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Everything posted by pennben

  1. Or you can! Gonna have to review the tapes.
  2. I think if America wins veto, she’d be wise not to use it.
  3. These idiots are all pushing Bowie to do something when veto picks/noms haven’t happened! I want her inner lawyer to come out & take all this info in, digest it & figure out her best path forward. I truly don’t care what path she wants to take, but I want it to be what she decides, not these unserious people not in charge trying to get her to do what they are unwilling to. why in the world do I always end up rooting for underdogs unlikely to win. Sigh. FBJ? No, F’m BJ!
  4. I believe I read she has said she has alopecia, but I didn’t hear it directly, so cannot confirm.
  5. Regarding Bowie Jane: Absolutely no reason for her to do anything other than put/leave Fe/Cirie on block. They all want her to do “dirty” work for them. Want Cory out Cam? Could have done it this past week. Want Blue out Cory? Stop throwing comps or just get better at them. Want Cirie out? Now’s you time Let’s go Bowie, your HOH, take your shot or not. Earned right (or inadvertently won HOH)! Who cares! Play now!
  6. Jared did a decent interview on RHAP yesterday. Whether it’s just PR or whatever, I much prefer a HG purport to owning up to their actions & hope they grow rather than double down that they did no wrong and need to ‘look at the tapes’ (hi Monte from last season!).
  7. I would say Matt has best reads of what’s really happening in house amongst Cam/Cory/Jag & himself. Cory has lost the reads once he lost info flow from Izzy/Jared. America has better reads but he sometimes dismisses them. Sadly, likely not gonna matter as they can comp out & override their informational shortfalls & they’ll take out pawns while waiting to take big shots forgetting pawns can be important strategic pieces. who am I now rooting for? Team fun feeds, like most of them, don’t care for Cam, but he does have a way of shaking things up when he has power.
  8. BOLD prediction: Meme goes home Thursday.
  9. Apparently Felicia went off on Cory/America in veto speech. Just read that she asked Cam how bad she messed up her game & he responded “ what game?” Yikes!
  10. So, Team Fun Feeds may have a win for the week! Lots of sub-plotting prior to next HOH where I assume most will not want to throw it.
  11. I wake up & apparently the BD plan is off, though I won’t fully believe until after ceremony. Apparently Cam has decided to build trust with Matt/Jag. At this point, whew, too much is known by too many, he’s gonna be even more dead man walking as soon as word gets out, assuming they can ever beat him I guess entertainment for feeds this week will be Felicia & whether she blows!
  12. I’m beginning to believe the more folks agree with Cam’s move, the less likely he is to do it. Who knows!!!
  13. So, with veto show now on Tuesdays, is it possible veto ceremony will be today?
  14. I think Cory has been Cam’s ultimate target this week & it’s actually game-related. I think that’s why he was apparently furious that Felicia framed he should go after Cory for the relationship reason. I could be wrong as I don’t like to spend much time trying to get inside his head.
  15. I will give Cam this, he does not waste power when he has it (assuming he indeed back doors Cory). I guess there’s a certain level of freedom once you know you have to win out to get to the end.
  16. I still don’t trust that Cam is nominating M/F. I think he’ll want to blow the house up again. He is more well situated this go round, so who knows. ETA: Apparently he just told Felicia he didn’t want her in jury house. I think I believe now!
  17. For the record, I haven’t watched feeds since weekend, only read summaries. Here’s a crazy thought that’s entered my my mind. Every single person seems to be indicating to Cirie that she’s safe going forward assuming Jared’s gone. Rather than be a testimony to her ‘mist’, are we going to get a flashback the next time there are noms showing this was a concerted plan to lull her into safety? That would actually be brilliant if they pulled it off.
  18. I want a refund because, holy hell, I paid to see arguments like that between Cirie/Felicia/Jared that were blocked! And, I like them individually, but not Cory/America awkwardly making out while talking game.
  19. Here's what I'll say about rigging. Can BB do an all-winner's season under the current diversity rules? Is that their goal? Do I think it was rigged for Cirie to win? No. She can't win. For her son, yes. But he's a flop. So, once that flops, what do they do? Can Cirie win, still hard no, at least in my opinion. Jared is going to flop again when he gets back in. What now? Personally, I want to see Cirie be Cirie, because she's a player. Just rewatched knockout HOH, I think Matt called her up as it was his job but threw it to her. I think Cory called her up as it was his job, but, weirdly, I didn't catch it at the time, but unless stress caused Cirie to massively screw up, I think she threw it & I'm pretty sure Cory was never going to buzz in. So, my hope is Jared has to go, though I now have doubts, let players play, but for two Zombies it's a good cast. Have winner's season when it can occur, because casting has a mandated change & CBS doesn't deserve a winner's season until they course corrected based on years of lopsided casting. All this is to say I just want a fun endgame with decent people. We got a good result last year but had to simmer in toxicity for basically the whole season to get there. We are so close to having fun. Dammit, CBS, let us.
  20. Honestly, I’m really enjoying the season but for Cameron & Jared (also Luke). Izzy made everything a mess, wild swings each week over target. Hell, I even loved Cam’s move when HOH though I loath him as it led to everything blowing up. How often do we get the DE results we hope for & then production shuts it down. I think we were on the verge of a fun endgame with players I genuinely like. Hopefully we get back to that point relatively soon.
  21. ETA: These are responses to dizzyd questions. For Q1. Yes, but it was mostly joking between her & Cory they all should pack their bags based on his last HOH when he decided to shock them all with his noms. for Q2, I think we are still talking about kerfuffle of Matt having power to save Jag & who knew what, when. This is what happens when no one leaves for weeks. ETA2: I am not going to watch these idiots after alcohol delivery. Haven’t figured out if I’m happy or sad I have limited time to watch feeds this year. Ok. Was a lie, I’m happy but frustrated at times. See you when I see you….
  22. Leans heavily to Cam. He won comps between Jared & him these last few days to allow him to decide who plays for re-entry this week. Whoever plays, if they win, they in. If they lose, other person in. Of course, ‘rigging’, sigh, so who knows.
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