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Everything posted by GoldenGirl90

  1. Also, that he's living his best life! That comment made me giggle because it's mostly used by younger generations.
  2. Yeah, comparing Comey to a cross-dressing, racist homophobe who died while still holding his title as FBI Director so he COUDLN'T write a tell-all book is "ripping" him. This is no shade to cross-dressers but Meghan is ridiculous.
  3. That moment was golden. The valley-girl vocal fry made it all the more glorious. She really had no idea why they were laughing at her!
  4. Right. Just shut-up. Most people with half a brain know that these are hypothetical questions, hence the use of "what if," prior to asking the question.
  5. At this point, I'm starting to believe ABC is secretly trolling us all by keeping her on. They keep allowing her to embarrass herself.
  6. Meghan [asking a question on Comey's comments about Republicans]: I'm talking about your interview from this morning. James Comey: I brought it up because I was asked about it. Me: [laughs and claps along with the audience!] Is this what Meghan refers to as "filleting" Comey? Looks like everyone is laughing at her!
  7. Ladies and gents, she already ruined the interview. She accused James Comey of doing this all for publicity. She said James Edgar Hoover is probably rolling over in his grave right now. Joy apparently laughs, which the camera doesn't capture, because Meghan asks, "why are you laughing?" Whoopi interjects, also laughing, and says, "he's the wrong guy to bring up." Meghan says, "he didn't write a tell-all book when he left!" The audience also laughs. James Edgar Hoover was embroiled in his own controversies , so Whoopi is correct and I was laughing right along with both her and Joy. MEGHAN -- J. Edgar Hoover DIED while he was still an FBI Director. Meghan, once again, needs to brush up on her history and stop acting like she's the smartest one in the room by pulling names from the past out her ass. Joy was, presumably, going to make a joke, but Meghan, who has NO sense of humor, says angrily, "can I finish my question?" She blew this whole thing quicker than I expected.
  8. Who's ready for Meghan McCain to ruin the James Comey interview today? If she doesn't ruin it, I'll eat my words and apologize. And R.I.P Barbara Bush. She was a classy woman. Is Meghan wearing the same outfit she wore on Stephen Colbert's show?
  9. That scene was a bit weird to me, too. It was awesome seeing them together again. It was as if no time had passed; they were just older versions of their characters. This scene really brought back memories from older seasons of Roseanne. I agree. The kooky Jackie - one can only take in handfuls. The more stable Jackie is the one who deserves more screen time.
  10. Yeah, @blondiec0332 corrected me. Stormy was referring to not telling her husband about the threat she received while with her daughter, not the sexual encounter.
  11. You're right! She was talking about being threatened. I couldn't remember if Meghan was asking about the sex or the threat, thanks!
  12. I believe she said she will be on the show today and tomorrow but afterwards she'll be heading back to Arizona. She tried to say that Stormy Daniels appeared at Michael Cohen's court hearing for publicity and Michael Avenatti shut her down. He said that the judge granted him access to those documents because some of the documents confiscated directly relate to his client, Stormy Daniels, so they had every right to be there. Of course Meghan sat there lookin' stupid and saying nothing. All of her questions are an attempt to discredit Stormy and she's failing terribly. Meghan even asks Stormy if she ever thought about what this is doing to Trump's family. She just cannot RESIST bringing herself into this - "I'm from a political family too, and I'd have to be on medication if this happened to me." Gee, thanks for letting us know that useless piece of information. Anyway, Joy reminds Meghan that the list is long; it's not JUST Stormy, who tells Meghan that she's thought about all of this but it's between Trump and his family. They had a consensual sexual encounter and for Meghan to ask Stormy what she may be doing to Trump's family by airing all of this publicly is wrong. It takes two to tango and the responsibility doesn't lie solely on Stormy. Maybe Meghan didn't mean it that way but why even ask the question? The answer: to be a bitch.
  13. Estelle Parsons looks amazing! I can't believe she's 90.
  14. Did anyone catch Meghan looking directly into the camera when she said, "I know what a leak is, trust me" ? I swear this girl is talking to her friends or something. It's as if she tells her friends, husband, whomever, "hey, watch how I say xyz to [insert co-host]!" It's bizarre.
  15. I'm still chuckling at her moronic comment about how she'll be "filleting" him. I'm sure James Comey, a Marine veteran and former FBI Director, is shaking in his boots. Don't forget the sip out of her cup and a glance towards the camera. Oh, and possibly an uncomfortable shift in her chair.
  16. The information James Comey disseminated was contained in his own, personal notes on his meetings with Trump. Those notes belonged to Comey, and he had every right to share his personal recollections in any way he saw fit. He violated no law and committed no ethical violation in doing it. 'Leaking' implies the information was not authorized for public dissemination and that the person giving it out had no authority to do so. That is NOT the case with James Comey. Calling what he did a 'leak' is nothing but a Trump talking point. I wish, when Meghan interrupted Sunny to say that she knows what a leak is, Sunny would've asked her, "okay bitch, what's the definition?" And proceeded to correct her. Instead, Sunny decides to be classy. Ugh, lol.
  17. She was basically saying that people in this country are yelling “racism” when it’s not, which again, I’m trying to figure out how who put Miss White Priveleged Meghan in charge of saying what’s real racism and what’s not? She later apologized and said she isn’t trying to take away from anyone’s personal experience AFTER Whoopi made her look like an idiot.
  18. Who the hell is Meghan to say what's "real" racism? I'm so glad Whoopi shut her down. I'm glad Whoopi said, "we're not all going to filet you [James Comey], we just have some questions."
  19. Anytime she's on any other show, especially if she's surrounded by real political pundits, she's much more subdued. Yup and I hate it. I guess they saw their spike in ratings and think it's because of Meghan. I remember Jed also made the rounds before her time on The View came to an end so we can all only hope that history repeats itself. The comments are hilarious.
  20. I agree. The Kardashian segments always seem misplaced and forced upon us viewers in my opinion. Like, they feel they have to include something about them. I’m sure many Kardashian fans watch this show but it’s so annoying. Perhaps I’m biased because I can give two shits about that family yet many others watch their every move.
  21. I like it, as I stated above lol. In fact, I remember a segment they did long ago where they read tweets from fans that criticized them and the one Sunny read criticized her for bringing up the fact that she’s a former prosecutor. It was never and will never be a problem to me. How many people can say that they were once a prosecutor? In my mind, that means they know and understand the law and can break things down for us non-lawyer minded people so that we can better understand it all.
  22. Same here. I wish THIS version of Sunny were present all the time, not the coy one we typically see. I’ve read elsewhere that people are annoyed at how many times she mentions that she’s a former prosecutor but I like it, lol. It’s important to let it be known that she knows wtf she’s talking about since some people at the table are clearly less educated on certain matters. ?
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