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Posts posted by blondiec0332

  1. 19 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    I actually thought there was definite build up to the Toby situation. He wasn't the "wise counselor." Toby was always aligning himself up as morally superior to the President. Although I thought the entire shuttle storyline was dumb, I thought it was on point that Toby would betray Bartlett. 

    I wasn't a Toby fan.  The only episodes I found him tolerable in was S2's In the Shadow of Two Gunmen.  I liked him in the flashbacks of how he came to work for Bartlett.

    4 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    In S2/S3, I had some hope they would go somewhere with CJ/Oliver Babish. I generally didn't 'ship' anyone on the show, but I thought those two had a lot of chemistry and wish it would have gone somewhere.

    I agree she had more chemistry with him than Simon Donovan her Secret Service bodyguard.  Although I did find it sad what happened to Simon.  I didn't think she had chemistry with Danny either but I didn't mind her ending up with him.

    4 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    I loved the last three episodes of S7 as well! I often found myself annoyed with the inconsistent characterization of Helen Santos, but I think she evens out in those episodes. I've always been a Jimmy Smits fan. Stockard Channing was always fantastic and she is there giving Bartlett her support. Just nice episodes. 

    I would have totally watched an eighth season that was about a Santos presidency.


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  2. 2 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

    This talk about  the lack of enthusiasm for Biden bothers me because it does not seem to match what I am seeing on the ground.  I think people have had it and want a change.  The media treat our elections like it is a sporting event, it is a sobering process that will determine our future. I am usually a fan of Martha but she is not getting this right..

    I hope this isn't off topic but if we are talking about enthusiasm for the candidates I think the media is confusing what Trump supporters do to show their enthusiasm and what Biden supporters do to show theirs as being comparable.  Where I live there is a parade of cars every weekend flying Trump flags that drive about 30 miles showing their support. People support their candidate in different ways.

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  3. 51 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

    To me, Sage is a super chill, hippy, free love sounding name which makes it a strange choice for someone who  is absolutely and positively none of those things. 

    I know. When I saw the name I thought that doesn't sound like a name Meghan would go for and this......

    25 minutes ago, suomi said:

    Sage is a nod to Arizona and to MyFather's birdwatching. Numerous varieties of wild and cultivated sage grow prolifically in AZ (and CA) and so does sagebrush. 

    Sagebrush provides fodder and housing for all manner of wildlife, especially birds, and its roots help to prevent soil erosion.

    So yeah, sage = Arizona.

    And now we understand.

    I still like the name Sage but I'm not a fan of Liberty.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, OnTime said:

    BUT why  anyone would pick the name Liberty Sage?? I just think of  of the Liberty Bell in Philly and Sage the herb.

    Back in the 80s before I had a child I had thought about Sage if I ever had a girl.  Last year it was ranked 280 out of the top 1000 baby names for girls.  Liberty was ranked 659.

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  5. 44 minutes ago, rcc said:

    I knew Whoopi would be upset with the tax news. I also knew she would bring up the "tax write-offs" she misses. Millionaires and billionaires who don't like to pay taxes! 

    And a lot of times they get away with not paying them.  The IRS has admitted it's easier to audit your average Joe taxpayer because they aren't going to have an army of lawyers and accountants to help them.

    4 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    I hate that Sarah goes off on a tangent about how taxes are confusing and wondering how many other rich people don't pay taxes. 

    Yes Sara taxes can be confusing. That is why rich people hire people to handle things for them. But at the end of the day it's  your signature on it.  You are responsible.  Lest we forget it was tax evasion that took Al Capone down.

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  6. On 9/27/2020 at 3:16 AM, bannana said:

    Rosie made it a topic, and Joy was also on board with that.


    19 hours ago, ForumLou said:

    I think the climate right now is 100% politics. 

    It wasn't so much Rosie wanted to talk about politics. She wanted to talk about more serious topics and politics fell  under that.

    There was a lot to talk about politics after President Obama was elected in 2008 but since 2016 there has been almost nothing to talk about except politics.  

    Political discussions wouldn't be so bad if not for Meghan. She cannot discuss the subject in a calm rational manner. Any Republican guest host they have had on has been able to that.  Meghan takes things personally and has whataboutism arguments. She is a cheerleader for her team and will support them at all costs.  It doesn't make for pleasant viewing.

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  7. 2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    Thanks. Am I the only one who finds it odd that meghan will only talk about being pregnant outside of The View?  She might be a lot more relatable if she didn't act like The View was only about politics and Real Housewives. 

    I think Meghan looks down on the View audience. And her co workers for that matter.  I think she thinks only her social media followers are worthy of hearing her talk about personal things.


    2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    While I've never been pregnant, I do find it so eyeroll worthy her statement referring to pregnancy as "the struggle is real" as if it's an equal rights issue, fighting for equality, etc. You know? Being pregnant is a natural part of life for those who are able to carry. I mean, what's the struggle? Are people poo-pooing her when she complains about it?

    She no matter what will always try portray herself as some sort of victim.  With her everything is a struggle.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, After7Only said:

    She also did a good job of explaining why she is speaking now.  As an employee she couldn’t publicly say these things.  The administration has shown how the treat whistleblowers.  She waited until she could legally And safely do so.   Her timing does not negate the message.   

    I understand why Meghan wasn't there. She would have discounted what the guest said as sour grapes.

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  9. 1 minute ago, RealHousewife said:

    The sad thing is, you know she holds back because The View is liberal and there are two hosts of color. I'd be scared to hear what she has to say when there are no cameras rolling. 

    As I've posted before apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Meghan makes a big deal about being a defender for LGTBQ but what about people of color?  As you said she might throw a bone to that but it is so far down the list of things she cares about.

    At her core Meghan is a privileged white woman.  That is through the lens that she views the world.  She makes no attempt to understand or even empathize with anyone that doesn't come from her world.  When she talks about the middle of the country she doesn't care about those people. They are just voters who she knows she needs to give lip service to because some of them are part of her tribe.

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  10. 6 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

    I have been crying since yesterday and it just reinforces what we Black people have always known: our lives don't matter..  That attorney general in Kentucky disgusts me even more, how can you say that Breonna's murder was justified.. In his announcement, he felt the need to say that he is a Black man somehow that would soften  the blow. You may be skinfolk but you are not kinfolk..

    They can't even admit they made a mistake.  Her family got a financial settlement very quickly so somebody in that city recognized what happened to her was wrong.

    • Love 11
  11. 13 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

    The picture of the crowd at that rally was frightening, wow!  I will never understand why people are choosing to be willfully ignorant about a virus that can kill you but can also leave you with permanent damages to your health.. Is sticking it to the liberals really that important?  I would think that their health and that of their families and friends would be more important. Without good health, your quality of life diminishes. 

    Pittsburgh is local for me. I live in an adjacent state and that rally was held less than 50 miles from where I live.  There are some small towns on the outskirts of Pittsburgh and as someone who has driven through those small towns the rally attendees look just like the people who live in those small towns.

  12. Let me guess.  Meghan didn't bring up the elephant in her (family) room.

    This is the problem when you have someone with ties to major news stories who doesn't want to discuss the major news story.

    Edited to add. Apparently that elephant was just too big to stay in the room.  But of course Joy had to let it loose.

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  13. 7 hours ago, bannana said:

    Sara came well prepared and made MeAgain look like an idiot.

    I think Sara figured out pretty quickly Meghan is going to come at her hard to try to undermine whatever she says.  And Sara has decided to plan a rebuttal for whatever Meghan throws at her.  And the thing is (TM Whoopi Goldberg) Sara has only been repeating things that has been verified. It's not like Sara is pontificating like someone we know.   Meghan has decided it's her job to defend her team no matter what.  She admitted she thinks seating a replacement for RBG right now is a very risky move and will ultimately cost her team. 


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  14. 2 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

    So, if they are on the fence about Trump it will make them jump to vote for him vote for him because those dang liberals hate god and babies.

    They already think that. And Meghan is part of the reason why. She never mentions a chance to call abortion infanticide.  

    3 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

    As Sara pointed out, this is what the vetting process is for. Amy Coney Barrett needs to explain her position on whether her faith compromises her professional judgment

    As Whoopi mentioned yesterday JFK had to assure voters he wouldn't govern by his Catholic faith. So yes any potential SCOTUS nominee should have to assure people he/she won't rule by her Catholic faith.

    4 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

    Who are these Phantom Liberals that Meghan is fighting? 

    As Meghan has said many times it's all about optics.  As long as she can offer up a boogeyman to fight she will.  When you have nothing of substance of offer you make it up.

    • Love 10
  15. 18 minutes ago, suomi said:

    I thought Sara mentioned separation of church and state in relation to a SCOTUS nominee's beliefs. Is the mention of beliefs that don't originate with Catholocism off the table?  

    Meghan doesn't want anything bad said about anyone she considers a teammate. Especially if it's true.

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  16. 6 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    Sara continues to trigger McCain, lol. As far as I know, nearly everyone on this show is Christian or grew up in the Church, so what is McCain even talking about? Oh, that’s right, how dare Sara think we live in a country where there is or should be a separation of church and state. McCain thinks she should have the right to inflict her warped personal beliefs onto everyone in this country and Sara does not.

    Since Meghan "has been in politics her whole life" you would think Meghan would know this. I mean it's in the Constitution. Which Meghan said she keeps a copy of that on her nightstand right? Guess she needs to read it again.


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  17. 2 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:

    It's kind of impressive how Meghan casually and shamelessly misrepresents political issues. She surely knows she's being disingenuous by leaving out key details but she doesn't care.

    It's called lying.

    • Love 13
  18. 8 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

    When Meghan said kept saying 47% of America is "pro-life", does she realize that it means 53% are not?  Or, that even some who consider themselves pro-life (because, really, is anyone anti-life?)  think that abortion should be legal in some circumsances.  

    Yes Meghan needs to explain that poll. Was it 47% of people who think abortion should be illegal? Is it 47% of people who think abortion is wrong but believe it's a woman's choice?  She is always throwing out poll numbers without clarifying who was polled? How was the question asked?  She cherry picks numbers to bolster whatever argument she is trying to make.  To bolster the argument that Roe v Wade should remain intact Joy could have said 53% of people are pro choice. Which in reality that number is much higher no matter what Meghan wants to believe.

    14 hours ago, falltime said:

    So according to Meghun, there is a bias against judge Amy B. because she is Catholic mother of 7 but Muslim or Jewish judge wouldn't get smeared. 

    She is playing the name game again.  Amy B. can't possibly be disliked because of her own words and actions. Nope it has to be because she is Catholic.  Meghan sees discrimination where there isn't any but ignores the discrimination that is real but doesn't affect her.

    13 hours ago, davey3932 said:

    I kinda like the tactic of screaming "I would be very careful of slandering!" when someone is about to direct quote someone.  And Meghan just praised democrats and republicans who are able to get along literally minutes earlier.  

    This is not the first time Meghan has done this.  If she thinks someone she likes is going to have their own words used against them she gets angry and tries to dismiss it as an attack or a hatchet job. Her interview with Seth Meyers is a perfect example of her own words being thrown back at her and considering it an attack.


    10 hours ago, Axie said:

     I think she doesn’t like Sara because people actually like Sara.

    As we  have talked about before Sara is what Meghan can only hope to be (and probably expected to be by some people). She is married with three kids and has a career in the media.  When she speaks about political issues she doesn't do it in antagonistic way or try to "own" the other side. She is close to her family and is well liked by her co workers.  And best of all she did it all on her own.  She earned her career.  I've long thought Meghan was a mean girl in high school and I'm sure even back then she hated the Sara types. The pretty girls who got along with everyone.

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  19. 13 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

    Anytime Meghan gets criticized, she chalks it up to sexism, and how women should be supportive of other women, and men criticize her because they don't think women are as good.    It's not much of a stretch to think Meghan has been "talked to"  about her interruptions, and her minutes-long run-on sentences that take up more than her allotted time.  And I"m am certain she is capable of viewing that as being treated unfairly because of her pregnancy.  

    Yes. Anytime Meghan is criticized she says it's because she is a woman. A Republican. A conservative. And now pregnant.  She will go to her death without ever acknowledging she is criticized because of her words and actions.  She shares that trait without someone else.


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  20. 4 minutes ago, Mldyold said:

    MM should want to recognize what RBG did for her sisters, perhaps her judicial choice would not even be in the running to replace RBG if that road hadn't been paved so many years ago. 

    For someone like Meghan born a rich white woman she has never had to think about how much RBG did to help women (and not just women but anyone who has been treated as not an equal) make progress.  She is just a nasty hateful person. 


    7 minutes ago, Mldyold said:

    The blind allegiance to her team and the word liberal said with disdain continually convinces me that her affection for Biden is over and he will not be her choice in November.  Interestingly her mother has come out in support of Biden.

    Meghan rarely mentions her family anymore. I think she has isolated herself to have only people who sees things the way she does around her.

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