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Posts posted by Katie111

  1. I think Binh and Morgan could have used about 10 more hours of therapy.  Dr Pepper was unfairly way too hard on Binh and not even remotely hard enough on Morgan.  I think she knows they are doomed so why bother wasting her time.  Binh needs to go find himself a nice quiet smart Asian woman. 

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  2. Why are Stacia and Nate wearing matching outfits with Dr Pepper?

    Morgan is a bitch.  She makes drama out of everything.  She’s wondering why Binh was going to Justin? Maybe because he’s terrified of her and all she does is talk over him when he tries to say anything.  She is a bully who likes to act as the victim. 

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  3. Who wears a giant trench coat to a theme park?  That was so ODD!  And underneath she was wearing a long skirt or dress. The stylists this season have been HORRIBLE.  

    These women know nothing about these men.  The only thing they say is “family is really important to them” and that’s why we have this great connection.   That and they had an “instant connection”.  

    I do like Gabby and Erich together.  He seems like a nice guy. 

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  4. On 8/10/2022 at 7:30 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

    I was remiss in not mentioning how freakin' adorable Bilal's kids are. Their interactions (and her singing the prayer Shae walked down the aisle to) were just too cute.

    They must get their personalities from their mother because Bilal has zero sense of humor and is zero fun.  The son dancing at the wedding was so cute.  And I love that he fell asleep.  

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  5. Why does Mitch have to tell Krysten that he’s not attracted to her?  It’s not a lie if you don’t tell her,  just give it some time and see what happens.  Then 2 hours later he’s making out and humping her.  She has a great body and a pretty face.  He is skinny and has the mouth of a 70 year old.  I would love to hear what his “type” is as I can’t imagine what it would be.   I wish she had been matched with anyone but him because she seems like someone who is all in on the process and Mitch is a dick. 

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  6. Ari’s dress was awful as was her hair.  Both looked like they were from the 80’s.  Her hair was a mess.   Not sure how her parents can be happy about this but I guess they just want to pass her off to someone by now. 

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  7. Maybe I’m in the minority but I actually like the couples this year.  They actually seem fun and at least made it to the beginning of the honeymoon without any drama.   I actually find myself smiling and even chuckling occasionally while watching.  At least they all seem to be open to the process and are giving their new spouses a chance. 

    Miguel’s sister had such a distinct voice or accent.  Was it real or some sort of fake accent she put on?  She was so strange.  Lindy’s brother is equally strange, I don’t think these families are going to be having Christmas together if this marriage lasts.  Most people with a doctorate have a ton of student debt, I don’t think that’s anything Lindy should be ashamed of.  But she does seem to be one of those people who like to go to school indefinitely but don’t actually like to work. 

    I was glad the last woman was attracted to Binh.  I think she talked too much at the ceremony but she seems genuine. 

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  8. Are the “little girls” all homeschooled?  If so, by who?  The crazy religious sister who works full time?   Clearly Kim isn’t doing it.  She should learn from her mistakes and get the remaining kids in school if they’re not already. 

    I think Eathan blames Kim for him marrying Olivia.  I think he loves Olivia but realizes he settled too young.  Also blames her as he has no real education and he will probably only be employable as a mechanic or a reality TV star. 

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  9. I think Antifa and Micah make an odd couple.  She’s cute and seems fun but her voice sounds like a man.  

    How does Micah afford to fly across country twice a month but he has nowhere to live?  How long can he couch surf for?  

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  10. I wonder if Gabby could have asked for extra roses?  Does Gabby now have 3 more men than Rachel?  I don’t get the whole “power” thing.  Isn’t it supposed to be mutual?  You want them to be there for the “right reasons” but wouldn’t taking a rose from Rachel when you like Gabby mean they are there for the “wrong reasons”?  If I were Gabby I may have given my rose to one of the men that rejected Rachel because it doesn’t seem like they are just trying to stay in the house for Instagram followers.  Who was that last guy that Gabby gave her rose to anyways? I don’t recall ever seeing him before.  

    I also don’t get why they had to separate the guys.  They seem to find it offensive if the guys like both of them but they also find it offensive if the guys like only one of them.  Some of these guys have only had one or two conversations with them, maybe they truly haven’t made up their minds. 

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  11. Rachel just comes across very fake to me.  Like every word she says is planned.  It’s not that I think she’s fake in real life, I just think she has no spontanaity with the cameras around.  She sounds like a teacher in front of her class.  

    I agree that the red dress was not flattering on her at all, nor was the cocktail party dress with the cutout in the back.  And why do these parties seem so short?  There are two of them, each guy should at least be able to talk to one of them in the time allowed.  How much time does this “drama” take up?  Or is it that they have to re-film it multiple times so it takes up half the night. 

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  12. Rachel just wants to be kissed.  Anyone who kisses her gets a rose.  Anyone that tries to talk to them, they look bored.  Doesn’t getting to know someone generally involve a certain amount of small talk?  They just seem to want to have “banter” and make out.  

    This week seemed like a waste.  Why only 6 guys on the group date and 2 one on ones?  There are 2 bachelorettes, why not have either have one big group date or 2 groups dates where each girl goes out with 10-12 guys.  The one on one dates could be edited down to about 5 minutes, they are so boring, and the each easily could have had 2 each this week.  

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  13. Why are O and Katina living in an apartment? He had his own house.  And then at the end he mentions getting a house someday with a white picket fence.  Wonder if that house was actually a rental.  

    Noi is awful.  She has resting bitch face at all times.  I have no idea what Steve sees in her. Alyssa had more joy at the reunion weekend than Noi did.  I don’t think the other girls like her either.  She seems like such a drag.  And just stop with the stupid 3 kid conversation. 

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  14. Why is Delilah in France (in real life).  I know there was an issue with the actress being from Canada and Covid but why did she move there permanently?  Actually I’m happy about it as I couldn’t stand her but just curious.  

    “I’m so excited about ice cream before dinner!”.   Theo literally sounded like he was about 6 years old. Sorry but  most 12 year olds would not be happy about spending the day with their elderly grandmother. 

    51 minutes ago, Katie111 said:


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  15. Why was Anna telling Sophie that they were going to the Cape but weren’t going to leave the room?  Ewwwwww!!!  First of all Sophie is 19.  Why would she ever want to hear that?  Secondly, her husband was Sophie’s abuser.  I’m sorry but I would be pretty pissed at Eddie for dating my abuser’s ex-wife.  Talk about a reminder.  Not to mention that he is your half-sister’s baby daddy.  (Because he had an affair with your mom at the same time your dad killed himself).   I think Anna is moving even quicker than Katherine and she has a lot more to sort out than Katherine does. 

    I think Sophie needs some new friends.  Maybe ones she doesn’t meet through her parents or her abuser. 

    • Love 2
  16. Anyone think they’re setting us up for a spin-off with this new family?    Otherwise, I don’t think they added much to the story tonight.  

    Otherwise I thought it was a great episode.  Besides maybe the ridiculous notion that Kate now has an “international curriculum”.  

    • LOL 9
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  17. I missed the beginning.  Is Sophie’s husband not at the wedding?  Are they divorced? 

    Why are there way less people at the wedding than at the hage engagement party?


    Randall’s speech was so depressing.  What did it have to do with a wedding?  Still not seeing any chemistry between Kate and Mean jerk. 

    • Love 23
  18. 20 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

    I mean, would Phillip really be attracted to Kate?  And if she maintained that weight into her 60’s (I’m assuming that was their ages in the flash forward with Jack as an adult) I would think she would be a severe diabetic on dialysis and/or heart issues.  

    I know it’s not just about the way Kate looks but her personality.  Maybe she became a much happier person with Phillip but people usually don’t change. 

    This is what makes no sense to me.    Toby and Kate made sense because they were both overweight.  Kate is morbidly obese.  That is definitely a “type”.  There are men who are attracted to that “type” but there is no indication that morbidly obese has ever been Phillip’s “type”.    Maybe Kevin will surprise us all and find a 400 pound woman to marry as he is so enamored of his sister. 

    And Kate is miserable while her marriage is unraveling.  So what would he see in her personality that would make him overlook her physical attributes? Or does him being married to a blind woman show that he’s willing to be with someone with a disability?  And Kate is also infertile which was an issue in his first marriage.  If he wanted kids, wouldn’t he be looking for a younger wife that could give him them?  I know Kate has kids but many people want kids of thsit own. 

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  19. Was this Hollywood week super short?  Don’t they usually do the thing where they put everyone into 3 conference rooms and then they tell one room they are going home?  It seemed like either they started with a much smaller group than usual or they were making some pretty hefty cuts in each round.    The platinum ticket holders never even sang alone till the final round. 

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  20. 7 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Same here. Seems she gets upset about a lot of things. 

    I think it started with laundry, I think he shrunk some of her clothes.  She’s also pissed because he created the white board and now isn’t following through with it. 

    Noi’s brother is even more annoying than she is! 

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