole move , but as I said above, Brady isn’t doing his program! I am a recovering alcoholic for almost 20 years, and the things Brady is doing IS NOT on par with being in recovery. His “long term “ sobriety” doesn’t add up to all of his choices. I know this is a soap, and I don’t expect real world stuff here, but he’s ridiculously inept at decision making in his life.Especially after having some long term not drinking/drugging. I agree, reaching out to Maggie was a good move, after hours of feeling sorry for himself at the bar, but 1 meeting doesn’t cut it. The show has done a good job with Maggie’s sobriety, but she’s too close and not around enough to be Brady’s sponsor. On a side note, Brady hasn’t picked up, (yet), so no way did Philip take his sobriety away. We shall agree to disagree ( but aim right lol)

    I don’t necessarily think Paulina is 100% blameless, but big mama shamed her into NOT telling the truth to Lani and Abe. There has to be accountability there! Also, there were many times she wanted to tell Abe. I believe she wanted to come clean, but felt it would hurt everyone involved. Abe and Paulina fell in love, wanted to get married. Abe knowing the lie, which didn’t come from her to begin with,  WAS JUST TOO MUCH , too soon. I think she thought maybe in the future, after being a family, may have been better. I do give her credit and praise for protecting  Lani from an abusive situation.

    instead of Lani being unforgiving to her “Auntie”, maybe she should think of Tammy, who was the biggest liar, in this fiasco.
     Again, as an adoptee, I would not feel like my whole life was a lie. 

    2 hours ago, Chellfairy said:


    • Love 5
  17. 23 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    I could see, maybe Paulina, jumping to that conclusion, but EJ pretty much stated right away what his issue was - with Chanel being a golddigger considering her marriage to Xander. I don't see either Sami, or even EJ, thinking Paulina was upset Johnny was white. 

    Agree! Also, Paulina had a problem with Chanel and Xander..because they were running a scam to get money from her. That’s the reason they got married. So if aLEJ knows this, that’s maybe  where his problem lies. Sami.. idc one bit

    of course, I do think Chanel is infatuated with the fact that Johnny has money and, also a little vindictive about Ciara and her.

    I don’t think it has anything to do with race

    • Love 5
  18. 3 hours ago, Artsda said:

    He's an employee of the company she's a lawyer for. She's been EJ and Chad's lawyer.  Its in the best interest of Dimera to get Brady out of there and exonerated. 

    Understood, but this case has nothing to do with the business. And I am sure there are several attorneys working for the company. Doesn’t have to be a half sibling, whom also knows and was intimate with Philip. It reeks  of unprofessionalism.

    • Love 2
  19. 6 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Belle is surprised Sami is thinking about herself when Marlena and Brady are in crisis? Belle does know her right?

    Sami doesn't get difference between Belle being Brady's lawyer and hers? Brady works for Dimera. Belle works for Dimera. Sami is fighting a Dimera. 

    Sami forgot Sydney exists? Everyone is there is a Christmas miracle. 

    I can't take any pitiful poor Phillip when he took someone's sobriety from them. He should be locked up and not get a free pass.


    Sami being Sami, but Belle?? 
    no professionalism there. Working for DiMera, but defending her brother? Nope. Find another attorney

    As far as Philip.. not defending his actions, but he didn’t take Brady’s sobriety..Brady hasn’t been sober in his head for a long time. He’s not working the program, he’s too busy screwing around.

    Sobriety ALWAYS comes first when in recovery. Before business, love, etc. 

    while Philip needs some serious therapy, Brady needs a stint in a long term rehab to deal with all his crap

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