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Posts posted by Katie111

  1. Did anyone else find it weird that Gary slept with the kids on the couch?  I know that "we" know he is a good guy, but if my son had a sleepover and the mom's male friend slept on the couch with my son I would probably be calling protective services.   It's not even an uncle (which would also be weird), it's just a random family friend.   Also, do Elliot's parents know he's gay?  I can't imagine both sets of parents would be okay with the sleepover.

    Totally agree with the restaurant running itself.   It was a Saturday and yet neither Delilah nor the head chef/owner had to be there?  

    Theo just drives me nuts.  He is such a spoiled brat.   Yes, what his father did was terrible, but even before he knew any of that, they just completely do anything & everything for him.   Like the food fight scene last week, anything to make Theo happy.   I guess it could be a fairly accurate portrayal of an only child, but I've never been one or had one so it just drives me crazy.  

    And Delilah....wow, she just thinks she is the best thing ever.   Hate that Sophie just forgave her.  But this show seems to like to introduce big topics and then wraps them up in an episode or two with little explanation.  Or they introduce a big storyline, i.e. the brother dying, guy gets his heart and then just have the whole storyline just disappear into the sunset as if it never happened.  



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  2. I think Derek is a nerd and Katie is really turned off by that.  It was okay on the honeymoon but now that they are home she is probably hearing more about his (boring) job and all his scientific stuff and she could care less.  She enjoyed him when they could just talk about the sunsets or where they should have dinner but seeing him in his real life has been a complete turnoff for her.  She thinks she should be with someone who is much cooler, like she thinks she is.   Her mother was basically telling her that she wasn't going to do better than Derek and she came back with a STFU by mentioning her mother only got married because she was pregnant.  What a bitch.  It's fine to be a confident woman but she acts like she is God's gift to the male population.  Derek is a nice guy but I am also not attracted to his nerdiness so I guess I somewhat see where she is coming from.  

    I don't like Zach at all.  But there have been guys that I have met that I would not be able to move in with.  Even though look wise we were on the same level and we had things in common, there are many men that I am just not attracted to.  I might find their voice grating, or they're way too hairy, or I find their sense of humor totally incompatible from mine and the thought of living with them would just completely make me want to run away.  Sometimes you are just not attracted to someone.   How many people have set up mutual friends on blind dates because you thought they would be perfect for each other but they just don't like each other?  Attractiveness can sometimes grow but often it is an intangible that you just can't describe.  

    Is it just me, or is there much less interaction with the experts this season?  Haven't they only had one session with Pastor Cal and no sessions with either of the other two?  This is usually one of my favorite parts of the show.  




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  3. Wow!  These people sure get a lot done before high school starts.  My kids can barely make the bus, never mind going across town to go to work before school.  And what time was Delilah visiting her dad?  5am?   She managed to do that and make it to the restaurant before Sophie needed to be to school?  And all in Boston morning traffic? 

    And does Gary have a job?   Weekday and 3 men are all not working? 

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  4. Anyone notice they focused on Mindy putting soap in the shower?  They are really focused on her showering habits!  

    I liked Meka and Michael more this episode.  I think they may have a chance.  Sometimes the couples with the slow start are the ones that last.  She needs to move on though from the airplane conversation.  Just agree to disagree and move on.

    Brandon is just horrible. I agree he is on drugs or is an alcoholic.   I wanted to punch him when he walked in with the flowers.  I wish she had thrown them at him.  He thinks he is so smooth but he is just awkward and awful.  

    Derek has really backed off since the honeymoon.   It’s like when people have an awesome 2nd date and then it just fizzles on the 3rd date when they really start getting to know each other.  He is coming across really dorky to me now and I think she feels the same.  And she just thinks she is way hotter than she actually is.  She’s not unattractive, but she’s just very average in personality and looks.  

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  5. The writing on this show is just so sloppy.  I wish they would steal a writer or two from "This is Us" and see how to really write a drama.  Everything that happens on that show has a purpose and this show just seems to introduce characters and plotlines that just don't go anywhere.  What was the point of the whole AJ storyline?  And the storyline with the assistant?  And Delilah being broke but then all of a sudden she wasn't broke?   And what do all these people even have in common besides hockey and a dislike for their mothers?   Maggie needs to find her own friend group and move on from her ex's friends.  How do either of them get over their relationship if they are always at the same kids birthday parties or meeting at the restaurant.  I would be pissed if I were Gary and she kept showing up.

    And Katherine needs to find new friends for herself and Eddie.  Yes, he needs a relationship with Delilah because they are co-parenting but that doesn't mean they all have to have to hang out as "friends".  

    The only somewhat realistic character at this point is Sophie.  I actually liked how she got drunk with her friend.  It was one of the few realistic portrayals of a teen acting out I've seen on network TV.  

  6. Wonder who he slept with 6 days prior in the previews?  Maybe he slept with someone on hometowns?   Otherwise aren’t the fantasy suites and the proposal usually only a day apart?  And if he did sleep with someone, it doesn’t seem like there is any chance Madison would stick around.  

    2 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

    I believe that Peter became more interested in Victoria after he found out that she used to date the Country singer.  She must really be special if she dated someone of that caliber.  Plus, the fact that she gives him a hard time, makes her a challenge.  I've been told that men like challenges.   

    In his mind, it also makes her more marketable.  Which I am sure makes him think that he’ll be more marketable if he picks her.  They have shown him (terribly) dancing on every date so they are definitely prepping him to be on DWTS.   And having someone by his side sho dated someone “famous” might help with the votes.  

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  7. 5 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

    Why is getting his bandaid off the first thing he feels the need to tell them?!

    Because he literally has nothing else to say.   He is just so bland.  I didn’t mind him on Hannah’s season but he just has nothing to say on here except “tell me more how much you like me”.  

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  8. 1 minute ago, JenE4 said:

    Wait, I thought Kelsey was the one with no parents and ate half a baked potato. But her mom is baking cookies for hometown.  I was letting Kelsey off the hook for her hysterics based on her tragic childhood. Who was the baked potato contestant?  I can’t keep these people straight.

    That was the blonde Victoria.  Who somehow still managed to be “Miss Oklahoma” or something.  Not sure how you do that when you have no money.  

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  9. I think he threw out the “I’m falling in love with you” just to cover up his crappy answer about his faith.  As usual, he barely had anything to say.  Seems like he was raised somewhat Christian but doesn’t say anything about whether he ever went to church, does he currently go to church etc?  And what delusion is he?  Christianity can mean a lot of different things. And she doesn’t push him on it at all either?   If it’s that important to her, why wouldn’t she ask more questions.  

    Why string Natalie along for so long when he had other women her was somewhat interested in and was torn about sending home?   Why keep her longer than Sydney who he practically did the deed with in Costa Rica?  Makes no sense. 

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  10. Did anyone catch when Zach said something about he likes women to wear nice clothing?  I forget exactly when he said it but I'm sure it was referring to Mindy's plane attire.  If she wants to make a go of this she needs to stop talking all the time and do something about it.  He wanted to go out for drinks that night and instead she makes him sit on a crab infested blanket and talk more about how he is not attracted to her.  Pretty sure she announced at the wedding from the altar that he was really handsome, so I don't think he is questioning whether or not she is physically attracted to him.  What she did there was give him the upper hand which she never should have done.  She should have come across as confident and maybe a little hard to get and perhaps he would have eventually found her attractive even though she is clearly not his type.  But at least put you best foot forward Mindy.  Shower before bed, wear something cute.  You can dress very casually in the airport but you can still look well put together.  Wear some cute leggings vs sweatpants that you borrowed from your grandmother.

    I think the experts were very cruel to put Mindy with Zach.  Zach probably came in saying he has a "type" and he needs something different in order to make a commitment.  But guys like him don't really mean that.  They just want arm candy.  And Mindy is not his arm candy.  Mindy needs a nice guy with looks that are similar to hers.  I could actually see her with someone who is several years older than her.  I think she has a certain class about her that comes probably from figure skating and ballet.  Yes she is athletic, but not in the way Zach wants.  

    Also, why not send them on an athletic date, like ziplining or waterfall rapelling?  Something that is actually fun and could show their adventurous sides. 

    Did Michael and Meka even get to do an activity?  They need to do something besides sitting around and talking all day which is clearly not working for them.  And Brandon is an ass.   I would not be forgiving him anytime soon.  He is playing for the cameras as much as Zach is which is why he is pissed she filmed him when he wasn't ready for it.  She is such a sweet girl and this guy is an immature clown.


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  11. 7 minutes ago, leighdear said:

    Here's Natasha's website if anybody doubts she's a TV pro and just there for the exposure. 


    At least she haS an actual job unlike most of these ladies.  I don’t think she’s the one for Peter, I just find her amusing. 

    Peter is a complete idiot if she keeps Victoria.  She thinks her sob story is going to keep her there which it probably will. 

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  12. I like Natasha.  She actually seems to have a personality unlike most of these girls.  Victoria should be the one that doesn’t get to go to the party since she didn’t even play.  How did she hurt her back?  Was it on the astronaut date?  Of course she bows out of playing and Peter just showers her with attention.  

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  13. Did anyone like any of the wedding dresses?  I thought they all looked so cheap, like something they grabbed off the sale rack at Davis’s bridal.  Do they pick out their own dresses or does a stylist from the show select them?  The 2 piece one was just ridiculous.  I thought the only somewhat pretty one was the girl who was complaining that it was too big.  Also agree that the hairdos were very plain.  

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  14. How is it that in the millions of people that live in the US (and even a few they get from Canada) they find 2 people that know each other and 1 person that has met (and probably hooked up with) Peter before?   It just makes no sense to me.   And lots of them seem to already know people who were on previous seasons, this always seems to come out on Bachelor in Paradise.  

    And what is with all the beauty queens?  I kind of liked Victoria but once I heard she was Miss Louisiana, I just lost interest.  Aren’t pageants expensive?  How does someone who is splitting a potato with her sister afford all those dresses, coaching, makeup, etc?   And she said her & Alayah has only ever met for about 3 hours.  Alayah said they were “good friends”.  Big difference there. 


    And the dates this year are just so boring.  And cheap.  Where’s the bungee jumping or scaling a building?  Oh wait, Peter would probably cry if had to do that. 

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