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Posts posted by Growsonwalls

  1. I too think the judges were uncomfortable with the dad. All of them work in the business so they probably have seen these pushy, Joe-Jackson-type dads many times and don't want to encourage that sort of behavior.

    I am going to be a minority opinion and didn;t like the girl crying that much in the audition. She had a good voice, but I didn't find it that professional for her to cry that much in an audition.

    Claudia is average. Has an okay voice. Not the strongest singer but she didn't embarrass herself. And ... compared to her parents, she is pretty.


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  2. 12 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    When they met she was sixteen and he was thirty two. I guess in those days that was accepted although he had such a bad reputation. Why, he took a girl riding and didn't get her home on time and then he...he Refused to marry her!

    One thing that's nice about both the book and the movie is that Melanie doesn't care about Rhett's bad reputation. She remembers that Rhett was kind to her and the two remain friends for many years. That's really nice. Rhett seems really heartbroken about her death.

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  3. 2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    I always wondered how they met. They seemed to have known each other for a long time.

    Rhett got kicked out of his parents' home when he was a young man. He drifted for a few years and probably met Belle in a casino or saloon. I think he supports her because they have a kid together. They seem more friends than anything else. 

    One thing about the book that I never thought about was that Rhett is so much older than Scarlett. It's actually a little icky that he's interested in a girl who's 17 or 18 when they become friends in Atlanta and he's in his 30's. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

    Some of us have struggled with spelling and written grammar our entire lives. My company doesn't use Microsoft products so relying on the grammar & spelling functions in Word and Outlook isn't an option. That's a whole other peeve.

    Google docs does spell check as well. I also use the grammarly extension.

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  5. Joy and Austin are like a lot of young fundie couples that find out that after the limerence/honeymoon stage is over that you're in a house with crying infants and very little life experiences or skillsets to navigate life. In a few years I bet they'll have the same dead eyes and grim smiles as Jessa and Ben. 

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  6. 40 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

    My niece is planning to self publish her memoirs.  This is not going to go well.  She has a lot of anger towards her parents, especially her father (not without reason - but nothing salacious or abusive) but had made her peace with them and life had moved on.   Aside from the need she seems to feel to pick at the scabs of some family wounds I just don't know why she'd imagine anyone would actually pay to read the memoirs (her word BTW) of a pretty ordinary suburban 20 something who has led a pretty ordinary life.

    Self publishing is the new thing. Just let her -- very few people will read her book. My dad just self-published a card-counting blackjack strategy book. I'm struggling through it -- I don't play blackjack. But oh well ... It's his project.

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  7. Well ... I'm currently reading the book my dad just self-published on Amazon:


    Even though my knowledge of blackjack is almost nothing and I have no clue what he's talking about with his system of card-counting I'm  just supporting it because it's his book.

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  8. 32 minutes ago, BitterApple said:


    Ooooh, snap! Just saw this on Reddit. Instastory from Joy. She and Austin are on a hunting trip, filming in their hotel lobby. In the background a lady, clearly annoyed, asks very pointedly, "Do y'all have masks?." Austin starts to reply and then Joy cuts it off. I love that somebody finally called these idiots out!

    I saw that. And what do you want to bet that Joy is hunting in those jean skirts and bare legs in the freezing cold. Idiots. 

    Arkansas has a mask mandate. They can't even use the "we don't have a mask mandate" excuse.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, Bastet said:

    I was watching some Michelle Obama videos a few months ago and came across that one.  I only made it about halfway through, because Ellen's behavior kept making me cringe.  Yes, I understand that everything was prearranged with the store, but she acted like a particularly ill-behaved toddler (and, indeed, Obama kept telling her "don't do that" like an exasperated mom).  The joke was supposed to be that the Obamas were going to have to adjust to being "regular" people again, so on a shopping trip Michelle would be a bit of a fish out of water navigating mundane things she hadn't been part of for eight years.  Of course it would be exaggerated for humor.  But Ellen's antics were too much.

    Ellen's guests often seem rather uncomfortable around her. There's a weird vibe. Like with Michelle Obama you could tell she was kidding but she wasn't kidding all the times she told Ellen "stop that." 

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  10. 2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

    Growing up, the next door lady had a huge family, most of her kids had moved out of the house.  She had two Siamese cats.  A Tabby stray kept coming over to her house.  She took it in and took the two Siamese cats she had for a decade or so down to the animal shelter.  When her daughter found out about it she was very upset.  When her daughter went down to get the two older Siamese cats they were gone.  I don't know what that meant, I didn't ask.  I assume it wasn't good.

    I like all cats.  My first two cats were black. My current cats are a tigerish white cat and a tuxedo.    The tuxedo is the smaller cat and has the asthma issue.

    That's awful. Peiple are garbage sometimes. 

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  11. On 2/10/2021 at 10:07 AM, WinnieWinkle said:

    My cousin does this all the time!  She can't seem to get in the car to go to the store without letting her "audience" know about it accompanied by an extreme close up of her sitting in the car.  These pictures are not flattering to her but no one is going to tell her that!  If she's happy, why not I guess.  But I do have to wonder why people (a) post multiple times a day about the minutae of their lives, and (b) post pictures that do them no favours.  

    I also love people who have like no followers constantly doing IG or FB live to go to the grocery store or run other errands. Like dude, you don't need to go on IG live to tell everyone you went to Costco.

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  12. 2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    She was talking to Melanie, in her carriage after the Klan incident.

    Oops I mean Melanie. Yeah she has a talk with Melanie in the carriage. 

    I'm always surprised they included Belle in the movie. The arrangement between Belle and Rhett is a little strange. She seems to be little more than a friends with benefits in both the book and the movie. I guess they share the bond of having a child so Rhett supports her.

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  13. 6 hours ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

    About the constant Nike company pics: aren't people of their political persuasion supposed to be boycotting Nike because of their endorsement of a certain controversial former NFL player? Or does Jeremy pick and choose what to follow according to what fits his needs best? (That's rhetorical; we know he and the Duggars and rest of the lot pick and choose whatever suits them best) And not to be too mean because glass houses and all, but shouldn't someone who's desperately seeking some sort of partnership with an athletic brand be in better shape? Hair loss can't be helped, but you can certainly keep yourself looking healthy, especially when you're not the one doing everything around the house while taking care of two kids alone, or working, or really giving your all to study. I guess his golf games are his exercise. Seems to me though that if he tells OfVuolo he's going to "practice his game", he's actually talking about his brown-nosing skills rather than actual golf. 

    Jeremy is all about brand names and expensive tastes. He favors Nike sneakers probably because they're more expensive. No one gets between Jeremy and his luxury items.

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