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Everything posted by Light

  1. Major hole in the plot: How is Meri paying for the bed and breakfast by herself? The last last we saw, she signed the offer without telling her family. If she can pay for it independently, who cares if she buys it?
  2. Hilarious! This is your best recap yet! ?
  3. She looked really miserable and stonefaced the whole time. She may have been sick that day, or, she may be entering that phase of adolescence where she sees her parents as separate from her, and she is so over them; maybe just had an argument with someone that day. She might be starting to look look at her parents’ dysfunctional relationships in a negative light. All the other older teens and young adults have strongly separated and individuated away from the identity of their parents, rejecting polygamy. On Instagram, Logan even promotes coffee drinking, (almost seems like he has a marketing contract with a coffee shop), and is often shown drinking beer, both forbidden in their faith. Mariah was the only one who was into polygamy as a younger teen, and then after falling out with her mother and getting betrayed, she rejected her mother and radically changed her identity. She does seem to be so much happier now; she is smiling in almost every shot this season. Notice how all the kids abandoned the game by the end. It seems like everyone was ready to be done, but then there was a producer set-up where they required Meri to give two compliments to each adult. That was cringe-worthy, and the producers knew it would be. She was downright rude to Jenelle in that part. I don’t like the way it was so scripted and manipulated. Axel was born in May 2017, and in this scene he was crawling (cute baby) so he must be seven or eight months, and it must’ve been filmed around December, or January 2018. That means they got everyone together recently for the game and the boring tell all where nothing at all was “jaw-dropping”.
  4. Yup. DBT was created for borderline personality disorder. Sadly, her therapist is useless. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-mentally-strong-people-dont-do/201501/10-thinking-errors-will-crush-your-mental-strength
  5. A start for Meri would be to start practicing GRATITUDE for what she has. Studies have shown if people just remind themselves about five times a day to be grateful, they actually become happier. Many people can’t have any children, and she has a healthy, pretty well-adjusted child, (considering the circumstances) and a warm home. In the beginning, we were told that as soon as Janelle joined the family, Meri showed her selfishness and insecurity by being really nasty to her about where things were put in the kitchen cabinets, etc., and she made Janelle so miserable that Jeanelle had to move out for a while. Meri’s selfishness problems clearly run deep. She needs a lot of therapy to turn around what psychologists call her “thinking errors”. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) would be good for her, but she would have to have the maturity to apply it in the moment, and there lies the rub. Often people who need DBT don’t use it once they’re trained.
  6. Yes! I so agree! While she doesn’t help take care of them, I do think she would miss the kids and also the other wives, and their company. She will never leave, and I don’t think she should. She has a problem with instant gratification. She would fail the kindergarten marshmallow test. Because of the things you mentioned, she found the flattery of the emotional affair addictive like a drug. But a lot of people would, and have problems with the urge for flattery and self indulgence. I think if she did some self-reflection over time, and truly apologized to Kody, she could live a satisfying life, staying in the family. I think it would be healthier for her to be around family and social supports, than to be alone in Parowan.
  7. I do agree that 1200 would be way too hard for a 600 L.B. person to do for a day, let alone a month. Lying awake all night, headaches, etc. If they eat very low carb/high protein it helps with the hunger, but I agree they could still lose weight quickly at first if they took in more calories than 1200. I was very surprised the first time I watched this show and saw Dr. Now say they had to do 1200 cals. That’s hard at a healthy weight! I agree with you, and suspect it is possible that he builds in “wiggle room” by making the goal tough, at least at the start. Once they get closer to their goal weight, they do need to eat close to 1200 to keep losing. I do think David probably did do close to 1200 his first two months because he lost something like 83 pounds at one of his weigh-ins. Amazing!
  8. Yes!! Hovering a couple of pounds below the “overweight” BMI, and middle aged, I could stand to lose some, and I gain weight if I eat 1200 calories, maintain if I eat 1000 and have a sedentary day, and I only lose if I net 600-800 (after subtracting about 300 calories of treadmill cardio). I am short, and killed my metabolism too, from years of yo-yo dieting. I found it interesting that David wrote down everything he ate. When he at first lost a ton of weight very quickly, I do believe he stuck close to 1200 calories, which at 600 lbs is incredibly hard and amazing. I log my intake on MyFitnessPal and try to say to myself, “I don’t” instead of “I can’t” (as in I don’t miss my nightly treadmill, I don’t eat wheat, etc,) But my weakness is lifelong sugar addiction, I cheat a lot, and it’s not beat yet.
  9. I wonder how much they read this site. Notice when during the TH, Robyn started crying again, and she was apologizing for it, Kody said, “Nobody’s MOCKING your tears HERE, ok?”
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