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  1. Sydelle commented on Emily’s Instagram with “best wig ever?”. Sydelle and Emily were probably in the makeup trailer in the morning discussing the wig Emily was going to take to her friend’s party later that night and Sydelle tried it on for fun. Not that complicated.
  2. As far as I heard, Ramsey confirmed that Felicity was pregnant in season 7 not that they had a baby. They got the season rundown, so for all we know she could announce she’s pregnant in 723. The smart thing to do would be to clear this away as soon as possible, but with Amell saying “we’ll have to swift through it in the early part of season 7”, I’m concerned with how long this drama is going to last. As well as with what a resolution to this even is? Oliver groveling? He keeps on making unilateral decisions, how do you fix that?
  3. These spoilers are making me doubt things. This doesn’t sound like something that will be resolved in one episode. Oliver making decisions alone about something that affects Felicity is basically what causes all their problems. The last time it took a season and a half to deal with the fallout of something like this. He keeps.. not confiding in her in moments he should and that’s something that Felicity canonically hates. Now she is going into protective custody alone with William because he asked her to. These are pretty big things happening... I don’t want to say it, but I think when we come back and Oliver gets out of prison they’ll be in a really bad place. The one thing that Felicity asked of Oliver was for him to include her. Hell, she even told him in 622 something along the lines of “There no you alone anymore. There’s an us. I’m gonna need you to start seeing it this way”. Oliver keeps making the same mistake and I don’t know how they’re going to resolve this. Stephen said this will go on in the “early episodes of season 7”, correct? Are we sure this won’t have a much bigger fallout than we are anticipating?
  4. I’m inclined to believe the person who said she changed talent agents and lawyer as well then. I hope they give her better publicity than her previous one.
  5. I think the fact that BS can pretend to be Laurel without getting arrested for moonlighting as Black Canary pretty much sums up how they’ll handle that. They’ll probably ignore it.
  6. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Colton expensive? I don’t follow him too much, but from what I’ve heard he’s gotten pretty big. With Roy, the team would grow to 7. Considering the criticism that NTA and this season in general have received, I wouldn’t be shocked if one or more of NTA is written off. 7 seems like too large of a number.
  7. That’s sort of rude. You don’t have to share your spoilers, but don’t tease just to leave people salivating.
  8. Renewals aren’t being based on who signs on or doesn’t. Arrow has SA and with him they can go as long as they want. I’m not sure as to your point? Some members could have already extended their contracts when he said that, we just don’t know who. They announced their entire lineup all at once. I doubt they were waiting to sign on every member of Arrow’s cast before announcing every show’s renewal. If you’re referring to her tweet, she never said renewal was dependent on cast being resigned. She just said it’s now time to wait and see who will be back and who won’t.
  9. She’s stated before that she means anybody other than SA. Sorry, thought it was clear that its about everybody other than him.
  10. I think the only one they really need for renewal is SA, and since he’s locked for season 7 everything else can be sorted out.
  11. Willa was still billed higher. I know it’s different now because so many people have come and gone that billing doesn’t reflect what’s on screen. Nevertheless, when they cast the pilot and planned out the series, they did so with Willa being billed higher than PB. PB didn’t simply sign on a year after Willa or anything. They both signed on at the same time and the network determined that Willa should be billed higher. When you translate that into how they negotiated the contracts, it just doesn’t seem likely they’d offer him 7 years and her only 6. **Edit: Every person who has ever shared any info on the show seems to be in accordance that renegotiations are ongoing.
  12. I’m not going to get into speculation about an actor’s personal issues.
  13. You can’t compare Jesse L Martin to PB. There are older actors like Victor Garber whose name recognition alone warrants that paycheck. PB didn’t have a higher name recognition than WH.
  14. In any other network, I would expect PB to be at par with WH. Considering this is the CW where the amount of older stars can practically be counted on 2 hands, I think it’s highly unlikely that PB would have gotten a better deal in any regard than WH. He’s always been the “and” at the end of the credits. ST’s name recognition was way higher than PB’s though. Marc’s interview with EW gave me the impression that at the end of season 4 Willa told them she wouldn’t be reneweing the contract. He mentioned they brought it up again post season 5 and she still had that mindset, so they knew this season would be her last. Willa came to them and told them she wanted to leave the show, but she was contracted for a certain amount of time so she had to film. They were very accommodating in cutting her episode count, but the way Marc speaks makes it feel like this was her last season all along.
  15. Holland was such a bigger name than Ramsey and PB when she was cast. I have trouble believing they would have given them a longer contract than her.
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