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Owwwww ma leg

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Posts posted by Owwwww ma leg

  1. Re Familia Chantel. I do not know what they have to look down their noses at. They live in a vinyl sided McMansion and have a “cheer” business  . It’s not like they are the Vanderbilts. They are new middle class money with bourgeois aspirations. I’d rather have dinner familia Pedro, they would be more interesting.

    I can’t stand Rooos.

    • Love 16
  2. Not sure if this has been covered and this is how I married in the US, to be short I came out on a tourist visa got married in the United Stares and then filed for an adjustment of status. I’m guessing the hard part for Azan is getting a visa to begin with. This is not the usual way to do it but it happens a lot. It helped that I came from Australia and we are still together 20 years later. This was pre Trump and pre 9/11 so it might not even be possible

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  3. For once I think Pao was genuine about her miscarriage. The fact that she spent so little time with her grandmother was telling. Re Pedro something shady AF is going down, which is sad because I always liked him.

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  4. Robyn slurping on her soup was bizarre, was it public knowledge at this time? It was very hard to tell for me if the angst and fear were related to running off with the banana, or that she knew she was about to be exposed by JO? Without being able to synch up the cat fishing with filming I'm not sure But i do think for whatever reason (and I think its about absconding with the banana) she wanted out! There was an awkward honesty in her demeanor and Meri wanted to disappear

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  5. Question? When the fam ate in Alaska and Meri  is alluding to leaving, is it because she is genuinely scared that JO is going to ruin the family or is planning her get away with her banana? I have rewatched and I’m not sure of the time line or if Meri is being honest?

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