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Owwwww ma leg

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Posts posted by Owwwww ma leg

  1. 1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

    I lived at home well into my 20's. I was in University and it helped me avoid accumulating so much debt. I also got some post graduate education, I worked and paid my parents rent for the room, food etc. The Colt situation is awkward and weird but I promise not all people who live with their folks are like Colt :) My good friend who is 38 just moved back into his parents home, his dad has cancer and mom is early onset Alzheimer's so he moved back home to help out.  

    It’s common in Australia to go to University and live at home. My brothers had jobs and paid board and didn’t leave home til early to mid twenties. It’s a very American thing to fly the nest. However even I think 30 ish is a tad weird  for Coltee to have never left home.

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  2. 2 hours ago, gingerella said:

    If this recent situation is real and not a publicity stunt, then I'm still calling BS on her 'frantic' posting on IG. Why on earth would she post HIS phone number and ask people to call him and tell him to give her the phone back? If she was so fearful for her safety, why wouldn't she post their address and ask people to call the police? The direction she took makes no sense and sounds like the logic of a toddler, not a 30-something adult.

    That said, Coltee's 'explanation' is transparently controlling and disturbing. Brazil isn't an awful place, and if its that bad she should take up the offer of a plane ticket home.

    Mate, I would have called the Australian embassy and would have been on the next plane home. I don’t understand any of it, except he likes his Brazilian goddess and she likes America. 

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  3. Just now, queenjen said:

    Several pages ago I floated the idea that Debster may deserve a little sympathy for raising a manchild on the spectrum to a position in life that she could never aspire to. That's something. I also wondered if Debster was so upset (last episode) because she knows her son, and perhaps he has triggers and meltdowns. She'd feel him getting close to his limit while Larissa continued to drive him there. Not saying that's reasonable AT ALL, but she may be the only woman that has willingly lived with Coltee.  I'm wondering if this was one of Coltee's meltdowns.

    Roses in the dustbin. They should do a country duet.

    Reminds me of Jon’s mum in England. She always gave off vibes that she was waiting for him to meltdown. Larissa seems high strung but Colt looks like he has real issues like taking her phone

    • Love 11
  4. 33 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    Being practical, I would think that two adults living together who are not married SHOULD have a joint account (in addition to their personal accounts).  Then they could each deposit half of the expenses into it on a monthly basis, and one check could be cut for mortgage, utilities, car insurance, etc. (whatever expenses they split).  Anything outside of that account belongs individually to each person.  

    It sure would cut down on the number of cases on Judge Judy featuring roommates who "gave the cash" to the other roommate for rent, etc., which was not spent on rent.  It would be official confirmation of deposits made and monies paid out.

    Has Judge Judy written a how to do life book? She needs to.

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  5. 20 minutes ago, queenjen said:

    Or, he's got a future as an INCEL or whatever those loser mopes call themselves. at least he'll have friends, and a newsletter and enough of a grievance to propel him through the rest of his life.

    He’s such a dork, probably an incel but I’m ashamed one or 2 younger shots he’s kinda hot. But Debbie does downer? No ways

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  6. 23 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    There’s just something about Asuelu that I don’t like.  I’m not buying his “oh shucks” act either.

    You may be right, the sisters are certainly throwing shade on IG. I simply adore him, but you never know 

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  7. 2 hours ago, lucy711 said:

    Many people are commenting on how Colt put no effort into greeting Larissa or making her feel welcome.  I agree.  But this is not a normal relationship.  This is a transaction.  It is sex for a green card.  Nothing else.  No normal gal would live with Colt and "mother" for more than 24 hours before taking the next flight home.  But I have no doubt she will stay and marry him.  And she'll leave him in a few years.  And he'll go online to find his next wife!

    I couldn’t do it, Colt maybe but not the mum as well

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  8. 3 hours ago, Dance4Life said:

    I think she is boring AF!  Her looks are boring AF, too!

     She brought Jay over to piss off (win back) an ex lover. 


    She doesn’t seem genuine and even made a statement like.  I can’t wait to see people’s reaction to my new Jamaican boyfriend! Hahahahahah!  

    She’s so vanilla

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  9. 4 hours ago, Spike said:

    I saw that they let Ricki Lake host the tell-all for the teen pregnancy show.  Maybe she will replace Shawn.

    She couldn’t be any worse.  Btw Free Asuelu!!

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