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Posts posted by fastiller

  1. Dropping in to recommend the film Kneecap. A fictionalised telling of the origin story of the Irish language hip-hop trio from West Belfast.  The film is in English & (subtitled) Irish.  The band members play themselves & they do a very good job for first-time actors.  Michael Fassbender is probably the highest profile named actor in it.    Debut project for the director too: Rich Peppiatt.

    Every word spoken (as Gaeilge) is a bullet.

    Stories are built from language.
    Nations are built from stories.
    This is their story.

    Such a great film. 100% deserves the R rating.

    The band is doing a very limited US tour starting tomorrow (I think) in Philly; their NY show on Thursday is sold out (I'm going to see if I can snag a ticket somehow).


    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:


    BONUS SPOILER!: Expect to learn plenty more about Abby McEnany’s Velma in Season 2. “One of the goals is going to be understanding what her genesis with Colter was, and what she thinks her role could be going forward,” Reid says. “She’s going to have some heartache this year,” following the series departure of Robin Weigert’s Teddi, “and we’re going to see her relationship with Reenie really blossom” as the attorney embarks upon a new business venture.



    Great! Why couldn't we have had the Velma / Teddi / Colter team-origin story last Season?  I'm going to miss Ms. Weigert.

    • Like 5
  3. 7 hours ago, MrPissyPuppy said:

    It just reminds me of Sharknado.   And not in a good way.  "Three-part premiere event"  - blah! 

    Is it really a three parter?  I didn't see that mentioned in @Snazzy Daisy's teaser video.

  4. I forget if it was in a specific episode, but I seem to recall it being a kind or thru-line thru S04 of Klaus writing/drawing on his palms to replicate his tattoos from previous seasons/timelines.  Thought that was a nice touch.

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/23/2024 at 8:44 PM, krankydoodle said:

    I like the actress playing Cara but I don't need her character to be around all the time ...

    Same. Like, hasn't her internship/whatever finished?  Though I'm kind of hoping they keep her showing up once every two episode/stories or so and in a few seasons we find out she's been taking note of all the processes so she can become a world class serial killer. [/kidding!!! sort of 😁]

    • Like 2
  6. On 8/20/2024 at 12:51 AM, possibilities said:

    I like her, but I don't think this show needs more chatracters,

    I wish they would go back to the formula that was working so well in season 1, and not keep trying to tinker with and change what didn't need to be changed.

    Agreed on both fronts.  Though TBH, I'd be okay with Angie leaving (1,000% b/c of Christensen's $cientology).

  7. There's not Small Talk thread, so I'm leaving this here: I've been watching some of hte S4/S5 eps and I sure do hope they go back to the rescues / cases of the week format.

    • Like 4
  8. Pure speculation here: this is going to end with George & everyone else in the same place they were at the start of S1E01, right?

    I'm so used to seeing Caroline Quentin in either straight up comedy (Men Behaving Badly) or comedy/drama (Jonathan Creek) that it's a bit jarring to see her going hammer & tongs at Wes.

    And the Lazarus Project sure seems to have a ton of couples working for it.

    • Like 2
  9. On 7/5/2024 at 11:19 PM, chaifan said:

    I'm glad they're doing a reboot, I'm looking forward to that.  I'll miss Mozzie.  I wish he took his $14 million and bought a winery somewhere, and then had a freak winemaking accident that led to his death.  Or maybe he started a foundation for foster kids, and had a heart attack playing with kids on the playground.  I just want his death to be doing something he loved.  I hope they keep it in NYC.  Paris would be fun, but it would be a stretch to get everyone there and have it make sense. 


    Even though I was able to stretch for a Paris-based series, I've come around to having the reboot be NYC-based.  During S6 (I think; could've been S5) they did an episode in Fort Totten in Queens; I live very near the Fort and have spent a ton of time at/near it.  I passed it the other day and it had me thinking how well the show used the NYC locations, even (especially?) those outside of Manhattan.  Though I was often confounded at how fast they could get from FBI offices in Manhattan to the Burke house in Brooklyn and then back to Manhattan to June's house all in one day (would love it if commuting could be that fast!).  Anyway, the City really came thru very nicely in the show.  Elementary & Person of Interest did a similar thing w/ NYC.

    • Like 3
  10. 5 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

    I'm getting to the point where I was with 12 Monkeys; they will just keep getting it almost solved until the network pulls the plug on the show. I think I bailed out around the end of the second season on that one and it went on for two more seasons after that, so this one probably has another season in it too. I'm just not interested in anymore lather-rinse-repeat time travel to almost save the world.

    Responding to the bolded section: this is the second and final season; I guess it could have run it's course through three seasons, but I think two is just right.  I hope the show team was able to give it a proper wrap-up.

    On another point (not sure it's worth creating a 'Cast in Other Roles' topic considering we only have three eps left), Vinette Robinson (Janet) was in a 2021 film called Boiling Point.  If you can find it, do.  It's brilliant.  Robinson won a BIFA (British Independent Film Award) for her performance.  It's set in a high-end London restaurant and takes place during one night.  The remarkable thing about it is that it was filmed in one take, all 92 minutes of it.  They filmed it four separate times -all were single-take- over two evenings in 2021 (the second of which is what was released); they intended to do eight separate single-take shoots to have more options for release version, but Covid regulations didn't allow for that.  Robinson said in an interview that she placed several copies of the script around the set -in cabinets or other places- so she & the rest of the cast could refer to them when the camera was away from them.  Nobody wanted to be the person to ruin a take.  Trailer.

  11. On 6/7/2024 at 7:10 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    A limited series set in Paris for one big sting/con would be interesting to me, and get around no Mozzie. I don't know how you'd justify Peter being there, unless he's assisting Interpol or something like that. 

    I don't know if you could recapture the OG case of the week vibe, and if they're going to have a real-time lapse, I don't think it would be the right move. 

    I liked the Monk movie though, so I'm always willing to revisit the golden age of the USA network. 

    I just finished a full series re-watch and a Paris-based limited series (4-6 eps) with one overarching sting is appealing.  Maybe Peter is now working for Interpol directly?  At some very high level, of course.  Something hinky is happening at the Louvre, where Elizabeth is some high-level muckety-muck (she's smart, so she twigs to a con-in-the-making & brings it to Neal first (natch)).  In my mind, Peter and El have three kids.  We already met Neal at the end of first series.  The next are called Carol and William - to honour Diahann Carroll (there's already a Diana in this crew) & Willie Garson.  Maybe we meet the three kids, maybe they're off at school?  Berrigan is heading up FBI White Collar.  Jones is semi-retired, seconded to some UK or EU agency.  I could probably think of more details.

    • Like 1
  12. 50 minutes ago, TheCathedral said:

    Person of Interest is a great example of a CBS show that broke the COW formula, it started that way but they had the Elias/HR/ arc already established early in season 1. That show used flashbacks brilliantly, it never felt forced. They continued to solve cases of the week but most of the cases were connected to the bigger storyline. By season 4 it was basically a Sci-Fi/espionage show. It was too good for CBS.

    No offense to the Tracker cast but POI had 3 heavy hitters as the leads and the writers were brilliant. But I still feel that Tracker has potential, first seasons are rarely smooth and the show probably was affected by the writers strike, now they have time to fix some things and it's gonna be a fall show so I'm optimistic.

    I recall reading that when PoI started CBS very very much was entrenched in the COTW formula and also very very much not wanting a Science Fiction program (which PoI kinda became along the way; this piece from 2016 discusses the transition very well: How Person of Interest Became Essential Science Fiction Television).  So, not only did it break CBS's COTW formula it also did some stealth format changing along the way.  Tracker just isn't -yet, anyway- appointment TV for me; PoI absolutely was.  It's diversion TV for me: if I have an hour to kill, it fills the time.

    • Like 4
  13. On 5/11/2024 at 9:42 PM, Mondrianyone said:

    Makes me think of Etan Patz. I'll watch.

    Yes. It's as if the Etan Patz story was told thru lens of the SyFy show Happy! (missing kid, imaginary friend (albeit one that can be seen by more than one person), children's TV show/characters, deeper conspiracy, etc.).

    • Love 1
  14. 10 hours ago, KatWay said:

    I think the show has pointed out why Bobby didn't face charges either, because while the fire started from his radiator, it would not have gotten that big that fast if not for the building being shoddily built. Any electrical appliance malfunctioning could have led to that disaster.

    but I also think the plot wasn't well thought through. A disaster of that scale would have Wikipedia entries and documentaries about it, Bobby's name would be out there for sure. The Grenfell Tower disaster in the UK "only" killed 70ish people and that was international news.

    Seriously! Has nobody heard of FIRE RATED CONSTRUCTION?  Fire doors?  Firestopping?  (Why yes, I do work in a construction-adjacent field, why do you ask?)

    And to your second point, yep, too.  There are fires that killed "just" dozens which got national/international press at the time and some of these are remembered w/ Wiki pages or similar.


  15. 16 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    I wish they would break up the formula a bit next season. Have him work one case for two or three episodes - it would solve some of the problems. But I guess this show is sold on the COW format and will only ditch that formula for the BIG family mystery - at least as long as they can stretch out that plot.

    Welcome to CBS-TV.  I know they do deviate from time to time on their shows but they're really into their procedurals.

    • Like 2
  16. 7 hours ago, possibilities said:

    When it was first released, there was no way to see any movie other than on the big screen, in a theater. We didn't have streaming and DVDs back then. I don't even think we had VCRs. 

    In any case, I don't think it's a great movie or worth going out of the way to see. I thought it was a slander on women, frankly. We have an obnoxious man who cares nothing for his wife or child. He berates and degrades her and she is having a breakdown and leaves in desperation. We don't get to see how she recovers or what happens to her at all. We see abusive jerk father/husband's heart grow 3 sizes as he's forced to take care of his child. Then when mom comes back, he blames her for everything and she agrees it's all her fault and that he should keep sole custody of the kid and she bows out completely.


    And Hoffman's treatment of Streep during filming was simply awful.  He used the recent death of her partner, John Casale, to 'direct' her during the court scene.  This didn't endear him to the actual director either.

    • Sad 1
    • Angry 2
  17. 4 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I do love when Jonathan Frakes shows up to sit in the directors chair, he always knows how to give us a feeling of classic Trek while also making use of new technology. He also usually has a few more notable stylistic choices than most directors on Discovery but not too many to be distracting, I hope he comes back and does a few episodes of SNW next. 


    Same.  So very much same.  I actually squeed at seeing his name in the credits.

  18. 22 minutes ago, MaryHedwig said:

    I think we were watching both Eddy and Bobby in a dream sequence. Remember they were both napping in the same position on their respective couches in the same odd position, half-sitting: half-reclining, when the dramas 'woke' them up. The house is fine, and Christopher did not get traumatized by seeing his mom's twin. (OK, I might be ignoring a few clues that happened in next week's preview, but that's the way I'm writing it.)

    I hope you're right on both storylines.  

    And WRT "his mom's twin" - let's go all in on the soapy-ness of it all and say they're twins separated at birth.

    • Like 4
  19. On 5/17/2024 at 11:52 PM, Lukeysboat said:

    Someone commented that there was no 911 call during the show, but there was. Young Bobby called 911 to report the kitchen fire. 

    I liked how the graphics for that call were giving 80s videogame energy.

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