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Posts posted by SevenCostanza

  1. 43 minutes ago, Caoimhe said:

    Delighted to see Amy told to go away and finish losing weight before she gets skin removal.  She’d probably love to see some of the fat removed with the excess skin and not have to bother losing it with diet and exercise (who wouldn’t?!). 

    Yes me too.  She's still very overweight.  Also I noticed that no one brought up the cost for all this, it's pretty pricey from what I've heard. 

    I hate to say it but the whole family was getting on my nerves this episode.  Chris saying he can't wait to get surgery because he's sick of dieting.  Does he think he'll just be able to eat whatever he wants once he gets the surgery?  Amy is still very fat and in the car scene with Michael if I didn't know better I would have thought she was a good 7 months pregnant.  I hope she's serious about wanting to have Gage maintain a healthy weight.  I think if she educated herself about food and nutrition and applied it she'd do fine. 

    I started off feeling some pity for Tammy but this episode made me realize that she has zero desire to loose weight.  Her only goal is to do what she likes which is eat constantly and talk to men on the internet, which doesn't end well judging from the promo for next week. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    Just leave it to her to figure out how she will do it without them. 

    Exactly.  If they let her do that a few times she would see how ridiculous her demands are at her size and maybe actually do something to change.  She might also be a hell of a lot nicer to them in the future if they stopped running everytime she called.

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  3. I don't understand why the family argue with Tammy over ridiculous things.  She wants to go to Las Vegas, ok have a nice time Tammy text me when you get there.  It's just like Chris bitching about her new "boyfriend" leaving her if she looses too much weight.  How about having her actually start to loose some weight first then worry about the boyfriend later.  

    So Tammy feels like she's a celebrity sitting there at the local fair as people gaze at her and take pictures.  I don't think the people she went to school with are very impressed.  Eating massive amounts of food until you're immobile isn't something most people aspire to, but good for her I guess. 

    I liked that Tisa got her to get out and go to the pool, she needs more activity like that on a daily basis.  I also like that Tisa doesn't take her crap and calls her out on it she needs more of that and less enabling from her family. 


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  4. 17 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    Something weird happened with Nada during filming, though. I've heard it alluded to but I can only guess as to what it was. You notice that after the Starbucks ambush and Whitney's whole "he only wants to see YOU alone because he thinks you're weak and stupid" rant in the car (which was clearly just Whitney being jealous) we never really see or hear about Nada again. I think at that point Nada pulled away and left Whitney's house and refused to film anymore. Or she DID meet up with Avi because she'd flown thousands of miles and wanted (and deserved) answers, and Whitney lost her shit. Either way, there were rumblings of a fight that went down that same day and afterwards Nada was gone. 

    That's very interesting, thanks for posting this.  I think I'll have to rewatch this episode. 

    I always got the feeling that Twit and Avi met for a weekend, she fell instantly in love but  he was just using her for her money.  I remember her or Nada saying something about giving Avi money, and Nada saying that Avi thought Whitney was too aggressive.  I forget the exact wording but it was clear that he actually preferred Nada which I'm sure infuriated Whitney.

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  5. 17 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

    She just did an Instagram LIVE for the app launch and it looked so trashy…. She had an ice cream cake in her freezer with “ISSA LAUNCH” written on it and some glitter and balloons… someone commented that the “ice cream cake looked nasty” ….. Jessica must have dyed her hair because it looked blonde. 



    This looks so cheap and tacky.  Why is the box all ripped like that? Couldn't Twit wait a few minutes before digging in?  Jessica looks so tiny next to her. 

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  6. 18 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

    I hadn’t really looked closely at these pics before…

    Pic #1 - he’s all zipped up like it’s cold outside and Whit is sleeveless in a sun dress

    Pic #2 - what’s going on with her back.. it looks yellow like jaundice

    Pic #3 - her arm is the same size as his chest

    Pic #4 - her face looks stretched out with photoshop

    so she went to France for 6 weeks, did she stay with the Frenchman the whole time?…. I wouldn’t agree to have someone I’ve never met in person stay with me for 6 weeks! 

    That's just like the picture of her and Avi, he was all bundled up in a coat and she was in a tank top.   His body language in these pictures show how in love he really is.   His hands are in his pockets at all times while she's holding on to him for dear life.  

    • Love 4
  7. 11 hours ago, Ketzel said:

    I was too mesmerized by her bobble-head doll imitations - and that loud coughing seal sound she made after screaming "in your f'ing face" at Hunter.

    WTF was that??  It was horrifying, not cute or funny.  I didn't think it possible but she gets worse every episode.

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  8. 3 hours ago, KatieBear said:

    Whitney has always been a narcissist but this episode slammed home for me that she is still reeling from the fallout of COVID, Chase, business failures, Buddy leaving and whatever else that isn't shown. I sincerely hope she is in therapy and getting some desperately needed help before she has a psychotic break because that girl is ON THE EDGE and her friends, family and business associates are clearly concerned.  

    She mentioned her therapist very quickly during dinner at the girls retreat.  She was talking and said "My therapist says I...... " I forget the rest because that sort of caught me off guard.  So I think she is in therapy which is good, hopefully she will follow the therapists advice.

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  9. Ugh I just watched this on YouTube.  She's insufferable this episode.  The way she talks to her family is horrible.  I'm glad Hunter finally found his voice, it's always nice to hear a sane comment on this trainwreck.   When Twit was telling Jessica that Heather is going to be a surrogate for her shows how little she hears when other people talk to her.  Heather made it pretty clear she had a lot of concerns and didn't think she could do it, but that's not what Twit heard.    

    That "vacation" looked like the trip from hell with Twit barking orders at everyone.

    • Love 15
  10. 9 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

    Yes! The suit was so ugly. Whitney, although not big breasted for her weight  needs a much thicker strap and/or bra cups for support.  And the color was just ugly. Plus her breasts look to be at least a cup size different from each other. I've seen her on IG in some cute dresses, this thing was awful. 

    They do look two different sizes. I can't believe she walks around like that.  She needs support asap.  She looked so gross in that "bathing suit" (looked more like a leotard).  I also think she wore that because if it got wet it would look like she was naked.  There was no type of lining or anything in it so if it got wet it would be super clingy and extra gross.  

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  11. 44 minutes ago, sara1025 said:

    Also, why did she feel the need to point out that "the photographer is a bigger girl herself"? The photographer wasn't even that big but Whitney has to point out anyone else that isn't thin so she can feel better about herself.

    That pissed me off.  That woman is not a big girl, she is a normal healthy weight.   Fatney would kill to look like her.

    • Love 14
  12. 11 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    OK, I admit that I haven't been paying much attention, but isn't their relationship student and tutor, or was it a dating site they're on?

    Supposedly he's her french tutor that she met on a language site or something, although on the most recent episode she said they met on a forum.  But we're supposed to believe this new fake  relationship because Twit's convinced it's real. 

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  13. 28 minutes ago, all4mom2 said:

    Whitney might be correct that it would be prudent for her parents to transition downstairs before something happens, but she lacks credibility being unable to go up and down stairs herself and unwilling to do anything about it.

    She knows deep down that she can't help her parents.  She can't even manage basic hygiene for herself , how could she possibly care for someone else.  She knows the truth but she pretends she's all concerned like the dutiful daughter.  I hate how she talks to her parents like they're feeble and need her to tell them what to do. 

    I loved how all the other women at the retreat are younger and more accomplished in their lives than Twit.  It just showed up how nothing her life is.  She sounded pathetic talking about her "boyfriend", who by the way sounded utterly uninterested and bored when they were on the phone.  "How wild can I be?"  tee hee,  He doesn't give a crap Whitney.  He's not into you. 

    I don't know, did anything else happen this episode?  Oh yea Twit did a live commercial for those picture hanging things, and Buddy finally moved out.  Thrills.

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  14. This whole show is just Whitney having conversations with people.  Literally nothing happens.   

    If that's her french teacher then he's doing a bad job because the tiny bit of french she attempted to speak sucked.  You can tell she has no idea what she's saying, there's probably someone next to the camera holding up a phonetically spelled cue card for her to read. 

    So she knows she's getting a shot in her arm and thinks a pull over sweatshirt that she can't possibly roll up over her upper arm is a good idea to wear.  "Hey that way I can take it half off so everyone has to see my bra"  Idiot.

    Ashley's daughter is really cute, I'd rather watch her for an hour than Twit. 

    The dancing in the parking lot was stupid.  Why would either one of them have a key? Is it their studio?  "Oh well we both forgot our key, hey let's dance and then sit in the parking lot, totally natural".   I did like Todd's talking head, I hope we see him all season.   Tal and his ass kissing last season was gross.

    The Buddy scene has been done how many times now.  Every season we get Twit and Buddy on a bench babbling about something.  This time Buddy does seem more finished than usual.  Maybe the paycheck just isn't worth it anymore.  I liked his zing about how his new girlfriend has a good body.  You could tell by his body language that he had zero desire to hug her or "cuddle" as she wanted, he's done.

    • Love 16
  15. 23 hours ago, RedHawk said:

    He can get a JOB and support his kids like any other man his age, even if it means taking their standard of living down to basic middle class. And maybe he can make up with his parents and give the kids a relationship with their grandparents as well.

    I don't know, that sounds too normal a plan for Kim.  She's shown she's greedy, lazy and wasteful.  I feel bad for the younger kids too, they're going to live through the aftermath of the mess their parents made.

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  16. 3 hours ago, sempervivum said:

    Did I miss it? We've been teased for weeks with previews of Daonte on a road at night, decked out in a red tuxedo, saying 'Is this what my life has come to' (or words to that effect). Did this ever happen?

    That's from the next season that starts soon.  I have no desire to see most of the cast that are coming back, I hate Lacey and Shane, and Brittany/Marcelino put me to sleep.    But mixed in there will be more Lisa and Stan, Daonte and Nicole, and Ray and Britney.


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  17. 3 hours ago, sempervivum said:

    Then she has a house warming party on a day that's so cold everyone shows up wearing heavy jackets (except Whit, who seems to be wearing a tablecloth).

    That scene confused me.  They all sat around bundled up like it's the middle of winter waiting for Buddy to show up at some unknown time.  It gets to be so late that Heather has to leave.  Buddy finally shows up and is shown grilling hot dogs and hamburgers.  In the next shot he's bringing them pre-made food that is clearly wrapped up.  What happened to the food he was cooking? 

    Best scene of the night was her looking all around to make sure her family wasn't watching as she reclined the seat in the car and started stuffing herself with popcorn. 


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  18. 3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    The Instagram image of her in France wearing nothing but leggings and a sports bra? Jesus God, Whitney, like we don't have enough problems with what the rest of the world thinks of us...

    I think some of these reality stars have backed themselves into a corner. When your image and livelihood is based upon something physical then it's hard to change that. I see lots of chronic illness influencers who do this.  My VEDS is incurable and will eventually kill me, but in the meantime there ARE some surgeries and treatments that can give me a better quality of life. I've had them. Some influencers refuse to get them, though, because they're afraid that they'll no longer be "special." I see this in my support groups.

    Whitney's brand is being fat and fabulous-losing weight is her admitting that she is NOT fabulous. She has to stay fat and keep faking the Instagram shit or else she'll have to admit to others and herself that her life kinda sucks. 


    Do you mean this? 


    Screenshot 2021-08-16 at 20-44-17 Whitney Way Thore⚡️ ( whitneywaythore) is on Instagram.png

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  19. 3 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    Aw, Daonte got to spend an intimate and fulfilling night with Nicolle, -- Jr. that is.  Okay, maybe not as fulfilling but at this point I'm not sure he remembers how to have sex with a full sized woman that has arms and legs. He is so creepy. 


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  20. 7 hours ago, winsomeone said:

    So every season is now going to be about Whitney's latest fake boy friend? That was boring several years ago...right after Lennie. Will she get fake pregnant again too? 

    Well she is freezing her eggs in the preview and then there's a shot of her running to the toilet to throw up (in her underwear), possibly teasing she has morning sickness?     I can definitely see a pregnancy type storyline coming up.  

  21. 1 minute ago, RealReality said:

    I think Stan is realizing that he is being used.  Like moving your 22 year old emotionally unstable "son" into his house sounds pretty bad.  

    I agree and that was the one point I agreed with Stan on.  He shouldn't be housing her family or paying their bills.  Lisa just wants someone to take care of her problems.  Stan is just convenient and he gives her money so it's the best option in her view to stay with him.  The human part of her is feeling guilty about her son but not guilty enough to actually be a parent.

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  22. 7 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    I was horrified when his first interaction with Dougie was, "Are you going to hug me?  Or are you going to punch me?" and then right into "Don't try to knock me over, or I'll have to put you on the ground."  Messages of physical violence from the first minute.

    I must say, Dougie needs to watch his mouth a bit.  What did he call Doug at one point - a "______ (can't remember the word, but it was nasty) womanizer"?  And he asked his father how many times did he "drop the soap" in prison.  

    Being a sperm donor does not equal being a father.

    Dougie is testing his father, seeing how far he can go before dad gets mad, probably not the best idea. I think dad might have a quick temper.

    Stan didn't like that Lisa has an actual life that needs attention.  His true colors really shone through in that scene.  He couldn't give two shits about Lisa's family and her problems, all he cares about is his dick.  I'm sure his daughters must be proud.

    The 52 year old woman with the nice friend is sad.  I wonder why her felon boyfriend all of a sudden fell in love with her, after ditching her the first two times. 

    Daonte is just gross.  The way he was crawling on his knees after Nicole walked away was so desperate.  Also did anyone else notice how enormous his shoe's looked when they first walked in the apartment?  They almost looked like clown shoes, way too big for his body. 

    Everytime I see the pickle couple all I can think about is I hope those dogs are alright.  I know he


    was arrested recently on domestic abuse charges

    so it just makes me worry about them.  In the coming attractions we see them fighting and he appears to have anger issues. 

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