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Posts posted by Chellfairy

  1. 3 hours ago, Peanut6711 said:

    I'm team Phillip. He's needed something meatier to do on the show for a while now, and I'm a sucker for villains. They are generally more interesting and smarter than the so-called heroes and heroines. On that note, it's about time they brought back Orpheus again. 

    Agree, there's definitely some potential there.  Today Ava was like Gwen's life coach for embracing a 'bad girl and I don't care' philosophy.  

    Yep. Soaps need villains, and Philip’s  good at it. True Kiriakis!, please come out to play!
     So very done with this Brady/Chloe/phiiip ridiculousness.

    I’m also on board for some Ava and Gwen! Gets Ava out of the kitchen and boring Rafe.

    • Love 7
  2. 3 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    What information are you talking about? If it's about what happened in the conference room than that's not Phillip's business. It happened between Nicole and Rafe and Nicole shared it in confidence with her friend Chloe. It wasn't Chloe's obligation to share it with Phillip.


    Absolutely agree. Which is why I was on Phillip's side before all of this. If Phillip had taken a page out of his mother's book and just emotionally screwed with Brady or messed with his business, I'd still be with him, but drugging a drug addict that's not rootable IMO.

    No, I wasn’t referring to that, but Philip is her “friend”, as well, she could have shared it in confidence, like she did Brady, also totally not Brady’s business, and in doing so, she betrayed a “good friend’s” confidence) But she does work with Brady, and that’s more understandable, than blurting it out to anyone. After overhearing it though, I can see how he came to the conclusion it was Chloe and Brady. And they are supposed to be a couple. I wouold totally tell my partner that one..

    ”hey, you’ll never guess what I had to clean off today at work…”  who would Philip tell? why would he care as much as Brady seemed to?

    I was referring to the hotel, sleeping on the same bed. After her insistence of Philip needing to trust her, it would just make sense that she share that with him, giving him the same respect she demands of him. Also after seeing Brady carry her luggage into the hotel when she moved out. He didn’t bring it up, or retaliate, so he was trying. Even when Lucas and Kate were egging him on.

    Homesty, I didn’t see him drug Brady(not saying it didn’t happen) just the violence, totally stupid and dangerous. And with the other spoilers, that’s where he is maybe taking after mom. (Sounds more like something Sami would do, as well 😳😬😱

    As far as taking down the business part,  better if  he were to do that instead.

    so we agree on that, absolutely.

    • Love 5
  3. 6 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    Of course it goes both ways, but when has Chloe lied to him? Yes, the decision to share a hotel room and, especially a bed, was horrible on Chloe's part, but that's one incident and Chloe didn't lie to Phillip about it. She never even got a chance to tell him about it because he just showed up.

    While the conversation Phillip overhead about the sex on the conference room table is bad, and I wouldn't necessarily blame Phillip for assuming what he assumed, the problem is this has happened before. He's heard something, or seen something, involving Chloe and Brady - assumes the worst - and flips out. Chloe has given him chance after chance and told him to come to her to clear up these misunderstandings, and he never does. If Phillip just asked Chloe about the boardroom conversation, this could have been cleared up.

    Brady is absolutely not innocent, but Phillip's revenge here isn't on par with the "crime."

    Agree that Philips revenge isn’t justified.not one bit!

    Howver, Chloe could have shared the info and chose not to, which isn’t being honest, trustworthy or on par with what she expects from Philip.

    And Brady’s actions and convos w’ Chloe are not respectful of Chloe’s conversations with Brady about her and Philips relationship


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  4. On 12/2/2021 at 10:35 PM, RedElf said:

    Philip is going to go missing, and Brady will be found unconscious, covered in blood that is not his, with Philip's phone in his pocket, and intoxicated, with no memory of what happened and insistent that he didn't drink.


    Comupantce! Brady will be fine, but he needs to be taken down a few pegs for his fake morals and hypocracy!

    • Love 4
  5. 48 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    How much can he take? Not sure, but it's not like Phillip didn't have options. He could, for one, actually talk to Chloe instead of always jumping to the wrong conclusion. And, if he can't take that Chloe is friends with her ex, he could break up with her. No matter how gross Brady is for trying to "steal" Phillip's girlfriend it doesn't condone knocking him over the head with a crowbar. And, it definitely doesn't condone Phillip drugging an addict.

    I agree. Philip should dump her. Again, I’m not condoning Philips behavior. 
    And Chloe could be more honest, as should Brady. It was just a few months  ago that Philip caught them in the same bed at a hotel. If Chloe wants trust and honesty from Philip, she needs to do the same. He was Ben offered the plane to take them back and that was refused.

    this goes both ways. 
     Chloe told Brady she wanted to try with Philip and he couldn’t handle it. After he made poor decisions with Kristen, then she’s gone and now he has to have Chloe. Then, after overhearing Brady saying he wasn’t going to tell Philip about the sex on the board room table, ( Eww  oce and Rafe) what conclusion would he have? He wasn’t spying on them. He went there to see his girlfriend .

    Philip flipped out, made a horrible , horrible decision with what he did to Brady. I DO NOT CONDONE THAT

    This is all past shit , unresolved Resentments from both.
    Unfortunately , Philip, once again went into old high school anger mode. 

    However Brady is not innocent in his behavior , but Philip went bonkers on that.

    I don’t believe Philip jumps automatically to the wrong conclusions when it comes to Brady and Chloe and how they feel they can’t openly discuss their actions with Philip.

    philip chops down trees

    Brady heads to the bar, regardless if he drinks or not

    • Love 1
  6. On 12/1/2021 at 11:57 AM, TenaciousWarrior said:

    Thursday, December 9:
    Chloe questions Brady about Philip.

    I really hope they’re not ousting JkJ! That would make me sad. Loved him in the teen scene and have/ had a huge crush I on him. Can’t help it. He is charming, has much charism. Being  an enforcer for his family

    I think he’s the best Philip on the show and has really been the best actor for the role.

    Brady . Otoh,  angry young adult, turned good guy, all of a sudden w/ morals, yet does stuff which prove otherwise.

    And this is exactly why I like Philip better than Brady 

    • Love 2
  7. 47 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I did fast forward the stuff with Gabi/Jake/Victor though. Gabi and Jake are straight-up unwatchable to me now. Also, it kinda makes me uncomfortable to watch CB act with JA knowing she's antivax and anti mask.

    Love Victor!

    Cannot, absolutely cannot tolerate Gabs/Jakester. 
    as far as anti -vax, etc, I am sure they have to get tested..hopefully!! 


    • Love 2
  8. 15 hours ago, boes said:

    None of it bothers me, or all of it bothers me, it ends up the same.  Show is completely off the rails anymore.

    Show had the feckin' ARCHANGEL GABRIEL saying that Ben and Ciara are "good people" - now maybe said Archangel was blinded by Ciara's midriff so much that he ignored her utterly obnoxious grating personality, but he also said a serial killer was a good person.  So the hell with it, there are no standards, on earth or in Salem heaven.

    Kristen, who was a teenager when dinosaurs ruled the earth is the mother of a young child and she gets excused from all of her murderous schemes because she's "a mother".  Gwen's got the sadz because her daddy didn't love her enough and Victor is just a lovable old scamp with a strong misogynistic streak.  Need I go on?

    So yep, I'm still Team Philip because Brady annoys the hell out of me and Chloe makes dumb look like a step up.  But then again I don't care who "wins" because on DOOL, as currently written, it doesn't matter one bit who is "right" or who is "wrong".

    It's a shit show with a theme song.

    Exactly! Philip was never “the good guy “ and Brady was bad boy turned good guy?!?? I think not. I’m not happy with the writing and the reboot x-infinity with this Brady / Philip / Chloe shit!! 
    Again, not condoning violence, but how much can Philip take with all the Brady-Chloe fuckery!  And of course Brady will be absolutely fine!..he’s not going to die. I’d rather see he and Chloe together and Kristen fucking with them, than ever see Philip/Chloe together.

    Team Philip..all the way!

    And I agree with everything else in your post!!

    • Love 5
  9. 3 hours ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

    Philip needs to be arrested for assault against Brady. Unless he has a brain tumor, there is no excuse for his actions. He needs to face some sort of punishment. 

    Disagree! Brady instigates and antagonizes Philip constantly! Over what? Petty crap over Chloe! And Victor!
    I’m not condoning violence, not at all, but this whole thing is ridiculous and I’m sick of the games Brady plays..and his flip/floppy / upside down and all around with EVERYONE ..he has made some very STUPID choices when it comes to women. He’s just crazy..even more than Philip. Wish KL was playing Brady . 
    Bottom line, Chloe isn’t worth it.

    Let Brady and Chloe fly off into nowhere..until Brady decides he wants Kristen back

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I disagree. As other have mentioned, her dumb ass insisted she sleep in the same bed as Brady. That is not normal or decent behavior. Her and Brady acting like they're so innocent and totes don't wanna fuck each other while their actions very much say otherwise and then acting like Phillip is a psycho for questioning them is really not a good look.

    They all look bad but for me Phillip is entertaining (and understandable) while the other 2 are like watching paint dry. Although, sometimes I do get a kick out of how bad at acting NB is lol.

    Bravo! Well said! 
    Im so sick of sappy Brady, the very boring Chloe, and 

    always making Philip the jealous psycho 

    • Love 5
  11. On 11/30/2021 at 11:22 AM, Panopticon said:

    I don’t understand why Chloe is dating Philip at all when she obviously prefers Brady. Philip is Chloe’s date to the Ericole anniversary party; Chloe ignores him in favor of Brady. Philip is Chloe’s boyfriend; she gets in bed with Brady anyway.

    There’s nothing stopping her from being with Brady! So why on earth didn’t she let Philip go months ago? She’s no longer a sixteen-year-old in the throes of first love. She’s not married to Philip and wanting to honor that vow in spite of her preferences. Brady’s not married to anyone. Philip isn’t in some kind of crisis (dying parent, etc.) that could guilt Chloe into staying with him for the moment. 

    So…. WTF? This triangle makes all three of them look like morons. 

    It all goes back to high school! Been there, done that ..sick of it!


    • Love 2
  12. 3 hours ago, buffynut said:

    Despite normally showing boring flashbacks from a day before, this time TPTB decided NOT to flashback Doug's cliffhanger declaration from Wednesday?   Or did I just manage to miss it.

    Didn’t stop them from showing flashbacks from CIN 🙄. And not even about baby Satan in Ciara’s belly. That would have at least made more sense 

    54 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I don’t think so. The body that flew over the table looked much larger than BB’s does.

    The episode was so fucking fun. It sucks that Ciara/Ben had to be on but I fast forwarded them so it’s like they weren’t there for me lol.

    When MarDevil said ‘I’ve been inside your husband’ to Julie I literally lost it. I’m 12 and I don’t care!

    I am so excited to see where this goes.

    Agree! I’m enjoying this immensely! 👏🎬👏❤️😀

    • Love 4
  13. On 10/15/2021 at 4:47 PM, auchic said:

    It's been like two months since I watched and the minute I saw stupid Jake's face, all the hatred rushed back. IDEK what's going on anymore, but I know deep in my heart of hearts, that Jake is the absolute worst.

    Goddamnit Philip is still getting a raw deal. Fuck right off with that nonsense show, let Philip be happy!

    All of this❣️‼️❣️

  14. 2 hours ago, katycat74 said:

    So my questions are:

    Doesn't Chanel own her own bakery? Why did she need to use Lanis oven?

    What the heck is Florida Lime Pie, and how is it so different from Key Lime Pie?

    (great, now I'm craving pie..)

    Well, we’ve NEVER EVER have seen the “bakery. Only the outside freebie tasting! 
    and I think Florida key lime is key lime with a shortbread crust,, or flour crust. Not graham Cramer.😂🤷‍♀️

    • Love 2
  15. On 10/2/2021 at 9:57 PM, Frozendiva said:
      On 10/2/2021 at 2:23 AM, DisneyBoy said:

    THANK YOU! Why'd they even do a close-up if he clearly can't play or even fake playing? It's like they want the show to come off worse than it has to sometimes...

    Yes !  Thank you , thank you!! It’s one of my pet peeves! As a violinist, any “fake” playing of any instrument is unacceptable. If you’re going to go there, at least have the common decency to NOT do a close up!!  

    • Love 3
  16. 36 minutes ago, tribeca said:

    Jake is an idiot.    Even Brady sees through his fake act.  

    Yes! Agree! Even stupid ass Brady saw through Jakey boy!! It’s the first time in quite a long long , and I mean longggg time I ❤️‘D Brady. Finally..an intelligent opinion from the guy. 
    Cannot  say I’m hopeful it will last . Guy’s way too blinded  Chloe/Philip to keep this persona going on.

    As far as climbing Jake..can’t stand him. Has nothing to do with Gabi. Although she’s an asshole wanting anything to do with the nut ball!

    Loving Ava right now!! 

    • Love 4
  17. 3 hours ago, Peanut6711 said:

    Victor has always been an interesting character and it was nice to see him back on screen, but his dialogue was cringe-worthy

    I love Victor. He’s old and he’s not going to change. I’m ok with that. 
    Also, he’s watched his son played upside down and all around by Chloe for over 20 years. 
    Brady is involved, as well, and he was not forthcoming with his true intention with Chloe. 
    I’m no fan of the name calling. But can look past it from Victor. It’s who he is and always will be.

    I just want to see Gabi and Jake go down

    • Love 2
  18. 9 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

    I enjoyed the recent Exorcist show on Fox. That was good.

    The exorcist movie is the scariest movie I’ve ever seen in my life. And it’s my favorite! As far as horror, because it’s something that scares the living crap out of me. I find the horror movies with zombies and stuff actually funny. Don’t know why. 
     I’ve not heard of the show on Fox 🤔

    • Love 2
  19. On 9/20/2021 at 1:20 AM, Frozendiva said:

    SoapDirt comings and goings, including Sarah. Probably lifted from the preview.


    YAyyyyyyyy!! Victor..he’s baaack! And Maggie!!! hopefully talking Philip into dumping  his Chloe/Brady obsession and take down Gabs &Jakey!! 
    And Rex coming back to town..wish he would stay and take Chloe away from Brady. 
    becauae I’m not a fan of Sara/Xander, and Brady  is just getting on my last nerve! I’d rather have KL back in the role of Brady.

    • Love 3
  20. 7 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    I was really disappointed in the Johnny Dimera casting. They had a chance to bring in a hot, sexy 21-year old bad boy hunk, and they chose a bland twink just as derpy and boring as his sister. Ugh. He's a Dimera- why did they cast him like he was a Brady? Ugh.

    I said in another thread that I think it should be “”revealed” that he’s actually Lucas’s son, instead of EJ’s. I was hopeful at first, but now, like always, these days, of my life, I am so so disappointed in how this is playing out.

    Show needs a real bad boy..and a hot one at that!

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