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Posts posted by Katie111

  1. Could they not tell the girls to wear jeans or at least some sort of pants before the bowling date?  Some of them had on panty hose!

    I like both Peiper and Bree but I feel like they could almost be the same person.  I also like non-Asian Serena.  They all seem too good for Matt though.  

    Anyone else get grossed out by how he puts his super long fingers on every single girl’s thigh when he talks to them?  Ewwwwe!!

    • Love 10
  2. I agree, Kit just looks SO young.  She doesn’t even look 21.  I think I read she is a senior at NYU.  She would be an easy pick if he’s not really into anyone else.  They live in the same city and she could get him lots of attention if that’s what he’s looking for.  Then he could easily break it off, just by saying she was too young and not ready for marriage.   Wonder how her mom feels about her being on this show.  Esp with an unemployed bachelor as the lead.   I do think she’s cute and sweet.   Her hair is not great though, esp for a millionaire.  

    • Love 6
  3. How come everything on this show just happens to occur in PA or CA?  Its not as though we're talking about NH and Maine where people go back and forth on a daily basis.  Kate's ex-boyfrind from Pittsburgh just happens to live just down the road in CA?  That was honestly one of the stupidest coincidences and scenes that I have ever seen on this show.  Although I guess typical for one of the bog 3  making a big dramatic speech about nothing.    And Randall's mother just happened to get sent to CA for prison?  I can't remember but where was Nicky living when Kevin found him?  I'm guessing PA as well?  And where do Rebecca & Miguel live now?  Is it CA or PA?  I think they are living in CA but are both from PA so why/how did they end up there?   Its all just so silly.  I'm sure Randall will be on a plane shortly to see Kevin's babies although many families wait a few months or even a year or two before seeing nieces/nephews on the other side of the country, esp in a pandemic!

    • Love 8
  4. I actually found Victoria funny in this episode, at least in the first half.  Then she did become a bit of a bully to Sarah.  But the girls seemed like they were getting along with her and she had a few humorous comments in an otherwise very boring show.  I thought the group "erotic" date was pretty cheesey but the girls actually seemed to be having fun versus when they are all usually sitting around just pouting.  The requisite "cocktail parties" always look SO boring.  They sit around freezing in their dresses waiting for their turn to get sloppy seconds or third makeouts from the lead.   That to me is way more gross than the erotic chapter writing.   And how long are these parties?  It seems he only spends 10-15 minutes with each girl max.  There were about 10 girls so that would only be 2.5 hours.  And yet he had no time to talk to half of them just because Sarah showed up for a few minutes.  Again, it didn't seem like she was there for that long.   Seems like it would be more fun if the lead sat around with all of them for awhile and they all just chatted.  I don't know, maybe just have some FUN, vs all these depressing conversations that go nowhere. 

    I think Katie is fun and actually a caring person.  She at least has some personality.  I think Serena is beautiful but she already seems too mature for Matt despite only being 22.   Matt is just BLAND.  Seems like he hasn't dated since high school, probably just random hookups since then.  His super long fingers actually scare me.  He just literally has nothing to say.  And making out with Sarah right before his date with Serena was just gross.  And walking Sarah our while Katie was waiting for her time with him was also gross.  If I was Katie, I would have just left the show then and there. 

    After Tayshia's season I thought we might start seeing some real conversations between contestants but clearly that is not the case here.   Matt just has nothing to say.   I think what I liked about Zac was that at least he had lived.   He came across as sincere because he actually had life experiences.  This season is like watching a sorority house full of 21 year olds fight over the dumb football quarterback.  And not even at a D1 school.


    • Love 11
  5. All of these leads want their dates to share everything about themselves but they never react correctly.  Instead of asking more details about her father he starts talking about himself and his faith.  

    And I agree, why can they ONLY talk about family?  Can they ever talk about their jobs, their friends, hobbies, what they do ON weekends, college, roommates, where they live, where they went to college, etc?   Those things have a lot more to do with compatibility than whether or not you both get along with your dad or your brother is a drug addict.  I feel like we knew Hannah B went to Alabama and Bennett went to Harvard but beyond that they never mention college which is such a transformative time in a 20 something’s life. 

    • Love 14
  6. I  actually really liked Bree.  I thought she seemed really well spoken and well put together, esp for someone who was born to a 13 year old mother.    I also liked that they don’t have “perfect” families like most people on this show try to portray.  

    I think MJ is really beautiful, esp when she had her hair up after the paint war.  

    OMG....he so did not want to kiss Victoria and he actually ended their time before someone else even interrupted them. 

    • Love 23
  7. 59 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

    Did JoJo get a new face? 

    That just made me spit out my drink!   LOL!!  She does look totally different.  Definitely new teeth? Botox? Lip injections?  Who knows what else. 

    • Love 3
  8. How do these women have no idea where they are moving?  Between on-line maps, Google Earth, FaceTime, Zillow, etc, they should be able to know exactly what they are getting themselves into.  If they want a guy that lives in a city, then why would they date and agree to marry someone who is a farmer?  Do they really believe that everyone in America is rich?  

    • Love 24
  9. I think one thing she likes about Zac is that he lives in (or near) NYC.  And she has apparently said in the past that she has thought about moving to NYC.  Seems like a nice convenient choice because even if it doesn’t work out, she can still work on her “life and style” career from there.   Any idea where she lives now?  

    • Love 3
  10. Does she have a stylist at all?  Her outfits are awful.  On the rare occasion she wear a bra, the straps are always hanging out.  She looks like she ran through H & M on a wild shopping spree before she arrived.  Everything she wears just looks cheaply made and ill-fitting.  And her heels just look silly when they are stuck in this cobblestone resort the whole time. 

    • LOL 4
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  11. I found the whole order fo this episode confusing.  I wish they would go back to just having the rise ceremony at the end of every episode.  Some guys we didn’t see barely  at all and some guys seem to have 2 dates in a row (with a rose ceremony in the middle).   And there was no one in one date at all.  Clearly they are struggling with coming up with dates within the confines of the resort.  I don’t understand why they say it’s so hot but then no in was ever in the pool besides the pool party date.  The resort comes across as rather tired looking, I’m surprised they couldn’t find a nicer resort to host them.

    I think they guys this season are awesome.  For one thing, almost all of them have ACTUAL jobs.  Not “account executive” or “marketing specialist” but actual real jobs many that you need a degree for, such as Ivan, Bennett, Noah, and Joe  and that they will probably return to after the show.  I also like that the guys all seem to really get along and support each other (besides Ed & Chassen). 

    I like Brandon a lot, he just seems so down to earth.   I just hope they have more in common than both being divorced. He reminds me of grocery Joe.  I also like Zach.  He seems very chill but intense at the same time.  Joe and Eazy seem like awesome guys.  I like the boy band guy too and I would think she would be attracted to him being in entertainment as she is in the “life & style space” for her job (whatever that means).  On the fence about Ben.  She has no chemistry with Blake.  Bennett is fun to have around.  I don’t think he takes himself too seriously, otherwise the other guys would not like him as much as they seem to.  Jordan seems lame.  Ivan & Demar both seem nice but feel like we haven’t seen enough of either of them yet. 



    • Love 7
  12. Agreed.  Bri definitely needs a makeover.  They seem like a nice couple but just a bit boring, esp for TV.   They sounded great tonight.  

    I don’t get Rudi and Matt leaving at all.  Chris & Bri didn’t use the fantasy suite so it wasn’t like they were going to force them to do anything.  Also, they already spent the night together in the motel on the way to Vegas so what was the big deal?  At a minimum, they seemed to have a good friendship so they could have just faked it until they won.  Think it was definitely producer driven.  They wanted someone to “win” that at least had a chance of staying together.  

    I think Trevor is a phoney.  My guess is they don’t last long if they are even still together now.  She Seems like a nice girl but is just way too young and immature.  

    • Love 4
  13. Julia reminds me of the mother on Modern Family.  Bri reminds me of Maria Shriver.  

    Becca and Danny had no connection, no wonder they got no air time before this episode.  I didn’t even recognize her when they first showed her.   Rubi is a little nuts but is a really great singer.  Natasha really surprised me with her singing but she needs to tone down her fake look.  Ryan  & Chris are also really good.  Bri was really good but Jamie  was way too nervous.  

    Do they not have any stylists or production assistants for this  show?  Jamie was wearing a white bra with a pink dress.  Does she not own a strapless bra?  And her tag was out when she was accepting her rose.  

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  14. So bad!

    Friends don’t show up At the hospital when someone is having a baby.  They especially don’t show up When there is adoption involved.  Do they have any compassion at all for Eve who is giving up her child?  Maybe she doesn’t want to see the whole “gang” there.  And then on top of it Gary & Delilah both bring their “significant others” that they’ve been dating all of one week.  

    Hilarious when the new boy toy says he likes Delilah because she takes care of everyone.  Her teens have been taking care of her baby all day so she can flirt with him.  And how the hell does she explain the wedding to him?  “I’m going to a wedding for the guy I had an affair with and is the father of my baby?”.   Who exactly does she take care of?  Besides herself? 

    The lake story was totally random and makes no sense. 

    Thank God Gary said bye to Maggie.  Let’s hope she doesn’t come back.  

    Why can’t Rome and Gina just have a baby on their own?  Tons of people want to adopt a a baby, not like they are saving a child that otherwise won’t be adopted. 

    Only surprise was the ending but even that was dumb, just looking for a cliffhanger.

    • Love 13
  15. Already off to a stupid start.  Moving the wedding to the hospital?  Inviting the woman your husband had an affair with to the ceremony?  Katherine’s random school mom friend is suddenly part of the inner circle and is invited to the wedding that is only supposed to be for their closest friends.  

    • Love 14
  16. I hated how none of them went after Peter.  We’re they told by producers to dawn over him?  Clearly even they know he was the worst bachelor ever.  Why not call him out on how many rose ceremonies he cancelled?  And why he never wanted to spend the time to get to know them?  He was always either too “distraught” to finish a group date or he “knew what he wanted to do” so he would cancel the rose ceremony.   And he made out with more of them than any bachelor in history.  I would have been calling him out on that as well, it was so gross.  Also, his constant running to the girls after he heard a rumor about them and telling exactly who had said what.  Ridiculous.  

    And I agree, they should have called Victoria P out on her blatant lying.  I wish they brought her and Alayah up on the couch together to sort it out.   And why not ask Victoria F what her family thought about not meeting Peter?   Or the fact that Peter clearly slept with her in the fantasy suite and then dumped her the next day. I liked Savannah last night as she called out a lot of the girls but wasn’t nasty about it.  I could never figure out why she got no airtime with Peter. 

    • Love 19
  17. 36 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    PJ has disappeared from the show and from Rome’s life apparently. And Rome,  Regina and the others don’t even mention him. 

    This is so typical for this show.  They just introduce characters and then abruptly end their storyline.   I thought he was John’s kid?  Wasn’t that what the DNA test came back as?  I just have fallen asleep during an episode.  Did he ever get the $$?  

    Garry working in the restaurant was just so stupid.   And Maggie meeting her date there?  With all of her exes friends there?   Get a life Maggie! 

    And I’m wondering if maybe they won’t want a mixed race baby if Regina had so many issues growing up as a mixed race person.   Also, don’t understand why they want to adopt.  Tons of people that can’t have babies wait years to get a baby.  What are they accomplishing by adopting if they can have their own baby?  I can see trying to “save the world“ by adopting an older child but what benefit are they providing by adopting a baby? 

    Did Delilah really want to want to walk into Sophie and her boyfriend having sex?   Ewwww! 

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