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  1. We need more Melanie Stanbury's (Rep. From NM) speaking up. Brava! Stayed up REALLY late last night to watch Colbert because Sen. Schumer was scheduled. March Madness basketball was pushing everything back. I was really disappointed as Schumer was essentially there to promote his new book. He didn't say much, or at least say much to inspire any hope. 😞
  2. I was confused by that couple. Didn't they meet in NZ? But the husband was from Texas, originally, and yet he had the strangest accent. I couldn't quite place it, but no way was it a Texas accent. My DIL is a born and bred Texan, and neither she nor her family sound like the husband. I thought the wife was being selfish because the place they chose was much farther from her husband's job. Those outside steps to the house were a horror. Have fun schlepping groceries up to the house, or bringing the baby carriage up and down. I agree that house 1 was a better choice.
  3. Love Zoe's new hairstyle!
  4. Are there no umbrellas in Punta Cana?
  5. Chock was sitting right next to Joan. Jesse mentioned his name.
  6. Nope, nor Clayton, either.
  7. We owe a bundle to the federal government this year. When I started collecting Social Security, I neglected to let them know what percentage I wanted them to withhold for taxes. I'm so angry with myself b/c this same thing happened when the mister started to receive his SS. He's five years older, so it completely slipped my mind.
  8. Nothing more to add about the annoying Kansas City couple as I agree with everything @laredhead and @Notabug said.
  9. I was in a panic most of the day, missing my peeps here. Even though I don't post much, I appreciate everyone's posts so much and having a place to vent and commiserate.
  10. This is great. A reporter pushes back.
  11. I cook mine in the slow cooker on the low setting. My mom used to add potatoes and cabbage, but no carrots. A few years back I decided that carrots would be a good addition. Glad you enjoyed your dinner!
  12. Back in the day I taught at an all-girls Catholic high school. We had a mixed faculty of lay teachers and nuns. As a public school student, my only interactions with nuns prior to this was my religious instruction known as CCD. That ended around 8th grade. Anyway, the sisters belonged to the Sisters of St. Joseph. One St. Patrick's Day we had a little party after school. I'd never had Irish Coffee before that, and boy was it delicious! I was kind of shocked that the sisters were drinking alcohol. Even more shocked to see them smoking. My Italian American family had corned beef and cabbage every March 17th and I continue that tradition. My husband enjoys corned beef sandwiches for lunch quite often. I'm not a huge sandwich person, or even lunch person, but my absolute favorite way to eat corned beef is a Reuben sandwich.
  13. https://images.app.goo.gl/yWXmGeVRTdoh32fF9
  14. Zach was the lead from Austin, Texas. Katie is his F1 and they are still engaged and living together. Katie is a nurse originally from Canada, but had been living and working in Austin at the time of the show. I don't remember Zach's profession.
  15. I was wondering the same thing. Holy Moly. And none of the 6 children were multiples, either. The husband's job was something to do with digital content or something like that. What IS that exactly and does it pay that well that he can support such a large family?
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